Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

What about people stuck in a Right Wing Religious nut job hellhole called TEXAS.
Hopefully Kate is preparing to move.
Just in case.
Teabaggers want to take their stupidity......NATIONAL.

Abortion isn't mandatory in China.
Yes, it is. They have a mandatory one child rule and if a woman gets pregnant with a second one abortion is mandatory.

The SC ruling said that abortion is a state issue not a constitutional federal issue and as such the voters of each state can put whatever rules they want in place for their state.

What exactly about being against murder of the unborn is stupidity in your small mind?
Bear in mind, MAGA MAGGOTS only science when shit heads like Rand Paul spout nonsense.
unless you live in Kentucky, what Rand Paul says or believes is none of your fricken business. Why do you think its OK to murder an unborn human being? or worse yet, murder him/her just after birth?

Using your "logic" why not allow parents to kill kids up to 2 years old if they become "inconvenient"?
The same place the evidence proving the 2020 Election was rigged, nowhere. There isn't any.
wrong, there is a lot of hard sound video evidence of election fraud in 2020. the left wing media and the DC establishment has managed to hide it so far, but its slowly coming out. Senile joe did not win in 2020, the 2020 election was a coup of the US government, not a free election.
wrong, there is a lot of hard sound video evidence of election fraud in 2020. the left wing media and the DC establishment has managed to hide it so far, but its slowly coming out. Senile joe did not win in 2020, the 2020 election was a coup of the US government, not a free election.
Did you get lost? This thread is about the state of Texas telling this woman she can’t about a fetus that has no chance to live if it even reached term
“Clearly not needed”?

The fetus was not going to survive beyond days if it made it that far.

What’s wrong with you?
That is incorrect. As mentioned and sourced by both myself and others, the baby can survive. Ms. Cox didn't want to contend with a child that would require extra attention, so would rather kill her child. As noted in the response to her claim, her doctor would not back her up on her claims.
Did you get lost? This thread is about the state of Texas telling this woman she can’t about a fetus that has no chance to live if it even reached term
Again this is incorrect info. The baby can survive, and Ms. Cox rightfully did not qualify to kill her child. Not sure why you keep posting that the baby had no chance. I know there are a lot of pages of posts, but medical links have been provided along with the rebuttal from the State of Texas.
You guys

That is incorrect. As mentioned and sourced by both myself and others, the baby can survive. Ms. Cox didn't want to contend with a child that would require extra attention, so would rather kill her child. As noted in the response to her claim, her doctor would not back her up on her claims.

Where did you get your medical degree? Where did you do your intership and what was your residency and where do you practice?

Ms. Cox needed an abortion. The fetus was NOT viable and have died a painful death. The delivery of the fetus could have killed her or rendered her incapable of having other children. Who are you decide what medical treatments Ms. Cox can undergo?
Where did you get your medical degree? Where did you do your intership and what was your residency and where do you practice?

Ms. Cox needed an abortion. The fetus was NOT viable and have died a painful death. The delivery of the fetus could have killed her or rendered her incapable of having other children. Who are you decide what medical treatments Ms. Cox can undergo?
Contrary to her statement, her doctor did NOT back her up. See post 549.

You don't need a medical degree to look up survival statistics.

Funny thing is, you really don't care. You just want her to be able to have an abortion for whatever reason. I think you know Texas held true to their laws, but you want the law ignored just like Ms. Cox.
Contrary to her statement, her doctor did NOT back her up. See post 549.

You don't need a medical degree to look up survival statistics.

Funny thing is, you really don't care. You just want her to be able to have an abortion for whatever reason. I think you know Texas held true to their laws, but you want the law ignored just like Ms. Cox.
So your solution to stopping her from future abortions is to make it so that she can never be pregnant again?

So your solution to stopping her from future abortions is to make it so that she can never be pregnant again?

That was her statement, however, I don't see where the doctor backed that up. We already know she lied to try and get the abortion, so we must assume she lied here as well.
unless you live in Kentucky, what Rand Paul says or believes is none of your fricken business. Why do you think its OK to murder an unborn human being? or worse yet, murder him/her just after birth?

Using your "logic" why not allow parents to kill kids up to 2 years old if they become "inconvenient"?
Now that more info is available on this story, we know Ms. Cox lied. I am guessing she wanted an abortion because the care this child might need would be "inconvenient". I am so tired of these convenience killings.
She shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.

Yeah do what Cons always do, blame the Woman. Last time I checked it two people doing the horizontal bop to get preggers.

She wanted another child. Her husband wanted another child

The fetus turned not to be viable. She needed an abortion, her husband supported that choice.

YOU do not have right to decide a fucking thing. Fucking typical Con.
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If it’s “up to the physician”, how could he possibly not meet the standard?
Because in the lawsuit she filed her doctor "Dr. Karsan did not assert that Ms. Cox has a “life-threatening physical condition” or that, in Dr. Karsan’s reasonable medical judgment, an abortion is necessary because Ms. Cox has the type of condition the exception requires."

You should read the opinion.

I think the language Ken Paxton and the Texas Supreme Court is using is much more profane.
What is profane about "Dr. Karsan did not assert that Ms. Cox has a “life-threatening physical condition” or that, in Dr. Karsan’s reasonable medical judgment, an abortion is necessary because Ms. Cox has the type of condition the exception requires."

You should read the opinion.

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