Women want to be treated equally.....

I've read so many like that, I know the point you're trying to make. I address those situations where there is absolutely no doubt the person accused of it did it. Take Susan Smith of Union, SC. She drove her car into a lake while her two kids were strapped in seatbelts in the back seat. They both died a horrible death. There was absolutely no doubt she was guilty. Why wasn't she given the death penalty? The answer is because she is female. A male doing the same thing would have received it.

Or perhaps because she was suffering from a mental illness?
Don't forget to LOL when you talk about mental illness, you did it quite well before, why stop now?

The mental illness argument is one of the go-to claims for the bleeding hearts. The they were raised in a bad home life is another.

This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.
I've read so many like that, I know the point you're trying to make. I address those situations where there is absolutely no doubt the person accused of it did it. Take Susan Smith of Union, SC. She drove her car into a lake while her two kids were strapped in seatbelts in the back seat. They both died a horrible death. There was absolutely no doubt she was guilty. Why wasn't she given the death penalty? The answer is because she is female. A male doing the same thing would have received it.

Or perhaps because she was suffering from a mental illness?

Always an excuse. When that happened, she appeared on TV crying about how someone had killed her kids. I told my wife that she did it and when that was found to be true, every bleeding heart would find any excuse they could to lessen the severity of what she did by bringing up things from her past.

I don't give a shit about her. I do care about the kids she murdered.

Please tell us what her execution would do for her kids? This nonsense about executing the murderer FOR the icconent victims is a sham. It does nothing for the victims.

But the fact that you think you know better than both the judge and the jury in that trial speaks volumes. Your willingness to ignore innocent people who have been wrongly convicted does as well.

Tell me what letting her live will do to bring those kids back. All it does it make you bleeding hearts feel better because you feel sorry for her and what factors may have caused her to do this she couldn't control.

I was right in the middle of it asshole. I saw it firsthand unlike the soundbites and snippets you saw on TV.

Were you in the courtroom to hear everything the judge and jury heard? Then my point stands.

And actually, I think she is far more miserable spending the rest of her life in prison.

I was in the courtroom far more times than you. That gives me a better perspective than you will ever have.

You think she is far more miserable in prison. Have you been to visit her and see how she lives in prison? If not, you're making a type of claim that you said was wrong when I made it.
So we should sanction state sponsored murder in every case, just so things are equal? lol

How about the state NOT kill anyone, and we call that equal? Life in prison is no picnic. In fact, life on death row is far more comfortable than life in prison in general population.

Punishment for a crime isn't murder except to bleeding hearts that have more concern for the murderer than their innocent victims.

How about murderers stop murdering it won't be an issue.

Don't put them on death row. Put murderers who did things like Susan Smith in general population with a sign that says what they did. Even the most hardened criminals don't tolerate doing to kids what she did. Many of them, while bad people, are parents, too.

I certainly do not have more concern for the murderer than for the victims. But I do have a great deal of concern for those who have been wrongly convicted or are mentally ill.

And you keep talking as if an execution brings back the innocent victims of the crimes. Just an FYI, it doesn't.
No it doesn't bring back those innocent victims but it sure does PREVENT that "LIBERAL" from ever killing again. You guys hate the death penalty because one day, you guys just might reach out and screw over another person life, because they might be happy.

Oh, I see you are back to attempts at insults and trying to say what someone else believes or would do. Why am I not surprised.

Life in prison is a serious sentence. The only people they are likely to murder again is another inmate. Since you want those inmate executed anyway, why would that matter to you?

As for me doing anything to someone who is happy, you are obviously just spouting bullshit now. So spare us that nonsense and try to stay on topic.

Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.
Or perhaps because she was suffering from a mental illness?
Don't forget to LOL when you talk about mental illness, you did it quite well before, why stop now?

The mental illness argument is one of the go-to claims for the bleeding hearts. The they were raised in a bad home life is another.

This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.

I've already said put people like her in general population with a sign saying what she did. I know what happens. I said what I thought should happen.
Or perhaps because she was suffering from a mental illness?

Always an excuse. When that happened, she appeared on TV crying about how someone had killed her kids. I told my wife that she did it and when that was found to be true, every bleeding heart would find any excuse they could to lessen the severity of what she did by bringing up things from her past.

I don't give a shit about her. I do care about the kids she murdered.

Please tell us what her execution would do for her kids? This nonsense about executing the murderer FOR the icconent victims is a sham. It does nothing for the victims.

But the fact that you think you know better than both the judge and the jury in that trial speaks volumes. Your willingness to ignore innocent people who have been wrongly convicted does as well.

Tell me what letting her live will do to bring those kids back. All it does it make you bleeding hearts feel better because you feel sorry for her and what factors may have caused her to do this she couldn't control.

I was right in the middle of it asshole. I saw it firsthand unlike the soundbites and snippets you saw on TV.

Were you in the courtroom to hear everything the judge and jury heard? Then my point stands.

And actually, I think she is far more miserable spending the rest of her life in prison.

I was in the courtroom far more times than you. That gives me a better perspective than you will ever have.

You think she is far more miserable in prison. Have you been to visit her and see how she lives in prison? If not, you're making a type of claim that you said was wrong when I made it.

Yeah, I'm sure you were in the courtroom so much. lol

And I have been arguing the realities of the system. I am not getting hung up on one specific case. The entire system will not be changed based on a single case (even if you were in the courtroom).
Don't forget to LOL when you talk about mental illness, you did it quite well before, why stop now?

The mental illness argument is one of the go-to claims for the bleeding hearts. The they were raised in a bad home life is another.

This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.

I've already said put people like her in general population with a sign saying what she did. I know what happens. I said what I thought should happen.

Yes, you have stated you want all murderers executed. But since you cannot be sure that only those who are guilty will BE executed, you advocate for killing the innocent too.
Punishment for a crime isn't murder except to bleeding hearts that have more concern for the murderer than their innocent victims.

How about murderers stop murdering it won't be an issue.

Don't put them on death row. Put murderers who did things like Susan Smith in general population with a sign that says what they did. Even the most hardened criminals don't tolerate doing to kids what she did. Many of them, while bad people, are parents, too.

I certainly do not have more concern for the murderer than for the victims. But I do have a great deal of concern for those who have been wrongly convicted or are mentally ill.

And you keep talking as if an execution brings back the innocent victims of the crimes. Just an FYI, it doesn't.
No it doesn't bring back those innocent victims but it sure does PREVENT that "LIBERAL" from ever killing again. You guys hate the death penalty because one day, you guys just might reach out and screw over another person life, because they might be happy.

Oh, I see you are back to attempts at insults and trying to say what someone else believes or would do. Why am I not surprised.

Life in prison is a serious sentence. The only people they are likely to murder again is another inmate. Since you want those inmate executed anyway, why would that matter to you?

As for me doing anything to someone who is happy, you are obviously just spouting bullshit now. So spare us that nonsense and try to stay on topic.

Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.
I certainly do not have more concern for the murderer than for the victims. But I do have a great deal of concern for those who have been wrongly convicted or are mentally ill.

And you keep talking as if an execution brings back the innocent victims of the crimes. Just an FYI, it doesn't.
No it doesn't bring back those innocent victims but it sure does PREVENT that "LIBERAL" from ever killing again. You guys hate the death penalty because one day, you guys just might reach out and screw over another person life, because they might be happy.

Oh, I see you are back to attempts at insults and trying to say what someone else believes or would do. Why am I not surprised.

Life in prison is a serious sentence. The only people they are likely to murder again is another inmate. Since you want those inmate executed anyway, why would that matter to you?

As for me doing anything to someone who is happy, you are obviously just spouting bullshit now. So spare us that nonsense and try to stay on topic.

Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.

And her mental health was a mitigating factor. That is part of the law. The fact that you label all attempts to discuss mental health as "bleeding heart excuses" does not change that.
Always an excuse. When that happened, she appeared on TV crying about how someone had killed her kids. I told my wife that she did it and when that was found to be true, every bleeding heart would find any excuse they could to lessen the severity of what she did by bringing up things from her past.

I don't give a shit about her. I do care about the kids she murdered.

Please tell us what her execution would do for her kids? This nonsense about executing the murderer FOR the icconent victims is a sham. It does nothing for the victims.

But the fact that you think you know better than both the judge and the jury in that trial speaks volumes. Your willingness to ignore innocent people who have been wrongly convicted does as well.

Tell me what letting her live will do to bring those kids back. All it does it make you bleeding hearts feel better because you feel sorry for her and what factors may have caused her to do this she couldn't control.

I was right in the middle of it asshole. I saw it firsthand unlike the soundbites and snippets you saw on TV.

Were you in the courtroom to hear everything the judge and jury heard? Then my point stands.

And actually, I think she is far more miserable spending the rest of her life in prison.

I was in the courtroom far more times than you. That gives me a better perspective than you will ever have.

You think she is far more miserable in prison. Have you been to visit her and see how she lives in prison? If not, you're making a type of claim that you said was wrong when I made it.

Yeah, I'm sure you were in the courtroom so much. lol

And I have been arguing the realities of the system. I am not getting hung up on one specific case. The entire system will not be changed based on a single case (even if you were in the courtroom).

I don't have to prove it to you. I know where I was and I know where you haven't been.

Since you argued that unless we know for sure, the death penalty is wrong. I've shown an example of where that is a lie. Are you saying now that you don't know she killed her kids? All it takes is one example to prove your claim of unless we know is not true.
The death penalty is indeed a deterrent. It is the only way possible to ensure that they well not kill again.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can argue against that.
No it doesn't bring back those innocent victims but it sure does PREVENT that "LIBERAL" from ever killing again. You guys hate the death penalty because one day, you guys just might reach out and screw over another person life, because they might be happy.

Oh, I see you are back to attempts at insults and trying to say what someone else believes or would do. Why am I not surprised.

Life in prison is a serious sentence. The only people they are likely to murder again is another inmate. Since you want those inmate executed anyway, why would that matter to you?

As for me doing anything to someone who is happy, you are obviously just spouting bullshit now. So spare us that nonsense and try to stay on topic.

Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.

And her mental health was a mitigating factor. That is part of the law. The fact that you label all attempts to discuss mental health as "bleeding heart excuses" does not change that.

What I said about he mental health claim is that is the typical go to argument used by bleeding hearts. Since you jumped straight to it, more proof that you're a bleeding heart.
The death penalty is indeed a deterrent. It is the only way possible to ensure that they well not kill again.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can argue against that.

The same people who argue that executing one won't deter another have yet to provide proof how giving someone a life sentence has decreased the amount of murders by other killers. If they argue that the death penalty isn't a deterrent for others, the only other option is that a life sentence is a deterrent.

As for what you said, I agree. It deters that person and since that person is the only one on trial, that's all that matters.
Oh, I see you are back to attempts at insults and trying to say what someone else believes or would do. Why am I not surprised.

Life in prison is a serious sentence. The only people they are likely to murder again is another inmate. Since you want those inmate executed anyway, why would that matter to you?

As for me doing anything to someone who is happy, you are obviously just spouting bullshit now. So spare us that nonsense and try to stay on topic.

Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.

And her mental health was a mitigating factor. That is part of the law. The fact that you label all attempts to discuss mental health as "bleeding heart excuses" does not change that.

What I said about he mental health claim is that is the typical go to argument used by bleeding hearts. Since you jumped straight to it, more proof that you're a bleeding heart.

It proves nothing. You brought up a specific case. And in that case, the murderer's mental health was an issue. I didn't invent that opr bring it up except as a fact about the case you introduced into the discussion.
The mental illness argument is one of the go-to claims for the bleeding hearts. The they were raised in a bad home life is another.

This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.

I've already said put people like her in general population with a sign saying what she did. I know what happens. I said what I thought should happen.

Yes, you have stated you want all murderers executed. But since you cannot be sure that only those who are guilty will BE executed, you advocate for killing the innocent too.

I advocate for those we know are guilty being executed. You said unless we know . . That's a false statement because I've provided an example of where we both know she did it and you still oppose her being executed. You then jump to the mental health thing which is what bleeding hearts do.
Thank you for showing your hypocrisy. You stated that life in prison produces only the possibility of murdering another inmate. Guess that life in prison sentence isn't a deterrent and that you could care less whether it's an inmate they kill.

The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.

And her mental health was a mitigating factor. That is part of the law. The fact that you label all attempts to discuss mental health as "bleeding heart excuses" does not change that.

What I said about he mental health claim is that is the typical go to argument used by bleeding hearts. Since you jumped straight to it, more proof that you're a bleeding heart.

It proves nothing. You brought up a specific case. And in that case, the murderer's mental health was an issue. I didn't invent that opr bring it up except as a fact about the case you introduced into the discussion.

That example proves two things: 1) You really don't mean unless we know for sure and 2) You're a bleeding heart that jumped straight to the bleeding heart line of excuses.
The death penalty is indeed a deterrent. It is the only way possible to ensure that they well not kill again.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can argue against that.

The same people who argue that executing one won't deter another have yet to provide proof how giving someone a life sentence has decreased the amount of murders by other killers. If they argue that the death penalty isn't a deterrent for others, the only other option is that a life sentence is a deterrent.

As for what you said, I agree. It deters that person and since that person is the only one on trial, that's all that matters.

When discussing whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent, most people understand that it means whether or not the fear of it deters people from committing a murder. Life in solitary confinement is a deterrent just as much as the death penatly.
This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.

I've already said put people like her in general population with a sign saying what she did. I know what happens. I said what I thought should happen.

Yes, you have stated you want all murderers executed. But since you cannot be sure that only those who are guilty will BE executed, you advocate for killing the innocent too.

I advocate for those we know are guilty being executed. You said unless we know . . That's a false statement because I've provided an example of where we both know she did it and you still oppose her being executed. You then jump to the mental health thing which is what bleeding hearts do.

You claim you were in the courtroom for her trial. Did her mental health get brought up as an issue?
The death penalty is not a deterrent either. But life in prison means we can release those who we find are wrongly convicted. And, as I said, unless you know for sure, it is a different matter.

I know for sure that Susan Smith did what she was convicted of doing. Since you stated that unless you know for sure, it's a different matter. It became a different matter with her since we know based on your words. You and I both oppose the death penalty for those for whom we don't know. Difference is you still oppose it even when we do. Susan Smith is one example and all it takes is one refuting your statement to prove you aren't against the death penalty just in cases we aren't sure but in all cases even those where we are.

And her mental health was a mitigating factor. That is part of the law. The fact that you label all attempts to discuss mental health as "bleeding heart excuses" does not change that.

What I said about he mental health claim is that is the typical go to argument used by bleeding hearts. Since you jumped straight to it, more proof that you're a bleeding heart.

It proves nothing. You brought up a specific case. And in that case, the murderer's mental health was an issue. I didn't invent that opr bring it up except as a fact about the case you introduced into the discussion.

That example proves two things: 1) You really don't mean unless we know for sure and 2) You're a bleeding heart that jumped straight to the bleeding heart line of excuses.

LMAO!! It really is important to you that I am a bleeding heart, isn't it?

You were there for her trial. Was her mental health brought up as a mitigating factor???
The death penalty is indeed a deterrent. It is the only way possible to ensure that they well not kill again.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can argue against that.

The same people who argue that executing one won't deter another have yet to provide proof how giving someone a life sentence has decreased the amount of murders by other killers. If they argue that the death penalty isn't a deterrent for others, the only other option is that a life sentence is a deterrent.

As for what you said, I agree. It deters that person and since that person is the only one on trial, that's all that matters.

When discussing whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent, most people understand that it means whether or not the fear of it deters people from committing a murder. Life in solitary confinement is a deterrent just as much as the death penatly.

I understand the argument put forth by the it's not a deterrent crowd. Life in prison isn't as much of a deterrent as the death penalty. You said so yourself when you made the statement that the only people someone getting a life sentence could kill is other inmates. That means there is still a chance the murderer in prison can murder again even if it's only a slight chance. It still exists as a possibility. If he's executed, that possibility goes away 100% and that's a 100% guarantee.
This attempt to label anyone who is not clamoring for more executions as being a "bleeding heart" is simply bullshit. But if it helps, have at it.

And mental illness is a genuine defense according to our legal system. They don't get away with anything. But we don't execute them.

You're labeled a bleeding heart because like many bleeding hearts you jumped straight to one of the typical excuses in defending why she shouldn't have received it. When this happened, there were those who, like you, argued mental illness. There were those who argued that because she was abused as a child, it affected her. I figured you would take that avenue I just didn't know which specific road.

If they get a different sentence for doing the same thing as someone not deemed to have a mental illness, they get away with it. If their sentence is less due to it, that's called getting away with it.

Ok, you can label me however you like. It doesn't change the reality one iota.

And life in General Population is far worse than life on Death Row. Which is where you want to put her. Sure, you say you want her in gen pop until she is executed, but that isn't what actually happens.

I see the problems with our justice system. But I prefer it to making it about revenge and the ridiculous notion that the victims are somehow helped by killing someone else.

I've already said put people like her in general population with a sign saying what she did. I know what happens. I said what I thought should happen.

Yes, you have stated you want all murderers executed. But since you cannot be sure that only those who are guilty will BE executed, you advocate for killing the innocent too.

I advocate for those we know are guilty being executed. You said unless we know . . That's a false statement because I've provided an example of where we both know she did it and you still oppose her being executed. You then jump to the mental health thing which is what bleeding hearts do.

Speaking in generalities is great. But demanding that those same generalities fit each and every situation is ridiculous.

You brought up a specific case. I brought up a factor that was discussed in her trial. I didn't even actually say whether I thought she should be executed or not. I simply offered what may have swayed the judge & jury.

Mitigating circumstances will be a factor in many case. That is just reality.

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