Woman denied prescription to end pregnancy............

The doctor fully examined the case and made a recommendation for treatment....the pharmacist is a pill pusher and knows nothing about the case
Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
There is much too much of these pharmacists trying to dominate other people's lives these days
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
I would think he should help her find a pharmacist to accommodate her.
Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
There is much too much of these pharmacists trying to dominate other people's lives these days
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
If we are to believe the premis that she was carrying a dead baby then I fail to understand the doctor’s prescription. The dead body inside her would be poisoning her. Seems to me this would be an emergency abortion or maybe even surgery. There should have been no need to put her or rhe pharmiscist at odds.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
Again, how do you know that? This is a CNN STORY (and I do mean "story")
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
Wrong. Baby was alive.

Shall I teach you what happens when a child dies in the womb?
The pharmacist was doing harm to the woman.

Parents who for religious reason withhold medical care for children are doing harm.

Those types of people should be hung in the public square.


So if you were in the pharmacy at the time you'd have handed her a thousand bucks to hire a lawyer but wouldn't slip her a 20 to take a cab to another pharmacy.

Amazing how a 12-year old liberal mind works.

But not to worry....where would a sub-teen get even a twenty let along a grand?

Oh, ask the SPED teacher to explain in words of two or fewer syllables, the difference between "hung" and "hanged"

Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!
There was harm to the woman by the pharmacist...and the trumpanzees here cheer him on. It was never about supporting women.....it's always been about controlling women.
The woman is ending her pregnancy, not the pharmacist; the woman alone is responsible, the pharmacist has ‘violated’ no religious dogma.
Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!
There was harm to the woman by the pharmacist...and the trumpanzees here cheer him on. It was never about supporting women.....it's always been about controlling women.
That's what I keep telling my bartender.
Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
There is much too much of these pharmacists trying to dominate other people's lives these days
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.

This makes no sense whatsoever. Waiting around just increases stress. The government should not be involved in this.
Again, I don't know the full details but it seems curious that a physician was prescribing a drug to induce termination when the regular procedure for a miscarriage is a D&C to remove any fetal tissue that could complicate a future pregnancy.

Miscarriages are common so there must be something happening here that isn't being reported that caused the pharmacist be unwilling to prescribe a medication. We might never know the facts of the case and some of us will make snap judgements based on our belief system.
They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
Again, how do you know that? This is a CNN STORY (and I do mean "story")

The baby/fetus was described as undeveloped and with no heartbeat. Here's a couple of non-CNN links:

Peoria woman says pharmacist denied her prescription to end pregnancy
Walgreens pharmacist in Peoria denies mother miscarriage medicine due to moral objection

If the pharmacist was fired, I would guess that he did not follow the specifics of Walgreen's policy for stepping away from a prescription they morally object to; it is legal in Arizona to refuse to fill a prescription for religious or moral reasons, but Walgreen's apparently requires pharmacists to refer the patient to someone else, and there may be a specific procedure for that. :dunno:

However, a lot of this seems to be based on only one side of the story.

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