Woman sues for right to die in Calif


Your fear is Alzheimers. Have you been reading up on all the new scientific findings on how to avoid it? I read recently about it, but can't remember what it was. (Hows that for irony? Pun NOT intended). I will see if I can find the report. Maybe if you did stuff to make it NOT hit you, it won't happen?

This is what I read. Had to go look for it:

Has Stanford University found a cure for Alzheimer s disease - Telegraph
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Yea I've been watching that research, unfortunately it's... optimistic at best. The problem is they can't just "remove" the EP2 from an already formed brain, if I were genetically engineered sure, but it's a bit late for that heh The biggest problem with the research is that that as of yet they are not even sure that blocking PGE2 and E2 induced inflammation is a truly viable solution; as EP2 also controls various functions throughout the body. Gov. approval for testing on humans is still likely a few decades out as we must first test those "other functions" that could be impacted by PGE2/E2 blocking; this will obviously require a longer lifespan than that of mice - and some are saying they'll need at least a 20 year lifespan before the Gov would even consider approval for human testing.

I'm hopeful of course, but realistically the chances of that particular research saving me, at age 41, is pretty much nill. That said, I've been on an aspirin regimen for a good while now in the hopes of avoiding the problem all together based on findings that anti-inflammatories may prevent onset if one starts early enough.

~ Blocking receptor in brain s immune cells counters Alzheimer s in mice study finds News Center Stanford Medicine
After watching my grandmother spend 15 years in a medical home with Alzheimer's, knowing what a proud woman she was, she would have been furious with my mother and aunt. I guess thankfully her mind was gone so she didn't have to witness the disgrace and embarrassment of it all; the diaper changes and the slow loss of all function to the point of knowing nothing, doing nothing, and basically being wheeled out to a nonsensical TV once a day as all the strangers wandered around her. She was on life support for the last 5 years of her "life." My mother and aunt had some false hope that medical technology would come up to "cure" it, I told them that even if they found a cure it wouldn't turn back the damage, but they wouldn't listen...

It scares me because this disease runs in my family so there's a high likelihood that I'm going to end up with it. I really do not want to go through that... indignity. Knowledge is fundamental to my life; learning new things, researching projects, and helping my friends and family, ex-co-workers and ex-employers, with anything they don't understand or don't know how/have time to research... The thought of losing all that is unexplainable. I hope they can forward the recent medical advances for Alzheimer's, but at this time it's not a guaranteed cure, and it merely slows it down in some cases, if its caught soon enough. Either way though, I hope that I recognize that window of opportunity between still recognizing my family and reverting to infant stage so I can go in a manor of my choosing rather than being forced to survive on life support for years, or decades, because my children are too "selfish" to let my physical body go with my mind. (My husband understands as he's watched his grandmother waste away with Alzheimer's as well.) I'd rather not freeze to death (and cross my fingers that some bear or wolf doesn't find me before they can recover my body.)

This is another religious remnant that I feel should be taken off the books. I am not religious therefore it is not a sin to me. I can kind of understand the gay resistance thing because of Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed, but the religious fight against assisted suicide in terminal cases is just bullshit.
That is what I fear, too. But not Alzheimers. I fear being AWARE and going thru that. Ain't gonna happen. I, too,
"hope that I recognize that window of opportunity between still recognizing my family and reverting to infant stage so I can go in a manor of my choosing rather than being forced to survive on life support for years" and can take matters into my own hands.

My dad swore he would never end up in a nursing home, and he would decide when and where he would die.
In the end, he didn't decide anything at all and he ended up miserable in a facility.

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