Would obamacare have passed without the "keep your plan" lie?

What idiot would want to be stuck with a rotten plan? That's why insurance companies are cancelling the ones that are not competitive. So pick one out that is competitive and cheaper and yes, it really is that "simple".
If Obama would have come out and said in all of those speeches that "some of you will lose your coverage plan, and some of you will be faced with skyrocketing costs" the ACA would not only have never passed, I doubt he would have been re-elected.

IMO the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

Just remember when he comes crawling to the next microphone claiming his immigration plan is not amnesty, that thgis SOB from this day forward cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

if he was an insurance agent he would be

out on bail right now awaiting trial
If Obama would have come out and said in all of those speeches that "some of you will lose your coverage plan, and some of you will be faced with skyrocketing costs" the ACA would not only have never passed, I doubt he would have been re-elected.

IMO the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

Just remember when he comes crawling to the next microphone claiming his immigration plan is not amnesty, that thgis SOB from this day forward cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

if he was an insurance agent he would be

out on bail right now awaiting trial

Iran-Contra Affair, why wasn't Reagan impeached?
Ame®icano;8111089 said:
Of course not. The point of the lie was to convince americans they had nothing to lose. "If you don't like our new plans, you can stick with your old plan. How can you lose?

They would pass it no matter what. If it wasn't this lie, it would be another.

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it: "Individual mandate is not tax." Even Rockefeller called it "big middle class tax increase". Remember interview with Stephanopoulos where he said: "you can’t just make up that language and decide that that’s called a tax increase"... He keep denying it until new news cycle and nobody called him on it anymore, even today.
And on SCOTUS hearing his lawyers said it was a tax and law was defined as constitutional. Everyone on the left lied about it because "the end justifies the means".

Joe Wilson called it out with two perfect words: You lie!

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it

at oral in the Supreme court hearing

the government danced back and forth calling it a tax or a penalty

the SC took them at their word

that is was a tax and on that grounds declared it constitutional

in fact that is the only way that it can be constitutional
If Obama would have come out and said in all of those speeches that "some of you will lose your coverage plan, and some of you will be faced with skyrocketing costs" the ACA would not only have never passed, I doubt he would have been re-elected.

IMO the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

Just remember when he comes crawling to the next microphone claiming his immigration plan is not amnesty, that thgis SOB from this day forward cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

if he was an insurance agent he would be

out on bail right now awaiting trial

Iran-Contra Affair, why wasn't Reagan impeached?

Because half of Congress was in it with him.
Why is everyone blaming the president? Last I remember the president executes laws, not creating them.

well he signed into law

it was his pen that made it a reality

secondarily this guy seems to only execute the laws he likes

whats up with that
Ame®icano;8111089 said:
Of course not. The point of the lie was to convince americans they had nothing to lose. "If you don't like our new plans, you can stick with your old plan. How can you lose?

They would pass it no matter what. If it wasn't this lie, it would be another.

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it: "Individual mandate is not tax." Even Rockefeller called it "big middle class tax increase". Remember interview with Stephanopoulos where he said: "you can’t just make up that language and decide that that’s called a tax increase"... He keep denying it until new news cycle and nobody called him on it anymore, even today.
And on SCOTUS hearing his lawyers said it was a tax and law was defined as constitutional. Everyone on the left lied about it because "the end justifies the means".

Joe Wilson called it out with two perfect words: You lie!

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it

at oral in the Supreme court hearing

the government danced back and forth calling it a tax or a penalty

the SC took them at their word

that is was a tax and on that grounds declared it constitutional

in fact that is the only way that it can be constitutional

But after it was declared constitutional, he kept saying its not a tax. I bet if they ask him today, he would still say its not a tax.

Just wondering, why SCOTUS hasn't call him to stand as a key witness and say it under oat.

Just remember when he comes crawling to the next microphone claiming his immigration plan is not amnesty, that thgis SOB from this day forward cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

Yes, hopefully his amnesty plan is ruined now. In fact this obamacare fiasco should wreck his whole 8 year presidency. He really hasn't accomplished anything outside of obamacare and now that it's in tatters...

Lord knows the economy hasn't improved a bit in 5 years while the stock market keeps soaring as bernanke shovels trillions of $ to the bankers and tells them to invest in stocks.

well the one thing you can believe in what he said was when he was talking about

wrecking the coal industry

when he says that energy prices will necessarily skyrocket

i fully believe him on that one
What idiot would want to be stuck with a rotten plan? That's why insurance companies are cancelling the ones that are not competitive. So pick one out that is competitive and cheaper and yes, it really is that "simple".

You're such an ignorant jackass. My plan is going up 88%. I have Coronary Artery Disease and I like my doctors. Fuckhead ignorant twats like you who don't work and sponge off mom are happy with whatever swill the masters give you. You're a slave and know no better.

Producers like me on the other hand get screwed over so that leeches like you get to lay around and whine.
What idiot would want to be stuck with a rotten plan? That's why insurance companies are cancelling the ones that are not competitive. So pick one out that is competitive and cheaper and yes, it really is that "simple".


it is better to pay 80 percent more

for a rotten plan

plus higher deductibles ta boot

now some demmies are demanding that

laws be written to force doctors to accept crappy payments

this should make the system work even better
If Obama would have come out and said in all of those speeches that "some of you will lose your coverage plan, and some of you will be faced with skyrocketing costs" the ACA would not only have never passed, I doubt he would have been re-elected.

IMO the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

Just remember when he comes crawling to the next microphone claiming his immigration plan is not amnesty, that thgis SOB from this day forward cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

the mother fucker should be charged with fraud.

if he was an insurance agent he would be

out on bail right now awaiting trial

Iran-Contra Affair, why wasn't Reagan impeached?

you tell me
Ame®icano;8111230 said:
Ame®icano;8111089 said:
They would pass it no matter what. If it wasn't this lie, it would be another.

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it: "Individual mandate is not tax." Even Rockefeller called it "big middle class tax increase". Remember interview with Stephanopoulos where he said: "you can’t just make up that language and decide that that’s called a tax increase"... He keep denying it until new news cycle and nobody called him on it anymore, even today.
And on SCOTUS hearing his lawyers said it was a tax and law was defined as constitutional. Everyone on the left lied about it because "the end justifies the means".

Joe Wilson called it out with two perfect words: You lie!

He was called out number of times that individual mandate is a tax and every time he denied it

at oral in the Supreme court hearing

the government danced back and forth calling it a tax or a penalty

the SC took them at their word

that is was a tax and on that grounds declared it constitutional

in fact that is the only way that it can be constitutional

But after it was declared constitutional, he kept saying its not a tax. I bet if they ask him today, he would still say its not a tax.

Just wondering, why SCOTUS hasn't call him to stand as a key witness and say it under oat.

that is because he has a hard time telling the truth
Why is everyone blaming the president? Last I remember the president executes laws, not creating them.

He was in the thick of it with lies from start to finish, pushing it before it was passed against the groundswell of objection across the nation, and spending taxpayer money on his "you'd like it if you were smart enough to understand it" tour.

His administration is the one who took the lies all the way to the Supreme Court.

His administration is the one who threatened insurance providers who tried to tell the truth about it.

His administration is the one which set up a hotline for people call in to report when someone told the truth about the legislation. Which of course he painted as a lie. But which even the complicit media now admits.

And as to executing laws -- he's the one who has been changing laws from the oval office, not executing them in good faith, but bending or breaking them for his political advantage.
Why is everyone blaming the president? Last I remember the president executes laws, not creating them.

He was in the thick of it with lies from start to finish, pushing it before it was passed against the groundswell of objection across the nation, and spending taxpayer money on his "you'd like it if you were smart enough to understand it" tour.

His administration is the one who took the lies all the way to the Supreme Court.

His administration is the one who threatened insurance providers who tried to tell the truth about it.

His administration is the one which set up a hotline for people call in to report when someone told the truth about the legislation. Which of course he painted as a lie. But which even the complicit media now admits.

And as to executing laws -- he's the one who has been changing laws from the oval office, not executing them in good faith, but bending or breaking them for his political advantage.

Woah buddy, I see a lot of opinions, and not enough sources. I understand your anger for universal healthcare being dumbed down because of staunch conservative opposition but don't you think this is way out of proportion? Obama is a bad president but not because of this little lie. Remember he still has us in war against "terrorists", and kept the bush tax cuts.

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