Women Desire Alpha Males

Yep. But I’ll keep fighting aging till I can’t anymore. Still stronger than 99.9% of 20-something’s here in my 40’s.

What’s so noble about giving up?
Lol, ya wanna be the guy that can't put it away and all the young bucks laugh at, more power to ya. I on the other hand had my day in the sun and am fine with the young bucks having their day. I hung up my cleats. Now I golf,fish and hunt. I live a reality based life style. I am fine with it. If I can't compete at a high level I move on to something else. Time to help my grandchildren to rise to a high level.
Oh come one, like you’ve never banged a bimbo just because she was hot. We’re not talking marriage here. Don’t pretend like appearance has nothing to do with sexual attraction.

My standards when I was in my teens and early 20s were different. But a lack of intellect has always been a turn-off for me.
You know the whole idea of an alpha male comes from wolves....where the Alpha is really the head female.
It's horse shit anyway ya shake it. I have competed at a professional level. No one wins every time for ever. You are a loon if ya think ya will. Even at my peak there were days I could not find the strike zone. There were days my curveball was flat. There were days my fastball would not dance. There were days I made a pitchers pitch, the bat found the ball and crushed it. On the flip side there were days I felt like I did not have it but every hit found some ones glove. That's life. As far as dating went for as long as I could find a way to get a laugh there was some one willing.

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