World Leaders DECLARE: "America is back !!" Now we Can Take On China.

Of course this is not the only thread to be dominated by single sentence, off topic, & using personal attacks against the messenger.
You just described every Trump-hating troller on this board :auiqs.jpg:.
To be truthful, something beyond your usual idiot-grams, "trump-hating" is a hyperbolic absurdity. The truth being trump is an authoritarian megalomaniac, a demagogue and a charlatan, a man-child in an empty suit. Inept, incompetent and corrupt.
Good Gaea, you're such a drama queen.
Wow, look at how defensive they get.

Your beloved leader has made it clear. Tough shit.
Not defensive. Just sick of your transparently false b.s. you robotically repeat despite a complete
lack of evidence. Trump put sanctions on Putin's beloved pipeline.
Biden removed them all. Who is really looking out for Vladimir? Biden is.
And who is lying about it? You are.
Prove that, "Democrats are homesick for an America that never was -- the United Soviet Socialist States of Amerika."

The facts are your post was stupid. It is incorrect and ludicrous.

Lower division Poli Sci 102 is comparative systems of governments, and it seems you have no clue.
Prove it? To you? Impossible. You're too willfully blind.

Anybody who's been paying attention to the Democratic Party for the last 70 years knows you want a Soviet-style dictatorship.

The really stupid ones among you -- like you -- think you'll be given a plush corner office and a seat on the Politburo.

Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required. All you're going to do is screech NUH UH!! like a toddler told it's naptime.
They just toss around combinations of words that scare them, even though they're just producing non sequiturs.

Now that they've openly embraced the murderous thug Putin and Russia, they just want to provide themselves some cover.
You mean embracing the murderous thug Putin and Russia by removing sanctions on them so they can build the pipeline they want?

Yeah, Biden really showed them who's boss, didn't he?
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
What dont they trust about the US?
To be truthful, something beyond your usual idiot-grams, "trump-hating" is a hyperbolic absurdity. The truth being trump is an authoritarian megalomaniac, a demagogue and a charlatan, a man-child in an empty suit. Inept, incompetent and corrupt.
The truth is Donald Trump is pro-America, for strong borders and pushing back on China. That is what is important. Trump haters like you obsessed over the Media and the Democrat's non-stop attacks on him from the first day he took office. You have been completely duped by their 4 year smear campaign and TWO IMPEACHMENTS FFS and you still get your undies bunched about him every day.
Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.
That's all you can say when I bitch slap you with the truth. You people are so pathetic, I just posted verifiable fact, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Everything I said is fact,
Show me where trump's precovid GDP was not 2.6%?? That happened
Show me where the US annual deficit was not $587 in 2016? That happened
Show me where Trumps did not ramp that up to $1.1 T precovid? That happened
Show me where the US did not have the most cases and the most deaths?? That happened
Show me where Trump did not say We can look into injecting disinfectant?? That was said.
Show me where anoybody credible has presented any form of voter fraud?? Nobody has.
We all saw the insurrection at the Capitol, Trump did that...

Show me..
I am waiting

SHOW ME or admit defeat.
There is nothing you can post. I hit you with verifiable fact, you cry like a faggot bitch.


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Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.
That's all you can say when I bitch slap you with the truth. You people are so pathetic, I just posted verifiable fact, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Everything I said is fact,
Show me where trump's precovid GDP was not 2.6%?? That happened
Show me where the US annual deficit was not $587 in 2016? That happened
Show me where Trumps did not ramp that up to $1.1 T precovid? That happened
Show me where the US did not have the most cases and the most deaths?? That happened
Show me where Trump did not say We can look into injecting disinfectant?? That was said.
Show me where anoybody credible has presented any form of voter fraud?? Nobody has.
We all saw the insurrection at the Capitol, Trump did that...

Show me..
I am waiting

SHOW ME or admit defeat.
There is nothing you can post. I hit you with verifiable fact, you cry like a faggot bitch.
Have you considered therapy? Because there's definitely something wrong in your head.
Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.
That's all you can say when I bitch slap you with the truth. You people are so pathetic, I just posted verifiable fact, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Everything I said is fact,
Show me where trump's precovid GDP was not 2.6%?? That happened
Show me where the US annual deficit was not $587 in 2016? That happened
Show me where Trumps did not ramp that up to $1.1 T precovid? That happened
Show me where the US did not have the most cases and the most deaths?? That happened
Show me where Trump did not say We can look into injecting disinfectant?? That was said.
Show me where anoybody credible has presented any form of voter fraud?? Nobody has.
We all saw the insurrection at the Capitol, Trump did that...

Show me..
I am waiting

SHOW ME or admit defeat.
There is nothing you can post. I hit you with verifiable fact, you cry like a faggot bitch.
Have you considered therapy? Because there's definitely something wrong in your head.
Refute what I posted with facts and links, or shut the fuck up and run away bitch.
You a bitch.
America can lead or it can hide.
Leading is better.
But we aren’t leading, we are simply following he wishes of other countries and footing the bill. They only love us for what we can provide for them. They don’t care what ultimately happens to us.
Then maybe you don't understand them.

We don't need to be paranoid. Leadership requires strength and bravery.

It isn’t paranoid to say we aren’t going to be the cash cow in the nonsense of the Paris Accord. It isn’t paranoid to say that others need to pay their fair share in NATO instead of blowing it on social programs for their countries. It isn’t paranoid to say we aren’t going to crush our pharmaceutical industries by allowing vaccine patent waivers instead of simply allowing them to ramp up production. There is a reason we are always on the forefront of new drugs and why the rest of the world looks to our companies for tough medical solutions. Those with socialized systems aren’t quite as interested in finding solutions because it isn’t economical advantages. Thanks to Biden, he may screw that up too. It isn’t paranoid to tell WHO to take a hike when they lied to us, seamingly puposely, about COVID. It was almost as if they wanted to Trump out of office so they could write their own checks out of our checkbook again.

Keep drinking the left-wing Kool-Aid.
And you go hide, while the rest of the world passes us by.

The facts go right over your head. Indoctrination is a terrible thing.
Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.

And by 'leftist media', you mean every other news source other than OAN, NewsMax and Infowars? And I'm using the term 'news source' charitably.

Remember, we can watch pretty much anything....domestic or international. Almost any newspaper, TV channel, cable network, foreign news services, local ones....virtually any government agency (again, foreign or domestic), virtually any international body, virtually any professional organizations.

You on the other hand.....the bubble of rampant cherry picking and desperate, willful ignorance necessary to reaffirm your fragile beliefs is a tiny, tiny thing, requiring you to ignore almost everyone and everything else.
Last edited:
Refute what I posted with facts and links, or shut the fuck up and run away bitch.
You a bitch.
Goodness, you sure do get angry when people don't kiss your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.

Oh, well.
I just thoroughly enjoy smacking you around.
What can you say? There is nothing you can say to refute any of the verifiable facts I posted.

It is too easy.

You are just dancing around all the facts I posted, because there is nothing you can say to refute them.
Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.

And by 'leftist media', you mean every other news source other than OAN, NewsMax and Infowars? And I'm using the term 'news source' charitably.

Remember, we can watch pretty much anything....domestic or international. Almost any newspaper, TV channel, cable network, foreign news services, local ones....virtually any government agency (again, foreign or domestic), virtually any international body, virtually any professional organizations.

You on the other hand.....the bubble of rampant cherry picking and desperate, willful ignorance necessary to reaffirm your fragile beliefs is a tiny, tiny thing, requiring you to ignore almost everyone and everything else.
These people need NewsMax and Infowars to feed them the lies they need to hear to be loyal GOP sheep.

Look at how he squirms when I post the facts.
Everytime I post these same facts over and over again they all squirm, flail, cry fake news media (their favorite go to response when they are overwhelmed), but never refute me...

The funniest thing is they don't even realize they are being fed lies.
Last edited:
Trump insisted NATO members start paying their dues.
What dues were they?

2% of GDP.

NATO Members ‘Stepping up,’ Agree To Pay More After Trump Labels Them 'Delinquents'

NATO nations are finally increasing their funding of their own defense, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Stoltenberg said that NATO nations have agreed to increase their contributions by $100 billion over the next two years.

In 2014, NATO partners agreed they would each spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Only four made the goal, with only 15 of the 29 member nations expected to meet it by the deadline.

Under Pressure from Trump, Allies Up NATO Contributions

NATO spending has increased for the sixth consecutive year thanks to new contributions from allies, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in prepared remarks Wednesday.

"We expect this trend to continue," Stoltenberg said. "Allies are also investing more in major capabilities … and continue to contribute to our missions and operations."

Canada and European countries' spending increased this year at a rate of 4.3 percent.

Ten NATO member countries—Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States—now meet the benchmark of 2 percent GDP spending on defense, up from only three member states in 2014.

Less encouraging are Germany and Canada's defense budgets, which are still under 1.6 percent of their GDPs.

The Trump administration has pulled a large contingent of American personnel out of Germany in an effort to induce Berlin to pay more of its defense burden.

While many in the foreign policy establishment have worried about the the Trump administration's approach to NATO, these findings point to a renewal in member countries' spending.
Wow big deal, one little accomplishment for Trump in a sea of failure.

What was trump's GDP again? Oh yea a dismal 2.6% pre covid... barely better than Obama, yet Trump ramped up spending massive inheriting a $587B/yr annual deficit and doubling that to $1.1 T projected for 2020 pre covid.
Poor results.
Then what happened when covid hit? He had no plan, no testing, no PPE- even though Trump admitted on tape to Woodward that he knew it was very deadly and very contagious. Brilliant job. The whole time telling everyone "This is nothing it will all go away"
Then Trump completely imploded and suggested injecting bleach, with the US having record cases and record deaths. The most cases and deaths in the world... great job there.
Then Trump lost the election and incited an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.
Trump was a failed 1 term president that left office in shame and disgrace with the country in Ruin.

But but but its all lies... yup its all lies... Sometimes in life the truth can be a tough fuckin pill for you idiot Trumpers to swallow. At least lose with dignity...
7 months later and still not a shred of credible evidence of election fraud.
I'd believe all that horseshit too if I only watched leftist media.

And by 'leftist media', you mean every other news source other than OAN, NewsMax and Infowars? And I'm using the term 'news source' charitably.

Remember, we can watch pretty much anything....domestic or international. Almost any newspaper, TV channel, cable network, foreign news services, local ones....virtually any government agency (again, foreign or domestic), virtually any international body, virtually any professional organizations.

You on the other hand.....the bubble of rampant cherry picking and desperate, willful ignorance necessary to reaffirm your fragile beliefs is a tiny, tiny thing, requiring you to ignore almost everyone and everything else.
These people need NewsMax and Infowars to feed them the lies they need to hear to be loyal GOP sheep.

Look at how he squirms when I post the facts.
Everytime I post these same facts over and over again they all say squirm, flail, cry fake news media (their favorite go to response when they are overwhelmed), but never refute me...

The funniest thing is they don't even realize they are being fed lies.
They're very fragile people. Everything has to conform to their rigid worldview, or its 'fake'. News stories, sources, government reports, science, art, even elections.......if any of it doesn't comfort their beliefs, they just can't deal. So they invent these fantastically elaborate fantasies about international conspiracies and vast plots against them....

....rather than just sacking up and accepting that sometimes things don't go your way.
Wow, look at how defensive they get.

Your beloved leader has made it clear. Tough shit.
Not defensive. Just sick of your transparently false b.s. you robotically repeat despite a complete
lack of evidence. Trump put sanctions on Putin's beloved pipeline.
Biden removed them all. Who is really looking out for Vladimir? Biden is.
And who is lying about it? You are.
Your messiah's words, not mine, liar.

They just toss around combinations of words that scare them, even though they're just producing non sequiturs.

Now that they've openly embraced the murderous thug Putin and Russia, they just want to provide themselves some cover.
You mean embracing the murderous thug Putin and Russia by removing sanctions on them so they can build the pipeline they want?

Yeah, Biden really showed them who's boss, didn't he?
He did. And, at this critical moment, here's what your messiah said, endorsing Putin over Biden:

The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
What dont they trust about the US?
That we'll run and hide again, as Trump did.

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