World Jewish Population Statistics

Our Jewish masters have done a wonderful job taking care of us
Your insolence has been duly noted.

You are now under the watchful eye of the Zohan.

I do not want to offend our Jewish masters

good boy goy
Who strengthens you?

WONDER BREAD-------and spinach
That's a shame you can't even say you get you strength from God.

Are you a militant atheist?

It would explain your behaviors.
Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I only gamble when the fix is in...

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?

go for it, Hobie-----give us the "how to make bacon" process utilized by Abraham
In Genesis, the talking serpent, a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, was condemned to crawl on it belly and eat dust for misleading the gullible in the name of the Lord, intentional murder.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly.

This is obviously a direct reference to the teachings of a specific human archetype. This is a warning to avoid the teachings of any person that crawls on its belly, the potential consequence is the loss of your mind ie., THE DEATH.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. This is a direct reference to a specific human archetype define by their inability to ruminate, think deeply.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of teeming vermin that go down on all fours. etc., etc.,

It is not now and never was about food.
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Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

the voices are also drowned out by hate-filled neo-Nazi white supremacists.

and no, there is no point to the anti-semite's o/p.
Next question...
Who was the first person to ever suggest the Tanach was an allegory?

Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
I want to know the name of the first atheist who came up with the “Allegory” meme.
Next question...
Who was the first person to ever suggest the Tanach was an allegory?

Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
I want to know the name of the first atheist who came up with the “Allegory” meme.

In Genesis, the talking serpent, a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, was condemned to crawl on it belly and eat dust for misleading the gullible in the name of the Lord which amounts to intentional murder.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly.

This is obviously a direct reference to the teachings of a specific human archetype. This is a warning to avoid the teachings of any person that crawls on its belly, the potential consequence is the loss of your mind ie., THE DEATH.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. This is a direct reference to a specific human archetype define by their inability to ruminate, think deeply.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of teeming vermin that go down on all fours. etc., etc.,

It is not now and never was about food.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I only gamble when the fix is in...

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?

go for it, Hobie-----give us the "how to make bacon" process utilized by Abraham
In Genesis, the talking serpent, a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, was condemned to crawl on it belly and eat dust for misleading the gullible in the name of the Lord, intentional murder.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly.

This is obviously a direct reference to the teachings of a specific human archetype. This is a warning to avoid the teachings of any person that crawls on its belly, the potential consequence is the loss of your mind ie., THE DEATH.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. This is a direct reference to a specific human archetype define by their inability to ruminate, think deeply.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of teeming vermin that go down on all fours. etc., etc.,

It is not now and never was about food.
You are one dumb fuck.
If that were true all of mankind would have received the command right off the bat.
Explain all 613 Commandments.
Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Circumcision is another topic.

The law presents a choice between a blessing or a curse. Its not only a choice about whether if you follow the law but how.

The short answer to why you took on the most onerous procedure in history when it wasn't necessary is, obviously, that you made the wrong choice.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
I want to know the name of the first atheist who came up with the “Allegory” meme.

In Genesis, the talking serpent, a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, was condemned to crawl on it belly and eat dust for misleading the gullible in the name of the Lord which amounts to intentional murder.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly.

This is obviously a direct reference to the teachings of a specific human archetype. This is a warning to avoid the teachings of any person that crawls on its belly, the potential consequence is the loss of your mind ie., THE DEATH.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. This is a direct reference to a specific human archetype define by their inability to ruminate, think deeply.

It is not now and never was about food.

In Kosher law it is forbidden to eat the flesh of teeming vermin that go down on all fours. etc., etc.,

It is not now and never was about food.
Please provide the Jews for Jesus Link.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Circumcision is another topic.
You have to cover 613 topics.
Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Circumcision is another topic.
You have to cover 613 topics.
Not until you can demonstrate the intelligence required to understanding one.

Lets start with the flesh of swine.
someone should have clued MARY into the ----allegorical
circumcision thing-------she had it done on the putative Jesus
FOR REAL----------watta mistake. It probably IMMEDIATELY
grew back-----(an allegory for the "Christ is risen" story)
Ok.. You believe that kashrut is a divine menu...Your perception of holiness is based upon what a person eats.

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate ?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours?

Do you see no deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Doesn't ring a bell? See Genesis 3:14......

Do you understand that following the law in the wrong way has the exact same death consequent as does worshipping and eating a triune mangod and that, whether Jew or Gentile, misleading people about the true subject and intent of God in giving the law amounts to murder?

No? See Genesis 3:14

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

People turned aside from the way that Moses taught to follow the law as soon as he died. At least according to your own scriptures.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Circumcision is another topic.
I asked you a question and you continue to bluff.

Bluff? lol.. I never gamble..

I answered your question..

The law was allegorical from the beginning. Kashrut has absolutely nothing whatever to do with food and never did.

Would you like me to show you how?
Please explain why millions of people took on one of the most onerous procedures in history whren it wasn’t necessary.
Circumcision is another topic.
You have to cover 613 topics.
Not until you can demonstrate the understanding about one.

Lets start with the flesh of swine.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

And yes, God’s purpose is for His selected nation to stop and appreciate God every moment of our lives.

Now just give me the Link cause I’ll find it tonight anyway.

By the way, why only pigs when only 5 non-fowl animals are kosher?
someone should have clued MARY into the ----allegorical
circumcision thing-------she had it done on the putative Jesus
FOR REAL----------watta mistake. It probably IMMEDIATELY
grew back-----(an allegory for the "Christ is risen" story)
Perhaps Mary was so fugly the only member she was able to get was allegorical?
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.
You think I haven’t encountered this before, even on Jewish Facebook groups?
Think again.
You definitely got the pig wrong as pig is not explicitly forbidden.
You got 611 to go.
I’m sure you know them all.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.
You have the right idea but you’re taking it in the right direction.
The Connections are supposed to cause Jews to stop and constantly think about our constant reliance on God which is something most of the world does not want.
The 7 Noachide Connections are for the few non-Jews who desire such a relationship with the Creator/Sustainer.
Your insolence has been duly noted.

You are now under the watchful eye of the Zohan.

I do not want to offend our Jewish masters

good boy goy
Who strengthens you?

WONDER BREAD-------and spinach
That's a shame you can't even say you get you strength from God.

Are you a militant atheist?

It would explain your behaviors.

her treating you like the arrogant, self-satisfied religious zealot that you are is neither militant nor atheist. I've told you, we don't have any interest in proselytizing and we see it as annoying and disrespectful.

I hope that helps you.
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I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

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