Would god be against free Health care?

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i know you're as full of shit as a christmas goose; i'll settle for that.
more herring?

Hey I am not the one who can't answer a question and resorts to God is Mysterious. Talk about full of shit. How is that working for ya?

stupid questions get stupid answers. works just fine for me.

Stupid thinking, leads to seeing questions as stupid. Now can you or can you not, answer why folks that believe so strongly in God, would rather have their taxes sent to wars then used to medically take care of their neighbors. Can you answer that, or will you resort to your belief that God works in Mysterious ways?
Of course jesus was a capitalist! Don't any of you remember the 5% markup he priced those loaves and fishes at? You ARE your brothers keeper (as long as he pays his way)!

I tellya.. curing the sick and making the blind see sure was a lucrative gig... Hell, just think of that easy credit payday loan that was the price tag to exercise Legion from the madman!

The question I have what fish did he get? I hope it was a tasty one.
Stupid thinking, leads to seeing questions as stupid. Now can you or can you not, answer why folks that believe so strongly in God, would rather have their taxes sent to wars then used to medically take care of their neighbors. Can you answer that, or will you resort to your belief that God works in Mysterious ways?
Well, project for me this, Batman...

Would God wave a gun in your face and shake you down to pay for a service rendered to your neighbor??
Hey I am not the one who can't answer a question and resorts to God is Mysterious. Talk about full of shit. How is that working for ya?

stupid questions get stupid answers. works just fine for me.

Stupid thinking, leads to seeing questions as stupid. Now can you or can you not, answer why folks that believe so strongly in God, would rather have their taxes sent to wars then used to medically take care of their neighbors. Can you answer that, or will you resort to your belief that God works in Mysterious ways?

what part of "your premise is bullshit" is so difficult for you to understand?
you have no proof that people who believe in god prefer paying for wars to paying for health care. giving your question any serious consideration would lend it a legitimacy it doesn't have.

this is the same crap you tried to peddle the other night vis a vis gay vs hetero adoption- if you want to engage in mental masturbation, knock yourself out, but don't expect me or anyone else to provide a reach around.

get it?
Stupid thinking, leads to seeing questions as stupid. Now can you or can you not, answer why folks that believe so strongly in God, would rather have their taxes sent to wars then used to medically take care of their neighbors. Can you answer that, or will you resort to your belief that God works in Mysterious ways?
Well, project for me this, Batman...

Would God wave a gun in your face and shake you down to pay for a service rendered to your neighbor??

Are you your brothers keeper?


seriously, dude. You are TOO easy.

stupid questions get stupid answers. works just fine for me.

Stupid thinking, leads to seeing questions as stupid. Now can you or can you not, answer why folks that believe so strongly in God, would rather have their taxes sent to wars then used to medically take care of their neighbors. Can you answer that, or will you resort to your belief that God works in Mysterious ways?

what part of "your premise is bullshit" is so difficult for you to understand?
you have no proof that people who believe in god prefer paying for wars to paying for health care. giving your question any serious consideration would lend it a legitimacy it doesn't have.

this is the same crap you tried to peddle the other night vis a vis gay vs hetero adoption- if you want to engage in mental masturbation, knock yourself out, but don't expect me or anyone else to provide a reach around.

get it?

No proof? Is not the Right against free health care? Is not the right more religiously oriented? Does the right defend the war? Common sense here.

And the question I have for you, is why is it that you seek to give me a orgasim in my mental masturbation by even responding. But hey thanks for the thrill anyways.
We all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against Nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in Gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would God be against nationalized heath care?

Why is it that you don't understand what comes after Nationalized Health Care? Are you you really dense or is it something you really haven't thought through?

Although I hate to do this, let me just give you the answer. Nationalized Health Care will result in Rationed Health Care. Why? Because it is the ONLY way it can work.

So your answer is that YES, God would be against systematically rationing health care and deciding who lives and who dies based upon the relative advantage to society of spending the money to give the person treatment to keep them alive etc.

If you don't believe that's what happens, you need only go to some of the Web sites of British papers and read the stories about NICE (the British control board who determines treatment under the British nation health system).
Are you your brothers keeper?
Take Bible passages completely out of context much, knucklehead??


you didn't pay attention in church, did you? Would you care to post evidence that the phrase suggests anything other than what I've implied? Please, cite some sources, dude. I'm having fun batting you around like a cat does a mouse.
No proof? Is not the Right against free health care? Is not the right more religiously oriented? Does the right defend the war? Common sense here.

And the question I have for you, is why is it that you seek to give me a orgasim in my mental masturbation by even responding. But hey thanks for the thrill anyways.

Wow...You're, like, a poster child for Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate
We all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against Nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in Gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would God be against nationalized heath care?

Why is it that you don't understand what comes after Nationalized Health Care? Are you you really dense or is it something you really haven't thought through?

Although I hate to do this, let me just give you the answer. Nationalized Health Care will result in Rationed Health Care. Why? Because it is the ONLY way it can work.

So your answer is that YES, God would be against systematically rationing health care and deciding who lives and who dies based upon the relative advantage to society of spending the money to give the person treatment to keep them alive etc.

If you don't believe that's what happens, you need only go to some of the Web sites of British papers and read the stories about NICE (the British control board who determines treatment under the British nation health system).

You'll just have to forgive us, Tech, for not putting much water in your pale given the failures of those other theories (free market capitalism) that never did pan out the way your kind insisted they would on penalty of Armageddon-like consequences.
No proof? Is not the Right against free health care? Is not the right more religiously oriented? Does the right defend the war? Common sense here.

And the question I have for you, is why is it that you seek to give me a orgasim in my mental masturbation by even responding. But hey thanks for the thrill anyways.

Wow...You're, like, a poster child for Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate

thats kinda ironic, mr googled image guy, don't you think?

Oh I like my new nickname. So what you are basically saying is that although God gives and sustains life, God would have no problem with folks who sought to not help God in God's mission.

i would consider your continued existence prima facie evidence of that, but that's not what i said.

go back and reread it.

I am all for free Health care. And I don't believe in God as you do. The question I bring, is why would anyone that believes in God, be against health care for those that can't afford it? Quite simple, and not mysterious if you ask me.
Then are you saying you are willing to force your will onto another whether they like it or not?
we all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would god be against nationalized heath care?
nothing is free!!!!!!!!!!!
If god is so great, why doesn't he supply free health care himself?
Why don't people become a bit more responsible and then there would not be such a need here?

Can't say I have ever been denied medical care when it was absolutely needed except one asshole doctor that sent me home to die.
We all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against Nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in Gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would God be against nationalized heath care?

No, I'm sure he wouldn't.

And his son's politics were closer to communism than I'd like, for that matter.
If god is so great, why doesn't he supply free health care himself?
Why don't people become a bit more responsible and then there would not be such a need here?

Can't say I have ever been denied medical care when it was absolutely needed except one asshole doctor that sent me home to die.

So if people were more responsable, nobody would ever get sick?

So why did god give you a nasty health problem anyway?
You act like government run healthcare is guaranteed to work better overall than what we have now. Government health care (which by the way won't be free, we pay it with taxes) I think will by run by ungodly incompetence, like most of government and be ultimately worse, kinda like comparing the postal service to UPS and FedEx.
And ain't it strange how a bunch of libs who would otherwise be wetting their pants about the mythical "separation of church and state", can so easily do the 180° and tell us all how much God wants their silly-assed socialistic welfare state handout programs??

Funny thing about irony is that it's soooo....well....ironic.
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