Women Supporters Of Brett Kavanaugh Hold Press Conference 9/21/18

Droves of women coming out to support Kavanaugh. One woman accusing him of attempting rape.....36 years ago. This should be over!
how much were these lol droves paid?
Nice to know you are a Harpie, never guess it with the name of Edward....have you finished transgendering yet?
Purge is that your best shot ? Surely a bright lol articulate person like you are can do better These droves weren't paid but the 18 complaining of the trump molester were?
You do notice that the supposed 18 Trump accusers have DISAPPEARED once he was elected....Unfortunately you shoot yourself in the foot!.....Damn no more Soros money for them!...LOLOLOL!!!
You may have miscounted.

Trump loses bid to kill lawsuit by woman who says he sexually assaulted her - Los Angeles Times

It was a bad day in court for Donald Trump’s efforts to silence women

These 3 women are suing Trump and his associates. Here's where the cases stand

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit
Didn't see this posted. Watch the video...and see this crowd of women who support Brett Kavanaugh totally!....ALERT the USMB Harpies!

Anyone that doesn't support this man is either stupid or partisan hack to the detriment of their own country.

Democrats don't mind causing shit that makes us look terrible, idiotic, schizophrenic and maniacal to the rest of the world.

Their pathetic hatred won't let them stop or have any self respect.

Man, that's gotta suck balls.
what really sucks balls is the hate that trump brings about on america the hate more than half of america has for republican scumbags
Didn't see no pussy hats or women saying they are nasty women in the OP..............proves they aren't liberals........LOL

Without Evidence Or Witnesses
Paula Jones Had To Prove A Pattern Of Behavior

All Ford Claims Is 'Somebody' Tried To Forceably Rape Her
She's Failing Miserably On It Being Brett Kavanaugh

This Accusation Should Never Have Seen The light Of Day
Expect Everything You've Seen The Last Two Years
To Be The New Normal Every Time A Republican Is Elected President

'Knock 'Em Off One At A Time'
....Mad Maxi

Democrats Don't Care About Any Of Their Political Pawns Like Ford
Democrats Want One Party Rule
Last edited:

Droves of women coming out to support Kavanaugh. One woman accusing him of attempting rape.....36 years ago. This should be over!
how much were these lol droves paid?
Nice to know you are a Harpie, never guess it with the name of Edward....have you finished transgendering yet?
Purge is that your best shot ? Surely a bright lol articulate person like you are can do better These droves weren't paid but the 18 complaining of the trump molester were?
You do notice that the supposed 18 Trump accusers have DISAPPEARED once he was elected....Unfortunately you shoot yourself in the foot!.....Damn no more Soros money for them!...LOLOLOL!!!
You may have miscounted.

Trump loses bid to kill lawsuit by woman who says he sexually assaulted her - Los Angeles Times

It was a bad day in court for Donald Trump’s efforts to silence women

These 3 women are suing Trump and his associates. Here's where the cases stand

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit
Well damn I was wrong the whores and their lawyers are STILL GETTING SOROS MONEY....you cock stickers will play it out to the very end when it is paid for by a slimebag Felon DemonRAT!
[How many time has a mass murderer been arrested and his neighbors and friends all claimed surprise. For example:

"Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945) is an American serial killer known as the BTK Killer or the BTK Strangler. "BTK" stands for "Bind, Torture, Kill", which was his infamous signature. Between 1974 and 1991, he killed ten people in the Wichita, Kansas metro area.".
Forensics Helped Get Him
No Forensics In Ford's Case

Besides, This Case Has Already Been Investigated
Investigators Were Told What She Said To Her Husband
Investigators Were Told What She Said To Her Therapist
She Names Witnesses, Who Say They Weren't There
And She Can't Tell The Same Story The Same Way Twice
/—-/ Another Ford photo she forgot to scrub.
[How many time has a mass murderer been arrested and his neighbors and friends all claimed surprise. For example:

"Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945) is an American serial killer known as the BTK Killer or the BTK Strangler. "BTK" stands for "Bind, Torture, Kill", which was his infamous signature. Between 1974 and 1991, he killed ten people in the Wichita, Kansas metro area.".
Forensics Helped Get Him
No Forensics In Ford's Case

Besides, This Case Has Already Been Investigated
Investigators Were Told What She Said To Her Husband
Investigators Were Told What She Said To Her Therapist
She Names Witnesses, Who Say They Weren't There
And She Can't Tell The Same Story The Same Way Twice
/—-/ Another Ford photo she forgot to scrub.
View attachment 217960
This is what it all comes down to.

People who live in glass houses and all that.

I wouldn't think twice about someone in a photo like this. Young people do stupid shit. I've said that about this entire episode of "Lets slander the Republicans".

As a conservative, I'm a huge believer in personal freedom. That includes freedom to do stupid shit.

If this woman were looking to hold a higher office, I wouldn't actually consider this picture as a disqualifier.

However, since she decided to play, "Smear the candidate", I don't have any sympathy for what she is going to get heaped on her now.
In fact, that bar is hideous and frequenting a place that has that kind of decor should be grounds for revoking citizenship!!!!!

In fact, that bar is hideous and frequenting a place that has that kind of decor should be grounds for revoking citizenship!!!!!

bullying a survivor..is the republican way ...all scumbag traitors
Survivor of what? High School? Most of us have survived that.
but not the stench that this trump pos brings to the wh
Hey, I don't like him either, but that stench you speak of is the odor they can't scrub away after the Obama's left.

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