Woman killed in Capitol during pro-Trump breach

Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

Cops shot an unarmed woman and you're cheering it.

She was breaking the law. If she hadn't been breaking the law, she'd still be alive.

That's what you always say when police kill black people.

How did she break the law?

She was illegally in the capital building. It was closed to the public.

if she had been black would it be ok to shoot her?
If the woman who was shot had not decided to be part of a mob that besieged the capital building, she would be alive today. This Mob, incited by Trump, broke the law and had members of Congress gearing for their lives. Trump bears responsibility for her death. He encouraged her and the mob to do what they did.

The officer did what he has to do in trying circumstances. Condolences to her family, but she made the choice to be part of a mob.
Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Carlson and the rest have to be held accountable.

They've spent the last 30 years turning these people into paranoid lunatics.

Are they going to act surprised that this happened?

You have it all ass backwards there lefttard.

Conservative talking heads don't get rich and famous by converting or convincing people adopt their views.

Conservative talking heads gain their fame and fortune by lending a voice to the beliefs and views that conservatives already hold.

Too bad they didn't get rich by telling conservative the truth. Instead they lie and tell you want you want to hear and then you get pissed when things aren't so different from what they told you.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

Cops shot an unarmed woman and you're cheering it.

She was breaking the law. If she hadn't been breaking the law, she'd still be alive.

That's what you always say when police kill black people.

How did she break the law?

She was illegally in the capital building. It was closed to the public.

And we all know how that is punishable by death.


We need a time machine, I suppose. . . So we can go back in time and execute all those "sit in" protesters during the civil rights protests.
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If the woman who was shot had not decided to be part of a mob that besieged the capital building, she would be alive today. This Mob, incited by Trump, broke the law and had members of Congress gearing for their lives. Trump bears responsibility for her death. He encouraged her and the mob to do what they did.

The officer did what he has to do in trying circumstances. Condolences to her family, but she made the choice to be part of a mob.
Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Carlson and the rest have to be held accountable.

They've spent the last 30 years turning these people into paranoid lunatics.

Are they going to act surprised that this happened?

You have it all ass backwards there lefttard.

Conservative talking heads don't get rich and famous by converting or convincing people adopt their views.

Conservative talking heads gain their fame and fortune by lending a voice to the beliefs and views that conservatives already hold.

Too bad they didn't get rich by telling conservative the truth. Instead they lie and tell you want you want to hear and then you get pissed when things aren't so different from what they told you.

You know. . . It really wouldn't take you that much effort to enlighten yourself by doing an investigative search to see how many times a Conservative "leader" has had their listeners disagree with them and even turn on them for betraying a particular viewpoint.
So, apparently, she just accidentally stormed the capitol with the intent of staging a fascist coup. Trump supporters pick the strangest heroes. But then, they're all fascist traitors themselves, so it figures that they worship fascist traitors.

No matter. Even the Republican politicians are denouncing Trump's fascist thugs. Being a Trump-follower is now regarded by the nation as being lower than whaleshit, and that couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of human skidmarks.
So, apparently, she just accidentally stormed the capitol with the intent of staging a fascist coup. Trump supporters pick the strangest heroes. But then, they're all fascist traitors themselves, so it figures that they worship fascist traitors.

No matter. Even the Republican politicians are denouncing Trump's fascist thugs. Being a Trump-follower is now regarded by the nation as being lower than whaleshit, and that couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of human skidmarks.

A mother, a woman who served our military for 14 years is a fascist? What else should we expect from the left.
A mother, a woman who served our military for 14 years is a fascist?

Obviously. She was storming the capitol for the purpose of overthrowing a lawful election. You don't do that unless you're some breed of authoritarian. And since she was on the right, that means fascism.

And you're defending it. Telling.
Obviously. She was storming the capitol for the purpose of overthrowing a lawful election. You don't do that unless you're some breed of authoritarian. And since she was on the right, that means fascism.

And you're defending it. Telling.

I'm not defending anything because an investigation or report has not been forwarded to the public. On the other hand, you are attacking her before you know who she is, what side she's on, or what actually took place. How liberal of you.
I am confident that there will be a violent response(s) to the woman's death by members of the right. I guarantee that they are PISSED OFF and will abandon protesting for acts of terror and political assassinations.

Remember how WACO inspired Timothy McVey and his cohort to bomb that federal building in Oklahoma City? I suspect that this shooting will inspire attacks.
go to Lin woods twitter

Paul Sperry

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops8
Imagine being dumb enough to believe anything Lin Wood says.

View attachment 438413
You Trump cultists are so fucking dumb, you fall for so much nonsense.

Do you support shooting looters of stores?
Said “stores” only exist as multinational megacorporate chain franchises or by permit and license from city hall, with an alternative or “independent” franchise management through a local chamber of commerce, better business bureau, etc., etc.
I am confident that there will be a violent response(s) to the woman's death by members of the right. I guarantee that they are PISSED OFF and will abandon protesting for acts of terror and political assassinations.

Remember how WACO inspired Timothy McVey and his cohort to bomb that federal building in Oklahoma City? I suspect that this shooting will inspire attacks.

Safe bet.

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