Worse Than Treason

So far ... Republicans have been respecting the court's decisions ... so no sedation ... they are exercising their Right of Free Speech ... don't we all ... maybe you're confusing the two ...
have you listened to anything Trump has said ?? Find me 11780 votes for example? etc etc
Have you ever heard out of context? You have now. Do you know any Americans?
The so called investigations were tainted by political hacks covering their butts. I talking about an open, fair, and honest investigation. ... :cool:

Republicans are controlling the DoJ right now ... are you suggesting Republicans are covering up the election fraud? ... that's stupid, sorry, you're normally sharp as a tack, but here I think you might have fallen off a cliff somehow ... some me the math, or you ain't got nothin' ...
Just curious Will What would you call it ? After 61 law suites and the SC said BS??
I would call it the Deep State defending the fixed election.
There is absolute proof as data scientists have absolutely demonstrated election fraud.

"In better days they would line up the vote thieves against a wall".
Line up all those REPUBLICAN judges?? All those REPUBLICAN SC judges ?? For shame lol
Just curious Will What would you call it ? After 61 law suites and the SC said BS??
I would call it the Deep State defending the fixed election.
There is absolute proof as data scientists have absolutely demonstrated election fraud.
61 court cases and the Supreme Court said republicans were FOS Afraid to say fraud in court because they'd lose their license but on tv they spouted their crap
That's your dishonest spin on the matter. It doesn't remotely represent reality.
There is LOTS of it. If you want to use this cop- out to avoid seeing it that's on a coward like you.
I invited you to look it up.

Oh ... I have ... and it's all total BS ... mainly restricting the sample pool to drive up probabilities ... dismiss all the Biden votes and then yes, The Donald wins ... but that's not how elections work ... you made the claim, and now you refuse to back it up? ... lame sauce ...

How many degrees of freedom are you using? ...
Line up all those REPUBLICAN judges?? All those REPUBLICAN SC judges ?? For shame lol
Your poor binary brain doesn't seem able to handle reality. Having an R next to your name isn't a sign that Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan are "republican" in the same sense Trump or Ted Cruz are republicans.

What a "deep" thinker you must be.
Think about it. trump is trying to bypass the will of the people AND have the elites....Congress....to reinstall him. If this was happening in another country...we would call it a Coup Attempt. That is exactly what it is. trump is trying to destroy our electoral system. Maybe this is Putin's plan.
Oh ... I have ... and it's all total BS ... mainly restricting the sample pool to drive up probabilities ... dismiss all the Biden votes and then yes, The Donald wins ... but that's not how elections work ... you made the claim, and now you refuse to back it up? ... lame sauce ...

How many degrees of freedom are you using? ...

Okay... just stay in your own bubble. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
Worse Than Treason
No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election.


The Democratic president of the United States and his proven criminal Cabinet / Administration colluded with the Russians, using known propaganda authored by the Russian Intelligence Service delivered by a Trump-hating foreign spy, in a failed coup attempt to overthrow the United States government by illegally removing the newly elected President.

For 4 years the Democrats engaged in Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Sedition, Creating and submitting criminal false evidence as legitimate evidence, illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents / a newly elected President and his team, committed FISA Court crimes not only in 2016 but for DECADES.... Democrats spent 4 years engaging in non-stop failed coup attempts to include the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history.

For 4 years Democrats declared President Trump was NOT their President and did everything they could to undermine and overthrow the US government through removing President Trump at all costs.....

...and now the same Democrats who did this, the same snowflakes who wept when Hillary lost and ran out into the streets to scream at the sky, want Americans to ignore the proven fact that Pa violated both state and federal Constitutions and laws. to ignore the proven election fraud /crimes - acknowledged by not only the USSC but the Chief justice of the USSC - and to 'accept the election results and move on'.....what, like THEY did?

What a fu@king JOKE!

There is a definite reason Democrats, the fake news media, ands snowflakes refuse to be transparent, oppose investigations / audits, and want to run like hell towards a Biden Presidency without looking back. They are demonstrating the same 'transparency' and willingness to be transparent as Barry and HIS administration, which was officially declared the most FOIA and FRA criminally NON-compliant administration in history!

The last thing Democrats, the fake news media, and snowflakes want is for Americans / Conservatives to use THEIR last 4-year criminal behavior as an example / blueprint of how to act the next 4 years.
Okay... just stay in your own bubble. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

It's been two months ... has a single ballot been presented that shows this switch? ... seriously, a ballot with a bunch of "white out" on it ... just stupid bullshit ...

Submit the evidence into court, allow it to endure hostile cross-examination ... they refuse because they're lying ... many people followed the numbers being reported during the ballot count ... what your citation claims never happened ... or show show me the public press releases ... something your citation doesn't provide at all ... lame sauce ...
Think about it. trump is trying to bypass the will of the people AND have the elites....Congress....to reinstall him.

Did Trump illegally spy on Biden, committing FISA Court crimes?

Did Trump treasonously use known Russian Intel Service propaganda delivered by a Biden-hating foreign ex-spy working for the Russians against Biden in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by having him removed from office, attempting to UN-DO the election?

No, of course not.

President Trump and others exercised the legally established process - the same used by Gore in 2000 - to contest the 2020 election results.

You snowflakes are so programmed / indoctrinated you continue to allow your irrational hate-driven emotion to cause you to spew record-setting and emotional opinionated bullshit.
Worse Than Treason
No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election.

“We are what we pretend to be,” Kurt Vonnegut wrote in the opening of his 1962 novel, Mother Night, “and so we must be careful what we pretend to be.” Republicans in Congress are pretending to be seditionists—and so they have become, in fact, seditionists.

Forget all the whispered denials and the off-the-record expressions of concern in private; ignore the knowing smirks on camera from GOP officials who are desperately trying to indicate that they’re in on the joke. Brush aside the caviling of the anti-anti-Trump writers who would rather talk about that time in 2017 when some Democrats objected to the Electoral College vote (and were gaveled down by Joe Biden himself).
This is sedition, plain and simple. No amount of playacting and rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party and its apologists are advocating for the overthrow of an American election and the continued rule of a sociopathic autocrat.
This is not some handful of firebrands making a stand for the television cameras. In 2005, one Democrat in the House and one in the Senate filed an objection to counting Ohio’s electoral votes, while insisting that they were not contesting the outcome of the presidential election itself. In 2017, a handful of Democratic members of the House objected to the electoral count. Because they lacked support in the Senate, then–Vice President Biden ruled the representatives out of order and declared, “It is over.” In both cases, the Democratic candidate had already conceded.

Today, the “sedition caucus” includes at least 140 members of the House—that is, some two-thirds of the House GOP membership—and at least 10 members of the Senate. Their challenge comes after weeks of insistence that the 2020 election was rigged, plagued by fraud, and even subverted by foreign powers. The president and his minions have filed, and lost, scores of lawsuits that ranged from minor disputes over process to childlike, error-filled briefs full of bizarre assertions.

Instead of threatening to gavel these objections into irrelevance, as Biden did four years ago, Vice President Mike Pence “welcomes” these challenges. Pence’s career is finished, but he could have stood for the Constitution he claims to love and which he swore to defend. However, cowardice is contagious, and no mask was thick enough to protect Pence from the pathogen of fear.
Perhaps the sedition caucus didn’t mean to go this far. Its members began by arguing that we all just needed to humor President Trump, to give him time to process the loss, and to treat the president of the United States as a toddler who was going home empty-handed. He wouldn’t be a dead-ender, they assured us, because that would be too humiliating. The Republican Party would never immolate itself for a proven loser.

But for Trump, there is no such thing as too much humiliation. The only shame in Trump world lies in admitting defeat. And so Trump doubled down, as anyone who had watched him for more than 10 minutes knew he would. And then he tripled, quadrupled, quintupled down. And just as they have done for the past four years, elected Republicans tried to convince themselves that if they supported this outrage, it would be the last time they would be required to surrender their dignity; that this betrayal of the Constitution would be the last treachery demanded of them. That if they complied one more time, they would be allowed to go back to their privileged lives far from the districts they claim to represent—places few of them really want to live after tasting life in the Emerald City.
It is possible that the sedition caucus knew that all these challenges would fail. It is possible that they know their last insult to American democracy, on Wednesday, will go nowhere, as well. This is irrelevant: Engaging in sedition for insincere reasons does not make it less hideous. Arguing that you betrayed the Constitution only as theater is no defense.

Indeed, shredding the Constitution purely for personal gain is perhaps the worst of the sins of the sedition caucus. It would almost be a relief to know that these Republicans really believe what they’re trying to sell, that they are genuine fanatics and ideologues who have at least paid us the respect of pitting their sincere beliefs against our own.
But we are, in the main, dealing with people who are far worse than true believers. The Republican Party is infested with craven opportunists, the kind of people who will try to tell us later that they were “just asking questions,” that they were “defending the process,” and of course, that they were merely representing “the will of the people.” Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz are not idiots. These are men who understand perfectly well what they are doing. Senator Mitt Romney sees it clearly, noting that his GOP colleagues are engaged in “an egregious ploy” to “enhance political ambition.”

People of goodwill across the United States want some sort of road map to oppose this cold-blooded attack on the Constitution, but none exists. As James Madison warned us, without a virtuous people, no system of checks and balances will work. The Republicans have gone from being a party that touted virtue to being the most squalid and grubby expression of institutionalized self-interest in the modern history of the American republic.

The real solution will come after all of these schemes fail. Voters must not take the bait and try to tinker with hasty legal and constitutional fixes. These, too, will fail to contain a party that is determined to destroy legal and moral norms in the pursuit of raw power. The better course is to turn our attention to the business of governing, while vowing to drive every member of the sedition caucus out of our public life, both through the ballot box and by shunning their enablers.
The members of the public and the institutions of American life should shroud these seditionists in silence and opprobrium in perpetuity: no television interviews, no sinecures at universities or think tanks, no rehabilitating book tours, no jokey late-night appearances, no self-serving op-eds.
The sedition caucus is worse than a treasonous conspiracy. At least real traitors believe in something. These people instead believe only in their own fortunes and thus will change flags and loyalties as circumstances require. They will always become what they pretend to be, and so they cannot—and must not—be trusted ever again with political power.

Worse Than Treason
What is scary to me is that I doubt either Cruz or Hawley would be pandering to the trump voters if they had any thought that objecting to the certified EV's will have any real effect changing the election. They are willing to aid Trump in bamboozling money and power from people who for various reasons are happy to embrace a conspiracy theory that is not only disproven but obviously impossible to prevent disclosure from the thousands of people the dems would have had to use to steal the election.

JFK's father very possibly got Mayor Daley to have a handful of trusted ward captains and election officials to create, or lose, some Chicago votes. But the Trump fantasy hinges upon REPUBLICANS in Az Ga and Pa acting with the Biden campaign. Even if that was remotely possible, and it's not, Trump loyalists are breaking with his attempt to steal the election. That's where the leakers have shed light on conspiracy.
It's been two months ... has a single ballot been presented that shows this switch?

Yes. If snowflakes would get past the hyperbole and talking points and actually look at the facts they would see that....which their irrational hate-driven emotion-based existence will not allow them to do.
Republicans are controlling the DoJ right now ... are you suggesting Republicans are covering up the election fraud? ... that's stupid, sorry, you're normally sharp as a tack, but here I think you might have fallen off a cliff somehow ... some me the math, or you ain't got nothin' ...
The problem is most of the voter irregularities happened at the state level under state jurisdiction. So the DOJ's hands are tied when it comes to voter fraud allegations within the state. ... :cool:
Suni ,,you have to admit you are what you are That goes for the Republican congress trying to overturn our election and folks like you In better days they'd line you up against a wall
Eddy I just want a free and fair election. Any allegations of ballot tampering needs to be investigated. There is nothing unpatriotic about making sure the American people's votes were all counted and bogus votes were thrown out according to the law. ... :cool:

Think about it. trump is trying to bypass the will of the people AND have the elites....Congress....to reinstall him. If this was happening in another country...we would call it a Coup Attempt. That is exactly what it is. trump is trying to destroy our electoral system. Maybe this is Putin's plan.

Vlad is grinning like a shit-eating possum.

It's been two months ... has a single ballot been presented that shows this switch? ... seriously, a ballot with a bunch of "white out" on it ... just stupid bullshit ...

Submit the evidence into court, allow it to endure hostile cross-examination ... they refuse because they're lying ... many people followed the numbers being reported during the ballot count ... what your citation claims never happened ... or show show me the public press releases ... something your citation doesn't provide at all ... lame sauce ...
So I guess that means you aren't challenging my citation.
Good to know. Over sixty law suits filled in federal and state courts and NOT ONE SINGLE SUIT has been
dismissed based on the case itself and the facts contained within.

You are remarkably ignorant of this facts of this matter. Courts will not even deal with evidence.
They have dismissed all these cases based not on facts but on procedural claims and sometimes
without any comment at all. They just refuse to hear the case.

The Supreme Court, for instance, refused to hear the Texas case because they claimed Texas doesn't have any standing to sue Swing States. In reality when one state has a legal problem with another the SC is the ONLY
place such a suit can take place.
And John Roberts and his crew of liars also said a state such as Michigan illegally changing their election
laws in order to thwart Trump doesn't involve Texas, as if robbing and disenfranchising the nation
was not the business of Texas, and the other states that signed onto the suit.

Just piss off! You take up my time with your idiocy.

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