Woman denied prescription to end pregnancy............

According to the UK Independent, at nine weeks, Arteaga was tragically told that her baby’s heartbeat had stopped and that she would soon miscarry her child.
I read it! I kept telling you guys the baby had died!
Look up. Maybe you'll see the point going over your head.
From the article Biker posted

I was having an undeveloped fetus with no heartbeat and so ultimately was going to have a miscarriage," she told AZ Family.

Her doctor told her she could undergo a D&C (dilation and curettage procedure) or take prescription medication.

"There were two... options. The medical procedure called a D&C, and go into the hospital, or he could prescribe some medication and I could do it in the comfort of my home," she said.
i do not know about pharmacists but nurses and doctors have every right to say no to participating in abortion.

What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
Wrong. Baby was alive.

Shall I teach you what happens when a child dies in the womb?
Yes! Please do.
It would involve you having an IQ above room temperature. So here's the Readers Digest version - the body takes care of it without outside help.

I think this guy has a great case. Hope it goes to Trump's Supreme Court.

"Trump's Supreme Court"? You might want to look into separation of powers. Or even just count the number of justices on the court nominated by Trump. ;)
Sorry minion, but presidents make the Supreme Court. Hopefully Ginsburg will go to.... soon, and another will retire or meet their Maker.

It will be Trump's Supreme Court for decades to come.

It's not Trump's court. Even ignoring the fact that the executive does not control the judicial, Trump has not been responsible for all or even most of the members being on the court. At this point there's only one member of the court that was nominated by Trump.
Also, I believe they need to state their religious views, etc with said company beforehand.

So religious qualifiers will be the standard when Hiring someone to work for you from now on? I think you are drinking your bathwater...
What would be appropriate compensation for the woman involved here?

I never hear anyone mention the victims in these situations, just the "holy" folks, provided, of course, that they are members of the "correct" religion. This woman was already stressed out, and this jackass made it worse.
She's stressed, agreed. More reason to have a 48 hour delay.
Hello! The baby had died!
Wrong. Baby was alive.

Shall I teach you what happens when a child dies in the womb?
Yes! Please do.
It would involve you having an IQ above room temperature. So here's the Readers Digest version - the body takes care of it without outside help.
Correct. The pill just hastens the process. So fuck you and your stupid insults! The truth is she would be better off having the d and c that way there is no tissue left that might cause an infection.
There is much too much of these pharmacists trying to dominate other people's lives these days
No, they are NOT "dominating other people's lives." They are simply making personal choices for their OWN LIFE, which you clearly insist on dominating.

They definitely are trying to dominate others' lives by being obstructionists. Guys like this need to be shown the door. Why should she have had the burden placed on her? She's the one who went through this experience on the say-so of someone who may have been a perfect stranger and someone to whom she had no obligation. And, as I said, she had no warning.

Any person who can't do his or her job should find another line of work.
Like the asshole who refused to serve Sarah Sanders? Close that bitch down!
You think that’s the same thing, you psychotic loon?
She/CNN left out this important tidbit until a day later:

Arteaga updated her post a day later, writing, “After I walked out of Walgreens Thursday night without my prescription I received email notification that my prescription was ready at location across town. Brian H. ultimately had it transferred to another location that had it in stock after I had left upset.”

Was there an earlier article by CNN that didn't include that information? That's in the article linked in the OP. "She says she later received an email notification that her prescription was ready at another Walgreens across town. She says the pharmacist had "ultimately had it transferred to another location that had it in stock after I had left upset."

Arteaga was able to pick up the prescription at the other Walgreens with no problems."
The pharmacist was doing harm to the woman.

Parents who for religious reason withhold medical care for children are doing harm.

Those types of people should be hung in the public square.

Poor Jakey, aims and misses again.

But the Walgreens pharmacist, listed as Brian Hreniuc, had no way of knowing the reason why Arteaga was being prescribed a medication normally given as the second part of a medication abortion. And therefore, on conscience grounds, he refused to dispense the medication,

But the Walgreens pharmacist, listed as Brian Hreniuc, had no way of knowing the reason why Arteaga was being prescribed a medication normally given as the second part of a medication abortion. And therefore, on conscience grounds, he refused to dispense the medication,
She told him.....and he was deservedly fired.

Yeah but the doctor may well have commited mal practice.
Bless Leo's heart, he backs the pharmacist for not doing his duty, and in so doing, could have cause irreparable harm to the woman.

Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Arteaga updated her post a day later, writing, “After I walked out of Walgreens Thursday night without my prescription I received email notification that my prescription was ready at location across town. Brian H. ultimately had it transferred to another location that had it in stock after I had left upset.”

That's what the pharmacist did, putting his religious belief above his job and his duty to the patient who had been examined and prescribed for by the physician.

Apparently there was no religious problem at all... Drugstore just did not have medication in stock...

He wasn't fired because he didn't follow protocol, BUT BECAUSE WALGREENS GAVE INTO THE USUAL LEFTIST MOB:

While Arteaga’s health situation is most tragic and painful, Hreniuc appears to have followed protocol. Yet he now faces harassment and potential job loss, as members of the public have contacted Walgreens demanding that he be fired for exercising his conscience rights as a medical professional.

This story was published before the mob got their scalp -- fuck the tards!
Also, I believe they need to state their religious views, etc with said company beforehand.

So religious qualifiers will be the standard when Hiring someone to work for you from now on? I think you are drinking your bathwater...

Absolutely not. I'm only stating what I've read. They need to have already stated their beliefs beforehand If it will interfere with filling a prescription. Has nothing to do with HIRING someone.
They need to have already stated their beliefs beforehand
I'm not sure that's the law, but you said you're only going by what you read. Can you show us where he DIDNT let his boss know this could be a problem (prescribing child killing medication)

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