Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

There's not much context in the video.

Personally, I probably would have just kicked dreadlocked Mr. Predator wannabe in the head, because I had the high ground. But it's hard to say.

If she was just stupidly PMSing and dumped a beer on his head or something, or otherwise started the fight, he has a righteous reason to get pissed off.

And Steeler fans are obviously not the most rational reasonable people on this planet in the first place. They are the antithesis of rational reasonable people. And usually highly inebriated.
I read elsewhere that supposedly the young gentleman had been jumping up and down while watching the football game.

The young lady foolishly told him to stop it, for he was cutting off her view.

She reportedly used some vulgar words in her request.

She was very arrogant.

She should have known better: You simply cannot reason with certain folks.

She should have kept her mouth shut and moved to another seat if possible.

Or just left the stadium.
Have you ever attended a game? That is what fans do is jump up and cheer. To you reasoning is a black person doing what you tell them to do.
Youre the one that attracts hair lice. You should stop being an animal.

You stop acting like animals. Karen felt arrogant enough to think that she could slap a black man in his face with no repercussions.
Go get vaxxed. You people are causing the virus to spread.

Black man ain't puttin up wid dat shit. Huh? Shiiiiit!! Mothafucka, shiiiiit!

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