Workers who stay loyal to their job are paid 50% less over their lifetime compared to those who switch jobs every 2-3 yrs

Which gave you the means to buy that mansion you always wanted.
/——/ Actually I lived in several mansions. I didn’t care for them. Too much maintenance. When I retired I moved into a 2 bedroom condo. I’m now very comfortable.
/——/ It’s always been that way. I was a top performer in salaried sales at Procter & Gamble in the early 1980s. I got a puny 2-3% annual raise. I moved to Johnson &Johnson as a pharma rep and got a 25% pay bump. 6 years later I switched to legal publishing sales on salary plus commission and doubled my

I tend to agree, but in the past it was seen as a negative to change jobs often while now it does not seem to be. My daughter is 28 and and is with her current company for 3 years and it is the longest she has ever held a job and she is already looking to change.
In the 80s I walked right off the job. No notice. Had a higher paying one waiting. It was exhilarating. 2 weeks notice in an I fringement of rights.
In the 80s I walked right off the job. No notice. Had a higher paying one waiting. It was exhilarating. 2 weeks notice in an I fringement of rights.
/---/ Except for union jobs like the USPS and such.

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