Would Republican candidates attend a gay wedding?

The Dems and the main stream media is trying to make them the anti gay party, when they aren't.

Marco Rubio would attend a gay wedding. Welcome to the GOP s next small evolution. - The Washington Post
But it's also worth noting here that Rubio's statement might not be that bold. While we don't have good national poll numbers on how many people would attend a gay wedding, a 2011 poll in New York showed two-thirds of Republicans in that state said they would attend a gay wedding of a friend or relative. Almost as many Republicans said they would as Democrats.

That's only New York, yes, but the poll was conducted in 2011, before gay marriage really swept the nation. Things have moved significantly toward gay marriage over the last four years.
Interesting responses

Attend a gay wedding GOP candidates put on the spot OnPolitics

Marco Rubio:

If it’s somebody in my life that I care for, of course I would. I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made or whatever it may be. Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them

Rick Santorum:

That would be something that would be a violation of my faith,” he told Hewitt. “I would love them and support them, but I would not participate in that ceremony.”

Ted Cruz:

“I haven’t faced that circumstance,” the Texas senator said.
He blamed the news media for trying to “twist” same-sex marriage debate into a “battle of emotions and personalities” that comes off as though “any conservative must hate people who are gay.”
Cruz said questions about marriage should be left to the states and not decided in court.


I wonder if Republican candidates would eat a BLT? That's what I want to know!
Would Republican candidates attend a gay wedding?

Not if they are or will be running for office on a local level --- up to a congressional seat --- in small, rural, backwoods, nutter, teabagger, shitkicker towns and counties.

It would be the kiss of death.

They would get primaried quicker than you could say, pass the grits and let’s kill us some queers Billie Bob.

If they attended, it would be like the opening scene of The Godfather where the mob boss sends a goon to smash the camera of someone who took his picture at the wedding

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Would Republican candidates attend a gay wedding?

Not if they are or will be running for office on a local level --- up to a congressional seat --- in small, rural, backwoods, nutter, teabagger, shitkicker towns and counties.

It would be the kiss of death.

They would get primaried quicker than you could say, pass the grits and let’s kill us some queers Billie Bob.

If they attended, it would be like the opening scene of The Godfather where the mob boss sends a goon to smash the camera of someone who took his picture at the wedding

Yeah, that's what a Dem would do at an Evangelical get-together.
Interesting responses

Attend a gay wedding GOP candidates put on the spot OnPolitics

Marco Rubio:

If it’s somebody in my life that I care for, of course I would. I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made or whatever it may be. Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them

Rick Santorum:

That would be something that would be a violation of my faith,” he told Hewitt. “I would love them and support them, but I would not participate in that ceremony.”

Ted Cruz:

“I haven’t faced that circumstance,” the Texas senator said.
He blamed the news media for trying to “twist” same-sex marriage debate into a “battle of emotions and personalities” that comes off as though “any conservative must hate people who are gay.”
Cruz said questions about marriage should be left to the states and not decided in court.


The answer to this question might - and I mean might - impact my decision if everything else between the two candidates was pretty much the same. In real life, this is such a complete non-issue.

It reflects on a candidates views on gay rights. In present day America, it is an issue

No, it reflects on their personal preferences and I don't care what those are. We already know their positions on gay rights. Whether Rubio would attend a wedding means nothing when he still says he is opposed to them. If a candidate says he wouldn't attend a SS wedding but supports the right for a SS couple to marry, then he is not opposed to gay rights.
Would the democratic ones attend a hard core evangelical one? Or a Mormon one?

I don't see why not

Why wouldn't they?

No more reason why not than why a GOP candidate wouldn't attend a gay wedding. What is wrong with you people?

Santorum and Cruz said they wouldn't

So what? Is anyone allowed to deviate from the govt mandated group-think? Is anyone allowed to have their own personal opinions? WTF is wrong with you?
Would the democratic ones attend a hard core evangelical one? Or a Mormon one?

I don't see why not

Why wouldn't they?

No more reason why not than why a GOP candidate wouldn't attend a gay wedding. What is wrong with you people?

Santorum and Cruz said they wouldn't

So what? Is anyone allowed to deviate from the govt mandated group-think? Is anyone allowed to have their own personal opinions? WTF is wrong with you?
He is a liberal sheep.
Would the democratic ones attend a hard core evangelical one? Or a Mormon one?

I don't see why not

Why wouldn't they?

No more reason why not than why a GOP candidate wouldn't attend a gay wedding. What is wrong with you people?

Santorum and Cruz said they wouldn't

How dare they stand up for their religious principals and not cave to the lefts political ideology of forcing everyone to be for what they want.
It has started already

Republicans need this issue to go away. It shows they are out of touch with our modern day society and turns off moderates and younger republican leaning voters

The Supreme Court will decide the issue in about six weeks. By then, Republicans merely have to say the courts have decided and move on.

Rubio gets it....the issue is a loser for the party
Time to move into the 21st century
It has started already

Republicans need this issue to go away. It shows they are out of touch with our modern day society and turns off moderates and younger republican leaning voters

The Supreme Court will decide the issue in about six weeks. By then, Republicans merely have to say the courts have decided and move on.

Rubio gets it....the issue is a loser for the party
Time to move into the 21st century

The issue of forcing those with religious principals and violating their 1st amendment rights is not going to go away.
The issue of gay rights under the laws is supported by the vast majority of the nation as well as both parties.
It has started already

Republicans need this issue to go away. It shows they are out of touch with our modern day society and turns off moderates and younger republican leaning voters

The Supreme Court will decide the issue in about six weeks. By then, Republicans merely have to say the courts have decided and move on.

Rubio gets it....the issue is a loser for the party
Time to move into the 21st century

Lol voters don't give a flying fuck about wether a particular candidate would go to a gay wedding or not. You are funny.
When a republican president takes over in 2016. Hopefully he will deal with real problems that face us and quit worrying about social issues.
When a republican president takes over in 2016. Hopefully he will deal with real problems that face us and quit worrying about social issues.

Would that it were true. Unfortunately, the party has become so intertwined with social conservatives that social issues seem almost at the forefront.

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