Would obamacare have passed without the "keep your plan" lie?

Ame®icano;8111369 said:
Ame®icano;8111314 said:
Who said they represent 300 million people? Their role is to judge cases involving laws of Congress to be in check with the highest law of all, the Constitution.

We have a democratic republic. If they don't represent the people they obviously don't belong. Also, the constitution is not the highest law of all, Higher law is. The constitution merely serves as framework.

I already explain to you what SCOTUS role is. SCOTUS does not represent people. Congress does.

Btw, what law of the land is higher then the Constitution?

"higher law", which can be anything from moral to religious. The constitution is not the end all, only the beginning.
. If they don't represent the people they obviously don't belong.
So again, what would your solution be to dealing with them when they 'obviously' don't belong?

The solution would be to limiting justices to 1-year terms, with a 2-year max tenure.

So they can be selected by current "occupier" of the WH and bullied into anything he wants?

That's exact reason we don't have term limits on Justices.
Ame®icano;8111377 said:
So again, what would your solution be to dealing with them when they 'obviously' don't belong?

The solution would be to limiting justices to 1-year terms, with a 2-year max tenure.

So they can be selected by current "occupier" of the WH and bullied into anything he wants?

That's exact reason we don't have term limits on Justices.

The white house is composed of representatives from people like you and me. I don't know what you are talking about.
Ame®icano;8111369 said:
We have a democratic republic. If they don't represent the people they obviously don't belong. Also, the constitution is not the highest law of all, Higher law is. The constitution merely serves as framework.

I already explain to you what SCOTUS role is. SCOTUS does not represent people. Congress does.

Btw, what law of the land is higher then the Constitution?

"higher law", which can be anything from moral to religious. The constitution is not the end all, only the beginning.

Read this again. The Constitution is the highest law of the land.

You wanna comply with, to you, higher moral or religious laws? Go ahead, your choice. I sure don't have to.

Btw, define moral law.
ame®icano;8111377 said:
the solution would be to limiting justices to 1-year terms, with a 2-year max tenure.

so they can be selected by current "occupier" of the wh and bullied into anything he wants?

That's exact reason we don't have term limits on justices.

the white house is composed of representatives from people like you and me. I don't know what you are talking about.

is this correct

in the subsidized policies

the money goes to the customer not the agency
Why is everyone blaming the president? Last I remember the president executes laws, not creating them.

In the first place, he sure as hell doesn't execute our immigration laws, in fact he brazenly defies the law when he says he will refuse to deport milliions of illegals. He picks and choose what laws he will enforce.

In the second place, obamacare is obama's baby. Congress wrote the law but obozo told them what to right.
The supreme court itself works on the basis of 9 people. 9 people cannot represent the interests of 300 million. Even then "higher law" dictates that people should have the right to assemble and "strike".

And the 9 are unelected. Appointed for life in fact!!! Anytime a judge is given a job and told he can't be fired, he's gonna take bribes. The SC does it on every case.
Ame®icano;8111314 said:

Who said they represent 300 million people? Their role is to judge cases involving laws of Congress to be in check with the highest law of all, the Constitution.

In which case obozocare is clearly unconstitutional since creating a health care system is not one of the listed powers of congress. By the tenth amendment that power is with the states or people. The SC took a bribe - like they always do.
The judiciary must merely interpret laws. Justice Roberts himself admits that he merely calls the "balls and strikes". Congress may have passed legislation in 1955, but must remember that the constitution is an evolving document. .

and that evolution needs to be done thru the amending process not by having 9 unelected judges rewrite the constitution as they did with obozocare.

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