Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

...I don't choose another person's clothing for them.
This is your child.

She is asking you to choose for her.

Which mode of dress is more likely to enable her to survive that walk down a city street at 3:00 AM un-molested.

(1) the Provocative mode of dress, or (2) the Modest mode of dress.

Your child is unable to choose for herself at the moment, and is leaving it up to her parent.


I wouldn't let my "child" out of the house at 3 AM alone, so this would not be an issue. If she was an adult, then she makes her own choices about clothing. My daughter would not be a retard like you. I know that much.

You see, I, OTOH, can post PLENTY of links to back all of my claims. :) You, not so much. Lol. You are spreading rape MYTHS. A dangerous game indeed.

Myths & Truths about Rape | Rape Crisis

Why are rape myths so harmful?
  • Myths lead people to blame women. We think that she was ‘asking to be raped’. Instead of holding the rapist responsible for the rape, we blame the victim. In court, defence lawyers can also use myths to attempt to undermine the testimony of the survivor. This can prevent justice from being done.
  • Myths make people doubt what the victim says. We think that ‘she was not really raped’. This can mean that the victim does not get the support she needs from people around her. It can also make officials in the criminal justice system doubt her testimony, preventing justice from being done.
  • Myths make rape survivors feel too ashamed or too guilty to report the rape or to share it with friends and family. The survivor ends up isolated and does not get the support she needs to help her recover from the trauma of the rape. Studies estimate that only one in nine survivors report rape. This means that most rapists walk freely among us, unpunished and ready to reoffend.
  • Myths hide the fact that a rapist can come from any race, social class or environment. It makes us feel more distrustful or afraid of certain people based on stereotypes and prejudice, not based on the facts of the situation. It makes us believe that we can tell what makes someone a rapist when this is not the case.
  • Myths make us believe that we can prevent rape from happening to us. This stops us from addressing the real sources of the problem, for example people’s attitudes to violence and to relationships between men and women, also known as gender relations.
Myths take away the dignity and humanity of the survivor, causing her more trauma and pain and lowering her chances of recovery. Myths also prevent many rapists from being prosecuted. It is vital that all of us in society reject these myths, so that survivors may fully recover and more rapists be convicted.

Note: Many of these myths and facts refer to rape between a man and a woman and the ideas that people have about this. It is important to realise that rape can happen between same sex partners as well and that thinking that rape can only happen between a man and a woman is also a myth. In certain rare instances women have been known to rape men but at Rape Crisis we have found this to be the exception rather than the rule and so we base our comments on rape between a man and a woman realising that each rape is unique even as we generalise about it.
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

You are obviously a big fat loser who blames how people are dressed for rape. :dunno:
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

Post a link or shut up. You can't because no such correlation exists. You are trying to intimidate women is all.
There is nothing to put up a link for.

I have long-since conceded that such studies were, indeed, probably well-done, and by competent authority - in my earliest on this thread.

Go back and look, if you don't believe me.

And I have also stipulated that a woman is never responsible for being raped.

This very morning, within the past couple of pages here.

I have no hidden gender-centric agenda here - all your feminist hyperbole paranoia to the contrary notwithstanding.

I merely stipulated during the early going that the study seems to fly in the face of common sense.

And, to test THAT assertion, I served-up a clean test-case, uncomplicated by background noise, for objective evaluation.

You, on the other hand, have made a vast Cecil B. DeMille production over nit-picking and evasion, because to answer in any other way might somehow detract from your own case or agenda - with you perceiving all along that, somehow, I was trying to disprove the study findings, rather than simply look at them, vis a vis common sense and our own instincts.

We could have resolved this, ages ago, had you had the Intellectual Courage to simply answer the frigging question in the Test Case, and then moved on.

But no... like most Intellectual Cowards, you'll fight for hours - or days - to avoid giving an honest answer to an honest question, when the answer isn't to your liking.

You are a Coward.
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

Post a link or shut up. You can't because no such correlation exists. You are trying to intimidate women is all.
There is nothing to put up a link for.

I have long-since conceded that such studies were, indeed, probably well-done, and by competent authority - in my earliest on this thread.

Go back and look, if you don't believe me.

And I have also stipulated that a woman is never responsible for being raped.

This very morning, within the past couple of pages here.

I have no hidden gender-centric agenda here - all your feminist hyperbole paranoia to the contrary notwithstanding.

I merely stipulated during the early going that the study seems to fly in the face of common sense.

And, to test THAT assertion, I served-up a clean test-case, uncomplicated by background noise, for objective evaluation.

You, on the other hand, have made a vast Cecil B. DeMille production over nit-picking and evasion, because to answer in any other way might somehow detract from your own case or agenda - with you perceiving all along that, somehow, I was trying to disprove the study findings, rather than simply look at them, vis a vis common sense and our own instincts.

We could have resolved this, ages ago, had you had the Intellectual Courage to simply answer the frigging question in the Test Case, and then moved on.

But no... like most Intellectual Cowards, you'll fight for hours - or days - to avoid giving an honest answer to an honest question, when the answer isn't to your liking.

You are a Coward.

Bullshit. This is nothing but a load of crapola. Obviously, you are lying some of the blame on a woman for being raped and spreading lies and myths that are very dangerous. Now, if you cannot show any data backing your claims, then you are just talking out your tookas.
...You see, I, OTOH, can post PLENTY of links to back all of my claims. :) You, not so much. Lol. You are spreading rape MYTHS. A dangerous game indeed...
Listen-up, fool, we are on the same goddamned side, on this issue - get it?

I spread no myths.

I question the study results insofar as they fly in the face of common sense, in some respects, and I served-up a test case, to analyze the matter in its purest form.

Your inability to discern the difference between publicly-stated questioning of results, versus hostility to the underlying premises, is your cross to bear, not mine.

Your Intellectual Cowardice, however, is another such burden.
...You see, I, OTOH, can post PLENTY of links to back all of my claims. :) You, not so much. Lol. You are spreading rape MYTHS. A dangerous game indeed...
Listen-up, fool, we are on the same goddamned side, on this issue - get it?

I spread no myths.

I question the study results insofar as they fly in the face of common sense, in some respects, and I served-up a test case, to analyze the matter in its purest form.

Your inability to discern the difference between publicly-stated questioning of results, versus hostility to the underlying premises, is your cross to bear, not mine.

Your Intellectual Cowardice, however, is another such burden.

We are not on the same side.
...Bullshit. This is nothing but a load of crapola. Obviously, you are lying some of the blame on a woman for being raped and spreading lies and myths that are very dangerous. Now, if you cannot show any data backing your claims, then you are just talking out your tookas.
Not only are you an Intellectual Lightweight, and an Intellectual Coward, but you are also a Liar.

Oh, and paranoid, as well, and an automatic gainsayer.

In truth, I've reached the conclusion that you're no longer worth the time and effort.

Have a nice day.
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

Post a link or shut up. You can't because no such correlation exists. You are trying to intimidate women is all.
There is nothing to put up a link for.

I have long-since conceded that such studies were, indeed, probably well-done, and by competent authority - in my earliest on this thread.

Go back and look, if you don't believe me.

And I have also stipulated that a woman is never responsible for being raped.

This very morning, within the past couple of pages here.

I have no hidden gender-centric agenda here - all your feminist hyperbole paranoia to the contrary notwithstanding.

I merely stipulated during the early going that the study seems to fly in the face of common sense.

And, to test THAT assertion, I served-up a clean test-case, uncomplicated by background noise, for objective evaluation.

You, on the other hand, have made a vast Cecil B. DeMille production over nit-picking and evasion, because to answer in any other way might somehow detract from your own case or agenda - with you perceiving all along that, somehow, I was trying to disprove the study findings, rather than simply look at them, vis a vis common sense and our own instincts.

We could have resolved this, ages ago, had you had the Intellectual Courage to simply answer the frigging question in the Test Case, and then moved on.

But no... like most Intellectual Cowards, you'll fight for hours - or days - to avoid giving an honest answer to an honest question, when the answer isn't to your liking.

You are a Coward.
I tried this too, and had the same result: We were arguing different things, and I was accused of some pretty nasty stuff.

A rapist is 100% responsible for a rape.

A woman can increase her chances of some kind of unwanted attention (which could include some degree of force) in her choices on clothing, location and behavior. Sad but true in the real world.

Those two facts can exist in the same space. And they do.
...Bullshit. This is nothing but a load of crapola. Obviously, you are lying some of the blame on a woman for being raped and spreading lies and myths that are very dangerous. Now, if you cannot show any data backing your claims, then you are just talking out your tookas.
Not only are you an Intellectual Lightweight, and an Intellectual Coward, but you are also a Liar.

Oh, and paranoid, as well, and an automatic gainsayer.

In truth, I've reached the conclusion that you're no longer worth the time and effort.

Have a nice day.

I'm paranoid? Lol. Okay. :D YOU have a nice day.
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

Post a link or shut up. You can't because no such correlation exists. You are trying to intimidate women is all.
There is nothing to put up a link for.

I have long-since conceded that such studies were, indeed, probably well-done, and by competent authority - in my earliest on this thread.

Go back and look, if you don't believe me.

And I have also stipulated that a woman is never responsible for being raped.

This very morning, within the past couple of pages here.

I have no hidden gender-centric agenda here - all your feminist hyperbole paranoia to the contrary notwithstanding.

I merely stipulated during the early going that the study seems to fly in the face of common sense.

And, to test THAT assertion, I served-up a clean test-case, uncomplicated by background noise, for objective evaluation.

You, on the other hand, have made a vast Cecil B. DeMille production over nit-picking and evasion, because to answer in any other way might somehow detract from your own case or agenda - with you perceiving all along that, somehow, I was trying to disprove the study findings, rather than simply look at them, vis a vis common sense and our own instincts.

We could have resolved this, ages ago, had you had the Intellectual Courage to simply answer the frigging question in the Test Case, and then moved on.

But no... like most Intellectual Cowards, you'll fight for hours - or days - to avoid giving an honest answer to an honest question, when the answer isn't to your liking.

You are a Coward.
I tried this too, and had the same result: We were arguing different things, and I was accused of some pretty nasty stuff.

A rapist is 100% responsible for a rape.

A woman can increase her chances of some kind of unwanted attention (which could include some degree of force) in her choices on clothing, location and behavior. Sad but true in the real world.

Those two facts can exist in the same space. And they do.

Unwanted attention is harmless. Rape is another thing entirely. Rape is more of a crime of opportunity, such as when you go off with a car load of men from a bar that you don't know. It doesn't matter what you are wearing if you are SMART.
Unwanted attention is harmless. Rape is another thing entirely. Rape is more of a crime of opportunity, such as when you go off with a car load of men from a bar that you don't know. It doesn't matter what you are wearing if you are SMART.
And what about the girls who AREN'T "smart"?
...I tried this too, and had the same result: We were arguing different things, and I was accused of some pretty nasty stuff.
A rapist is 100% responsible for a rape. A woman can increase her chances of some kind of unwanted attention (which could include some degree of force) in her choices on clothing, location and behavior. Sad but true in the real world. Those two facts can exist in the same space. And they do..
It occurs to me that our colleague may be a Young-ling.

Literally or figuratively.

Children see things in Black and White, with no middle-ground or existence of conflicting indicators within the same space possible - or, at least, conceivable to such minds.

Worse yet, when the Child turns out to be 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 years old.

Either a Young-ling, or a Dogmatic, or some other kind of agenda-driven Fanatic.

So mortally-afraid of free and open discussion of possibilities, revolving around their Pet Topics, that they over-react and dodge and deflect whenever they sense a threat.

Even when those doing the questioning have openly stated their symmetry and support for the same position.

More's the pity.

Still, it takes all kinds.

It was an exhausting and ultimately fruitless and disappointing sortie, and I'll have to remember not to bother again with this Young-ling in future, but is was entertaining.

Thanks for the feedback.

Have an excellent day.
in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?

I see where is the problem. Instead of giving straight answer, you create your own scenario that fits what you want to answer.

Why do I believe... Where have I said I do? You composed the question based on assumption. It doesn't work that way. You were asked the question. You answer, then ask yours.
My scenario works through Individual Liberty and religious freedom. Some religions claim to allow rapists to marry their "victims" as a religious privilege and immunity.

in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?

Your scenario... You joined the conversation and trying to route it the way you want. No, stay on the subject. Once you give your opinion, or answer his question, you get to set up your own. So, answer his question and after that we could discuss something else, or your scenario. Until then, I don't really care.
no refutation, merely rejection; how equal is that for pay purposes.

My 55 year old neighbor lawn mowing around her house in her night gown at 8:30PM Sunday (right now) somehow makes more sense then your posts.

How about we start over... Can you give a straight answer to Kondor's question?
Not really relevant. I gave you the scenario. You are welcome to try to break it.
I see where is the problem. Instead of giving straight answer, you create your own scenario that fits what you want to answer.

Why do I believe... Where have I said I do? You composed the question based on assumption. It doesn't work that way. You were asked the question. You answer, then ask yours.
My scenario works through Individual Liberty and religious freedom. Some religions claim to allow rapists to marry their "victims" as a religious privilege and immunity.

in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?

Your scenario... You joined the conversation and trying to route it the way you want. No, stay on the subject. Once you give your opinion, or answer his question, you get to set up your own. So, answer his question and after that we could discuss something else, or your scenario. Until then, I don't really care.
no refutation, merely rejection; how equal is that for pay purposes.

My 55 year old neighbor lawn mowing around her house in her night gown at 8:30PM Sunday (right now) somehow makes more sense then your posts.

How about we start over... Can you give a straight answer to Kondor's question?
Not really relevant. I gave you the scenario. You are welcome to try to break it.

Here is the context regarding Jurisdiction and religious freedom.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29
“If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.

In my opinion and in modern times, that subjective moral value should cover Any woman, not just virgins.

My scenario works through Individual Liberty and religious freedom. Some religions claim to allow rapists to marry their "victims" as a religious privilege and immunity.

in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?
...There have been absolutely NO correlations made between how a woman is dressed and her likelihood of getting raped. Because it's bullshit. Plenty of ugly/unattractive/overweight women are raped. Also, children and grannies sometimes.
Oh, I'm quite happy to concede that people are raped all the time, outside the framework of provocative or suggestive clothing.

I suppose my point is...

If your attractive young daughter is going to be going to be walking down a city street at 3:00 am, and had to choose between (1) provocative and (2) non-provocative dress...

Which would you advise her to don, in the hopes of reducing her chances of being raped?

And why?

Well, why is she walking down a city street at 3 a.m. is the first thing I would want to know.

Well, why are you always dodging the question is the first thing I would want to know. You always play this game whenever the answer is inconvenient for you.

It was hypothetical question. It really doesn't matter if is 3 AM or 3 PM.

OK, here is the easier question: Why do women wear bikini?

Why do men wear a Speedo?

Ah, don't disappoint me now. You're dodging again.

This is the last time I am gonna answer to your question before you answer mine.

You asked, why men wear Speedo?
If they're athletes, they wear it to improve their swim times.
Non athletes wear Speedo either because they wanna show the package or because they're gays. And thats sums it up to the same thing - to get attention. Happy?

Your turn, why do women wear bikini?
There have been absolutely NO correlations made between how a woman is dressed and her likelihood of getting raped. Because it's bullshit. Plenty of ugly/unattractive/overweight women are raped. Also, children and grannies sometimes.

Define "plenty".
Define "ugly".
Define "unattractive".
Define "overweight".

There are also plenty of guys who would settle for what you call ugly/unattractive/overweight, or to sum it up "less worthy".

Anyways, this article is not about the rape, but could help...

Bikinis Make Men See Women as Objects, Scans Confirm

If women knows what reaction they cause by wearing the bikini, isn't that reaction a reason why are they wearing it?

Look. Sorry but women are going to continue to wear their bikinis and skirts or whatever they want. We will not let men intimidate us into wearing burkas. Realize this.

And you're writing that because of... ? I don't remember saying I am against women wearing anything they want. In fact, please do, I am all for women wearing bikinis and skirts.

My question to you was and still is, why women wear bikinis?
There have been absolutely NO correlations made between how a woman is dressed and her likelihood of getting raped. Because it's bullshit. Plenty of ugly/unattractive/overweight women are raped. Also, children and grannies sometimes.

Define "plenty".
Define "ugly".
Define "unattractive".
Define "overweight".

There are also plenty of guys who would settle for what you call ugly/unattractive/overweight, or to sum it up "less worthy".

Anyways, this article is not about the rape, but could help...

Bikinis Make Men See Women as Objects, Scans Confirm

If women knows what reaction they cause by wearing the bikini, isn't that reaction a reason why are they wearing it?

You need definitions? Okay. I hope this clears things up for you, such as the meanings of common words. :D Lol.

  1. unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
    "she thought she was ugly and fat"
    synonyms: unattractive, unappealing, unpleasant, hideous, unlovely,unprepossessing, unsightly, horrible, frightful, awful, ghastly, vile,revolting, repellent, repulsive, repugnant; More
  1. 1.
    above a weight considered normal or desirable.
    "he's forty pounds overweight"
    synonyms: fat, obese, stout, full-figured, corpulent, gross, fleshy, plump, portly,chubby, rotund, paunchy, potbellied, flabby, well upholstered, broad in the beam; More
  1. 1.
    a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough.
    "I would have plenty of time to get home"
    synonyms: a lot of, many, a great deal of, enough (and to spare), no lack of,sufficient, a wealth of; More

Yey, I got the straight answer. Thank you.

Now when we got it out of the way and we know all those definitions, you stated before "Plenty of ugly/unattractive/overweight women are raped". What is a norm of being a ugly/unattractive/fat and what qualifies you to determine any of that? Isn't beauty in the eye of beholder?
...Look, I answered the question. If you don't like my answer, that is too bad. Now, this board is not about you making demands. It is a give and take kind of thing. Now, where is any evidence at all that women are raped because of their choice of clothing? I'm still waiting.
You are an Intellectual Coward.

More like a Chickenshit.


My condolences.

You are obviously a big fat loser who blames how people are dressed for rape. :dunno:

Oh, so quick to throw a punch, but cannot answer simple question.
I see where is the problem. Instead of giving straight answer, you create your own scenario that fits what you want to answer.

Why do I believe... Where have I said I do? You composed the question based on assumption. It doesn't work that way. You were asked the question. You answer, then ask yours.
My scenario works through Individual Liberty and religious freedom. Some religions claim to allow rapists to marry their "victims" as a religious privilege and immunity.

in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?

Your scenario... You joined the conversation and trying to route it the way you want. No, stay on the subject. Once you give your opinion, or answer his question, you get to set up your own. So, answer his question and after that we could discuss something else, or your scenario. Until then, I don't really care.
no refutation, merely rejection; how equal is that for pay purposes.

My 55 year old neighbor lawn mowing around her house in her night gown at 8:30PM Sunday (right now) somehow makes more sense then your posts.

How about we start over... Can you give a straight answer to Kondor's question?
Not really relevant. I gave you the scenario. You are welcome to try to break it.

So his scenario is not relevant, but yours is.

Sure, after you answer his question.
My scenario works through Individual Liberty and religious freedom. Some religions claim to allow rapists to marry their "victims" as a religious privilege and immunity.

in my alternative, she could be "trolling" for a new husband to "press" into her gang, if he falls for it. Otherwise, she will be free to travel unmolested nude at 3am.

why do you believe my scenario would not work with recourse to religious freedom via our First Amendment, and a no contest of Jurisdiction by the public sector?

Your scenario... You joined the conversation and trying to route it the way you want. No, stay on the subject. Once you give your opinion, or answer his question, you get to set up your own. So, answer his question and after that we could discuss something else, or your scenario. Until then, I don't really care.
no refutation, merely rejection; how equal is that for pay purposes.

My 55 year old neighbor lawn mowing around her house in her night gown at 8:30PM Sunday (right now) somehow makes more sense then your posts.

How about we start over... Can you give a straight answer to Kondor's question?
Not really relevant. I gave you the scenario. You are welcome to try to break it.

So his scenario is not relevant, but yours is.

Sure, after you answer his question.
if you didn't get it; you may need more of a clue and a Cause.

However, just to be a Good argumentative sport and not a Bad argumentative sport, like many of those of the opposing view:

go ahead and post your terms and conditions for the scenario you want to advance.

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