Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

And how much will you regulates these small to mid sized businesses?? Will you tell them how much they must pay? will they have to hire union labor?? What are the rules gonna be and how much will you pay?

They will be regulated like any other business, only they probably won't have the millions to pour into lobbying... in fact, we need to get rid of lobbyists all together. No more buying politicians.

They must pay at least minimum wage, but I would raise that to a basic living wage. Subsidies, like the billions in farcical "farm subsidies" which equates to a corporate handjob will actually go to GROWING our economy & can be used for start-ups and support.

Yes, we need unions
. We are where we are now because the worker's voice has been all but silenced.

What do you mean "what would you pay?"

Funny.. We do just fine without unions in the right to work states..
I understood completely what you said. There is not one law or suggested law that would drive out corporations from this country. Feel free to link me to something that proves otherwise.

Like I said....a ridiculous question.

so you are okay then with leaving the corporations alone and the crybaby libtard who started this thread needs a tissue and he/she just needs to sdastfu right? good. we're square.

That's a new way to concede that you are wrong.

I don't think so.
Anybody got any information for how this chart was constructed and how they quantified it? What is the definition of "workers" and "national income". From what I saw, the chart actually shows a decline from 1980, not just the last 10 years.
And this is what the "trickle down" farce got us. Disgusting. I hope you corporatists are happy in your new third world country, 'Murka...

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low - Yahoo! News

Below is another good article which shows how the top 1% of the uber wealthy and powerful in this country have managed to gain a much higher percentage of the national wealth even as the bottom 90% have lost ground.

.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
And the Republicans are trying to sell America on even GREATER tax cuts for the people at the top while they plan on cutting spending and services for the rest of us?

Don't fall for the psychobabble! The Republicans are trying to screw the average Joe even as they're serving their campaign contributor masters.
And this is what the "trickle down" farce got us. Disgusting. I hope you corporatists are happy in your new third world country, 'Murka...

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low - Yahoo! News

Below is another good article which shows how the top 1% of the uber wealthy and powerful in this country have managed to gain a much higher percentage of the national wealth even as the bottom 90% have lost ground.

.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
And the Republicans are trying to sell America on even GREATER tax cuts for the people at the top while they plan on cutting spending and services for the rest of us?

Don't fall for the psychobabble! The Republicans are trying to screw the average Joe even as they're serving their campaign contributor masters.

Obviously the upper 1% is just working harder than everyone else.
And this is what the "trickle down" farce got us. Disgusting. I hope you corporatists are happy in your new third world country, 'Murka...

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low - Yahoo! News

Below is another good article which shows how the top 1% of the uber wealthy and powerful in this country have managed to gain a much higher percentage of the national wealth even as the bottom 90% have lost ground.

.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
And the Republicans are trying to sell America on even GREATER tax cuts for the people at the top while they plan on cutting spending and services for the rest of us?

Don't fall for the psychobabble! The Republicans are trying to screw the average Joe even as they're serving their campaign contributor masters.

So what would you replace corporations and the "uber rich" with? And what would you pay?
And this is what the "trickle down" farce got us. Disgusting. I hope you corporatists are happy in your new third world country, 'Murka...

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low - Yahoo! News

Below is another good article which shows how the top 1% of the uber wealthy and powerful in this country have managed to gain a much higher percentage of the national wealth even as the bottom 90% have lost ground.

.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
And the Republicans are trying to sell America on even GREATER tax cuts for the people at the top while they plan on cutting spending and services for the rest of us?

Don't fall for the psychobabble! The Republicans are trying to screw the average Joe even as they're serving their campaign contributor masters.

So what would you replace corporations and the "uber rich" with? And what would you pay?

We don't have to replace corporations and the uber rich. We just need to stop handing them the keys to the kingdom.

Look, if you REALLY want to know what's wrong with our political system, it's the corrupting influence of campaign contributions. It's a pay to play system. The rich give LOTS of money because they expect policies to return them many, many times more than what they spent.

The average working class American (including the poor, and the middle class) just can't hope to compete with the kind of leverage that millions of dollars can buy the people who open up their purses to give whatever amount it's going to take to keep their gravy train running at full speed.
Yes, I do. Help folks get started and you'll see millions of new businesses (and new jobs) springing up... you know that phantom "competition" you clowns get so misty-eyed over... real competition... instead of Monsanto/Cargill and the meat monopolies, etc.

Want to know how to really help people get started with new businesses and solve the national debt as well as unemployment? Eliminate the corporate tax in the US. You'll see offshore money come screaming back as well as international companies moving here to set up shop. We'll be importing people to fill jobs. Along with that, you move to the Fair Tax and eliminate income tax. This nation would have a resurgancy unlike any nation in history.

We could totally eliminate all corporate taxes and regulations and that would do nothing to change the fact that foreign workers are willing to work for a small fraction of their American counterparts.

Who said anything about regulations? They don't move their company headquarters here and run all their factories overseas. They move here and operate out of the US. Do you honestly think that companies wouldn't jump at the chance to operate tax free? You have to create a stable environment for them if you want them to free up the money they hold and start investing it in growth. As it stands right now with Obama's hostility towards business and capitalism and things like Obamacare, businesses will not expand, invest or hire. To many questions about when the next shoe will fall.
Below is another good article which shows how the top 1% of the uber wealthy and powerful in this country have managed to gain a much higher percentage of the national wealth even as the bottom 90% have lost ground.

.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
And the Republicans are trying to sell America on even GREATER tax cuts for the people at the top while they plan on cutting spending and services for the rest of us?

Don't fall for the psychobabble! The Republicans are trying to screw the average Joe even as they're serving their campaign contributor masters.

So what would you replace corporations and the "uber rich" with? And what would you pay?

We don't have to replace corporations and the uber rich. We just need to stop handing them the keys to the kingdom.

Look, if you REALLY want to know what's wrong with our political system, it's the corrupting influence of campaign contributions. It's a pay to play system. The rich give LOTS of money because they expect policies to return them many, many times more than what they spent.

The average working class American (including the poor, and the middle class) just can't hope to compete with the kind of leverage that millions of dollars can buy the people who open up their purses to give whatever amount it's going to take to keep their gravy train running at full speed.

So then you would agree if corporations were made to stop contributions to the politicians of their choice it would be fair then to prohibit unions from contributing to demonRats?
I'm beginning to see that the rich and their supporters will not be happy until the poor and working poor rise up (ala French Revolution) and smite them. Taking back what has been systematically taken from them (the opportunity of the American dream). The American Dream is available to everyone in this country - AT BIRTH- and as the days go by and you get older the American dream is slowly taken away bit by bit, until there is no dream and you realize that it has become a nightmare. You look back and ask what the heck happened, and it is there plain as day, we the people have let Corprate America and their supporters dictate to us what is and is not good for them. That's right I said "them", because we don't amount to a hill of shit to them.

The sooner people realize that the Company is too all powerful the quicker we can correct our course. The Company is supposed to work for us not the other way around. There is a reason the saying goes, "someone did your job before you and someone will do it after, you don't matter to the company at all." Do you know who did your job before you?
So what would you replace corporations and the "uber rich" with? And what would you pay?

We don't have to replace corporations and the uber rich. We just need to stop handing them the keys to the kingdom.

Look, if you REALLY want to know what's wrong with our political system, it's the corrupting influence of campaign contributions. It's a pay to play system. The rich give LOTS of money because they expect policies to return them many, many times more than what they spent.

The average working class American (including the poor, and the middle class) just can't hope to compete with the kind of leverage that millions of dollars can buy the people who open up their purses to give whatever amount it's going to take to keep their gravy train running at full speed.

So then you would agree if corporations were made to stop contributions to the politicians of their choice it would be fair then to prohibit unions from contributing to demonRats?

If ALL campaign contributions from ALL interests group were stopped in favor of public financing, then there would be no overriding incentive for politicians to essentially sell their votes to the highest bidder.
I'm beginning to see that the rich and their supporters will not be happy until the poor and working poor rise up (ala French Revolution) and smite them. Taking back what has been systematically taken from them (the opportunity of the American dream). The American Dream is available to everyone in this country - AT BIRTH- and as the days go by and you get older the American dream is slowly taken away bit by bit, until there is no dream and you realize that it has become a nightmare. You look back and ask what the heck happened, and it is there plain as day, we the people have let Corprate America and their supporters dictate to us what is and is not good for them. That's right I said "them", because we don't amount to a hill of shit to them.

The sooner people realize that the Company is too all powerful the quicker we can correct our course. The Company is supposed to work for us not the other way around. There is a reason the saying goes, "someone did your job before you and someone will do it after, you don't matter to the company at all." Do you know who did your job before you?

oh great,, an anarchist has arrived to smite us.. wooooo hooooo
We don't have to replace corporations and the uber rich. We just need to stop handing them the keys to the kingdom.

Look, if you REALLY want to know what's wrong with our political system, it's the corrupting influence of campaign contributions. It's a pay to play system. The rich give LOTS of money because they expect policies to return them many, many times more than what they spent.

The average working class American (including the poor, and the middle class) just can't hope to compete with the kind of leverage that millions of dollars can buy the people who open up their purses to give whatever amount it's going to take to keep their gravy train running at full speed.

So then you would agree if corporations were made to stop contributions to the politicians of their choice it would be fair then to prohibit unions from contributing to demonRats?

If ALL campaign contributions from ALL interests group were stopped in favor of public financing, then there would be no overriding incentive for politicians to essentially sell their votes to the highest bidder.

Is that a yes? No campaign contributions from anybody to anybody?
to correct campaign spending is easy. Let everyone spend as much as they want on any candidate. Just limit all campaign commercials to public TV and Radio. PBS will be forever grateful.
So then you would agree if corporations were made to stop contributions to the politicians of their choice it would be fair then to prohibit unions from contributing to demonRats?

If ALL campaign contributions from ALL interests group were stopped in favor of public financing, then there would be no overriding incentive for politicians to essentially sell their votes to the highest bidder.

Is that a yes? No campaign contributions from anybody to anybody?

No campaign contributions from anybody to anybody, period.
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IX nay on "public" financing? I'm sick of paying taxes.

Spoken like a true corprate boot licker. The rich are the only ones who should be able to run for office because they have the money, and knnow how to keep the poor, poor. Could you imagine if a poor person were to have the balls to run and what would happen if they won??? oh the horror.
IX nay on "public" financing? I'm sick of paying taxes.

What your paying now in bad public policy that works against your interests in favor of the wealthy dwarfs whatever additonal money you would end up paying as your share of a public financing law for political campaigns.
IX nay on "public" financing? I'm sick of paying taxes.

Spoken like a true corprate boot licker. The rich are the only ones who should be able to run for office because they have the money, and knnow how to keep the poor, poor. Could you imagine if a poor person were to have the balls to run and what would happen if they won??? oh the horror.

why should I have to pay to get your stupid politicians elected asswipe.
IX nay on "public" financing? I'm sick of paying taxes.

What your paying now in bad public policy that works against your interests in favor of the wealthy dwarfs whatever additonal money you would end up paying as your share of a public financing law for political campaigns.

just as soon as everyone pays what I have to pay we will talk. long as 50% of you asswipes get off paying zero.. we have nothing to say.

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