Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately

3 women say bill Clinton raped them....a dozen say he sexually assault d them......now you guys bring these women forward 28 days before the sexual predators wife is running for President...yeah...right....
bad people
Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

why wouldn't you believe the woman when what she describes is exactly what dumb donald said he did with impunity?

Because she made no claims til after the tape came out
Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

why wouldn't you believe the woman when what she describes is exactly what dumb donald said he did with impunity?

Because she made no claims til after the tape came out

that's a lie. she told people contemporaneously. he said what he does to women. you don't believe what he says either?

Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

The interesting thing about Jessica Leeds is that she has the same phone number as Clinton Foundation (212) 348-7159.


Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

why wouldn't you believe the woman when what she describes is exactly what dumb donald said he did with impunity?

Because she made no claims til after the tape came out

I was just telling my son that the timing of these revelations were decidedly convenient for the Democrats. Not only that, you will notice, it certainly gives the MSM a good story to focus on instead of covering a story of real substance. . . . like say, all these Wikileaks releases of actual provable wrong doings by a hypocritical candidate like, say Hillary. smh.

Americans are so easily manipulated.
Totally surprised by my grandson when he said he didn't think he could vote for either candidate for his first time vote.

parents are hard core democrats, and I figured they had him brainwashed

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