would illegal immigrants be separated from their from their kids if they were America citizens ?

So much for "Christianity" when parents cannot take their kids along when they are fleeing poverty and dire straits, including threats to their children's lives. Refugees take their kids along, same as you and me.
Oh, waaaa, di di waaaaa waaaa... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... we are not the 'garbage bucket' for Central America... let 'em flee someplace else.
would DSS allow you to place your child in danger by dragging them across deserts and exposing them to the elements,drug smugglers,,human traffickers ect ?? the answer is not no but HELL NO !

If an American citizen was charged with a MISDEMEANOR, no they wouldn't have their kids taken from them. The kids would be put with a relative until the person got bailed out of jail in a day or two.

Let’s play semantics...What if there were no “relatives”. What would be done with the children?

This argument will go no where with you, as you already compared the crime of illegal immigrants to "federal crime" of an American citizen that puts you in the "big house." Illegal immigration is a MISDEMEANOR. Even if they had no relatives, the kids would be wards of the state for just a day or two until their parent got bailed out. Being a ward of the state is not being locked up in a dog kennel with hundreds of other kids.
What if they can't pay bail?
So much for "Christianity" when parents cannot take their kids along when they are fleeing poverty and dire straits, including threats to their children's lives. Refugees take their kids along, same as you and me.
Oh, waaaa, di di waaaaa waaaa... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... we are not the 'garbage bucket' for Central America... let 'em flee someplace else.
Exactly. They can go to Mexico.
So much for "Christianity" when parents cannot take their kids along when they are fleeing poverty and dire straits, including threats to their children's lives. Refugees take their kids along, same as you and me.
Oh, waaaa, di di waaaaa waaaa... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... we are not the 'garbage bucket' for Central America... let 'em flee someplace else.
To where? U.S., and "Christian" policies over decades have been designed to over-populate central America and crush any attempts at economic and social reforms. Now you are complaining?
So much for "Christianity" when parents cannot take their kids along when they are fleeing poverty and dire straits, including threats to their children's lives. Refugees take their kids along, same as you and me.
Oh, waaaa, di di waaaaa waaaa... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... we are not the 'garbage bucket' for Central America... let 'em flee someplace else.
To where?...
Don't know... don't care... their problem, not ours.

...U.S., and "Christian" policies over decades have been designed to over-populate central America...
Hor$e$hit... typical LibTard anti-Christian propaganda... conflating traditional (and no longer viable) perspectives on birth control with malevolent intent... pure hor$e$hit.

...and crush any attempts at economic and social reforms...
Nope, just communist-socialist ones... and we also have to ask ourselves why they needed so much economic and social reform in the first place.

Then again, what can you expect from hordes of illiterate and semi-literate barbarians no more than a dozen generations removed from cannibalism and human sacrifice.

They $hit all over their own house, and now they want to come and $hit all over ours... and LibTards wanna let 'em do it...

Something that White Straight Christian America has finally admitted to itself, and begun to act upon...

Which is why we got the outcome we did on November 8, 2016...

... Now you are complaining?
Yep... fun, ain't it?... phukk 'em.


Pharaoh has hardened his heart, and this time, it's righteous.
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