Woman denied prescription to end pregnancy............

Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking you? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol: She found out later that the pharmacist had second thoughts and offered other options to get her prescription filled. He was fired.
Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking your? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol:
Okay tiggerred!
Saw this on the evening news tonight. Seems that a Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a woman to end a pregnancy. She was told at 10 weeks, the fetus had stopped developing and wasn't alive anymore. They then offered her an abortion to remove the dead fetus, or she could take medication and be at home to end the pregnancy.

The pharmacist refused on religious grounds. Fortunately, he was fired.

Does anyone else think that one person's religious beliefs should be able to override a prescription for someone else? I don't.

Pharmacist accused of denying woman prescription to end pregnancy
Doing one’s job doesn’t ‘violate’ his religious beliefs.

Ummmm, wedding cake? SCOTUS says otherwise.
Also, I believe they need to state their religious views, etc with said company beforehand.

So religious qualifiers will be the standard when Hiring someone to work for you from now on? I think you are drinking your bathwater...

Absolutely not. I'm only stating what I've read. They need to have already stated their beliefs beforehand If it will interfere with filling a prescription. Has nothing to do with HIRING someone.

Oh but it will have a detriment on the hiring process...
Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking your? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol:
Okay tiggerred!
Indeed, Leo was triggered. Good call, Ewe.
Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking your? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol:
Okay tiggerred!
Indeed, Leo was triggered. Good call, Ewe.

So ‘triggered’ is now your answer to the truth huh Jakey? Sorry I posted too many words for you to assimilate maybe ask your Mommy for help.
Saw this on the evening news tonight. Seems that a Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a woman to end a pregnancy. She was told at 10 weeks, the fetus had stopped developing and wasn't alive anymore. They then offered her an abortion to remove the dead fetus, or she could take medication and be at home to end the pregnancy.

The pharmacist refused on religious grounds. Fortunately, he was fired.

Does anyone else think that one person's religious beliefs should be able to override a prescription for someone else? I don't.

Pharmacist accused of denying woman prescription to end pregnancy

A pharmacist is not a doctor, nor do they take the Hippocratic oath. Their job is to fill Rx written by MDs. The pharmacist should have been fired. We can’t have pharmacists making judgement calls. It’s a can of worms. What if a pharmacist decides too many people are addicted too pain killers and decides to not fill a Rx for oxy for someone who actually needs it?
Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking you? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol: She found out later that the pharmacist had second thoughts and offered other options to get her prescription filled. He was fired.

Answer me this what ‘course of action’ would you recommend for a rotting corpse inside of you or your loved one? A pill?
Religious ethics is part of the greater medical ethics question. The physicians oath is to 'Do no harm'.

Any nurse, pharmacist, or other medical practitioner is duty bound to reject to implement a physician's medical orders if they have reason to believe it will do harm.
But in this case the baby had died so there is no harm!

That’s true, but it’s not the pharmacist call. What if the doctor diagnosed that having the baby would kill the mother? The pharmacist could be charged with murder.
Stop lying Jakey, I never said I backed the pharmacist I just pointed out that the confrontation should have never taken place and that the real perp is the doctor. The woman had a rotting corpse inside of her and he prescribed a pill. Sorry, but that doesn't cut it...but then, you are a moron who cares not for the woman or human life, no you only care about making your political talking points and personally attacking me.
Quit being cranky, Leo. You were corrected and that's the end of it. You are not a doctor. The doctor is a doctor, who examined the patient and offered her two courses of action. You are projecting again: attacking you? - please. People can see who stalked whom. :lol: She found out later that the pharmacist had second thoughts and offered other options to get her prescription filled. He was fired.

Answer me this what ‘course of action’ would you recommend for a rotting corpse inside of you or your loved one? A pill?
Saw this on the evening news tonight. Seems that a Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a woman to end a pregnancy. She was told at 10 weeks, the fetus had stopped developing and wasn't alive anymore. They then offered her an abortion to remove the dead fetus, or she could take medication and be at home to end the pregnancy.

The pharmacist refused on religious grounds. Fortunately, he was fired.

Does anyone else think that one person's religious beliefs should be able to override a prescription for someone else? I don't.

Pharmacist accused of denying woman prescription to end pregnancy

Why could she not walk across the street to another pharmacy?
The pharmacist could be charged with murder.

Remember the pharmacy was out of the medication... Customer received text even before leaving store that Rx had been filled at Pharmacy at another location... What will you charge the Pharmacist with now? Doing his job?

That the woman was able to go to another location that had the medication in stock does not mean that the original location did not have it in stock. The statements from Walgreens certainly would indicate the issue was one of moral or religious objection on the part of the pharmacist.

I don't see any way the pharmacist would be charged with murder, though.
Saw this on the evening news tonight. Seems that a Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a woman to end a pregnancy. She was told at 10 weeks, the fetus had stopped developing and wasn't alive anymore. They then offered her an abortion to remove the dead fetus, or she could take medication and be at home to end the pregnancy.

The pharmacist refused on religious grounds. Fortunately, he was fired.

Does anyone else think that one person's religious beliefs should be able to override a prescription for someone else? I don't.

Pharmacist accused of denying woman prescription to end pregnancy

A pharmacist is not a doctor, nor do they take the Hippocratic oath. Their job is to fill Rx written by MDs. The pharmacist should have been fired. We can’t have pharmacists making judgement calls. It’s a can of worms. What if a pharmacist decides too many people are addicted too pain killers and decides to not fill a Rx for oxy for someone who actually needs it?

Both Arizona law and Walgreens policy apparently allow a pharmacist to refuse to fill prescriptions based on moral or religious objection.
Also, I believe they need to state their religious views, etc with said company beforehand.

So religious qualifiers will be the standard when Hiring someone to work for you from now on? I think you are drinking your bathwater...

Yes, if the perspective employee's beliefs would stand in the way of performing the duties of the job that the employer is hiring for. This is only common sense. Employers have a legitimate expectation that the employees whom they pay to do a job will get that job done. I spent a few decades researching and writing in labor law. I've seen several cases of people being hired and then declaring that they have religious needs that they demand to be accommodated, from people demanding that they be allowed to skip the seniority rules in a union contract because they can't work on Saturday, be allowed to leave early every Friday to make it home on time to begin the Sabbath rituals, to be excused from serving alcohol, etc.

The people who do this basically are demanding that they be permitted to call the shots, and that others, co-workers and employers, take up the slack for them.
Saw this on the evening news tonight. Seems that a Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a woman to end a pregnancy. She was told at 10 weeks, the fetus had stopped developing and wasn't alive anymore. They then offered her an abortion to remove the dead fetus, or she could take medication and be at home to end the pregnancy.

The pharmacist refused on religious grounds. Fortunately, he was fired.

Does anyone else think that one person's religious beliefs should be able to override a prescription for someone else? I don't.

Pharmacist accused of denying woman prescription to end pregnancy

Why could she not walk across the street to another pharmacy?

This is a spurious argument, but one I hear often. There is no reason to transfer the burden to her. The pharmacist's beliefs are not her responsibility. It's the responsibility of the pharmacy to fill the prescription.

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