WORKERS UNITE! Hillary Campaign Chair John Podesta Calls for End of Capitalism – “Profit Sharing” fo

1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

No we don't. An employer has no responsibility to support the decisions you make in life.

And the government shouldn't be responsible either.

You want more money, earn it.

You want to share in profits, earn it.

One doesn't have to be rich or privileged to accomplish either.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

No we don't. An employer has no responsibility to support the decisions you make in life.

And the government shouldn't be responsible either.

You want more money, earn it.

You want to share in profits, earn it.

One doesn't have to be rich or privileged to accomplish either.
Like the CEO's "earned" it by benefiting from the hard work of the workers making and selling their product AKA steal it from the workers....yeah great idea...hell worked so well for the CEO's mine as well let the workers do same! But then the workers aka the little guy would get thrown in prison while the folks "to big to jail" get nice hefty benefits and bonuses after being bailed out by the government.
How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.

You're either trolling or you still live at home with mom and dad....possibly both.
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.

You're either trolling or you still live at home with mom and dad....possibly both.
Actually neither. I rent my own home and my father lives with me my wife and 4 kids because as a good son I take care of my elders when they get old.
Profit sharing is a limp-wristed attempt at trying to appeal to labor but it is not an effective solution and is really just pandering.

I am not against it but I also don't really care about it.
As we all know, people who are CEO's just go to bed one night, they wake up and POOF! They're a CEO! What the fuck! How cool is that!

And as we all know, business owners didn't build that. They just started a business one day, and suddenly the next day they have the money to pay all these employees who are building the business FOR them!

Doesn't EVERYBODY know this?

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.

You're either trolling or you still live at home with mom and dad....possibly both.
Actually neither. I rent my own home and my father lives with me my wife and 4 kids because as a good son I take care of my elders when they get old.

You act like that makes you special somehow?

At 2.04...
Workers already receive profit sharing. Its called wages....
That are not enough to live off of. Try again.
How much more are you willing to pay for goods and services so that every worker gets a "living wage"?
I am more than willing to do like Western European nations do. That being said ALL of us have taxes that are paid on goods or incomes or taken from checks that SHOULD and IS more than enough to pay every worker a livable wage instead its used for foreign aide,corporate welfare and war.
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.

You're either trolling or you still live at home with mom and dad....possibly both.
Actually neither. I rent my own home and my father lives with me my wife and 4 kids because as a good son I take care of my elders when they get old.

You act like that makes you special somehow?

At 2.04...

Did I say that> Nope. I was just refuting your childish rant about being a troll or living at home.
Workers already receive profit sharing. Its called wages....

And 401k matching as long as you get a halfway decent job.

But if your employer matches you or not, a 401k plan is a pretty good benefit.....My employer tosses in 4% of My base each pay check......So I get a full 15% for a 11% contribution.....

Of course, the company makes a profit so I get to keep making a wage so that helps too.
It appears the DemocRATS have 2 choices this nomination cycle....We now know Hillary's team are Communists, and then we have Bernie 'The Red" Sanders, perhaps a slightly LESS RED than the Hildebeast (As she tries to position herself LEFT of a leftist!).... One has to laugh at the DemocRATS, BUT must always take them seriously as they have the MSM (95% behind the 5th column)

Workers already receive profit sharing. Its called wages....
That are not enough to live off of. Try again.
You need more to live on, then I suggest you put in the extra hours....get more education....get a second job......

You are NOT entitled to a wage.....let alone one that provides you everything you want.
It appears the DemocRATS have 2 choices this nomination cycle....We now know Hillary's team are Communists, and then we have Bernie 'The Red" Sanders, perhaps a slightly LESS RED than the Hildebeast (As she tries to position herself LEFT of a leftist!).... One has to laugh at the DemocRATS, BUT must always take them seriously as they have the MSM (95% behind the 5th column)


Clinton is a moderate.

Sanders is socially liberal and looks to European nations as example of how socialist principles could work. He references Sweden and Germany a lot.
It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
And yet it doesn't fuck things up when the CEO's are making enough for hundreds sometimes THOUSANDS of workers doesn't fuck things up but amazingly paying people a livable wage would somehow fuck things up....hmmmm I call bullshit.

You're either trolling or you still live at home with mom and dad....possibly both.
Actually neither. I rent my own home and my father lives with me my wife and 4 kids because as a good son I take care of my elders when they get old.

You act like that makes you special somehow?

At 2.04...

Did I say that> Nope. I was just refuting your childish rant about being a troll or living at home.

It's hard to see you as anything but a kid.
You're falling for the class warfare schtick hook line and sinker.
Consider the after effects of your plan.
It appears the DemocRATS have 2 choices this nomination cycle....We now know Hillary's team are Communists, and then we have Bernie 'The Red" Sanders, perhaps a slightly LESS RED than the Hildebeast (As she tries to position herself LEFT of a leftist!).... One has to laugh at the DemocRATS, BUT must always take them seriously as they have the MSM (95% behind the 5th column)


Clinton is a moderate.

Sanders is socially liberal and looks to European nations as example of how socialist principles could work. He references Sweden and Germany a lot.

Can you sell me some of those drugs you use?....Apparently they alter reality very easily!

Try ACTUALLY reading about what is going on!

Hillary Clinton moves left as Bernie Sanders picks up ...
Washington Times - Politics Breaking News US and World News/news/2015/jun/8/hillary-clinton-moves-left...
Hillary Clinton moves left as Bernie Sanders picks up momentum. Vermont independent makes strong showing in Wisconsin straw poll

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