Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?

The Republican candidate will get more votes than the democrat candidate, so says Vegas betting odds.
You really think Biden or Harris or Hillary or Stefanik could beat Trump?
View attachment 587476
Biden/Harris and Hillary have beaten Trump by a combined 10 million votes. And that was before Trump's Big Lie and Insurrection Day. Trump will never get more votes than his opponent.
Biden/Harris and Hillary have beaten Trump by a combined 10 million votes. And that was before Trump's Big Lie and Insurrection Day. Trump will never get more votes than his opponent.
You post opinions with no backup. I showed you betting odds. Polls also show Trump leading Biden.
So you betting on more voter fraud?
You post opinions with no backup. I showed you betting odds. Polls also show Trump leading Biden.
So you betting on more voter fraud?
View attachment 587521
That's if the election were held now. The election is still almost 3 years away. Polls have no meaning that far out and Biden isn't running again.
The Trumpsters have spoken:

“JFK Jr.,” he said, referencing the son of the 35th president who died in a plane crash in 1999. Kallatsa realized he might have come off a bit odd with the suggestion. “I don’t want to sound too much like a conspiracy theorist, but he’s coming back,” he explained. “He’s supposed to reveal himself on the 17th if he’s truly alive. I think we’ll see him.”

This is all perfectly normal and fine. Really. Nothing to see here.
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I am beginning to thing DeSantis' handling of Covid would be a liability and a much better choice for the VP slot would be Josh Hawley.
At a time when all things America are under attack from an enemy within can ANY good, real core American say no to what would probably be the most agressive pro-American administration in several decades? Isn’t that exactly what REAL America needs right now?
Trumps ‘base’ is as committed as they come…they aren’t going anywhere….Would DeSantis draw in the fence sitters with his no-bullshit, FREEDOM / LIBERTY maverick sort of style?
Why not DeSantis/Trump?

Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket'​

DeSantis is too smart to throw away his future by hooking up with a self-absorbed pussy like Donnie-Boy trump.

Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket'​

DeSantis is too smart to throw away his future by hooking up with a self-absorbed pussy like Donnie-Boy trump.
Study history….Trump saved DeSantis from getting his ass handed to him by a faggot black crackhead in 2018.
No Trump = No DeSantis
What she says! :thup:

That's all, she said all that needed to be said.

Nothing less nothing more.

He did nothing but win for good real core Americans and DeSantis wants to ride that record. Extract head from ass.

His [winning] record...

  • 1.3% annualized GDP
  • -2½ million jobs
  • Schlonged in election by the next star of Weekend at Bernies II
  • Tried to get his VP to throw out 160 million votes to make him president

Who's not gonna vote for that?? :lmao:
His [winning] record...

  • 1.3% annualized GDP
  • -2½ million jobs
  • Schlonged in election by the next star of Weekend at Bernies II
  • Tried to get his VP to throw out 160 million votes to make him president

Who's not gonna vote for that?? :lmao:
And there goes Fake Faun including the COVID epidemic.
So when's your Fortune 100 company going to join all the other entities that are laying off people?

Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket'​

DeSantis is too smart to throw away his future by hooking up with a self-absorbed pussy like Donnie-Boy trump.

After Trump almost got Pence killed, you'd have to be a complete idiot to run as his VP. Conservatives on this site would leap to that opportunity.
It seems that the two are poised to compete.... And maybe that's okay, but they should form a pact that the winner will simply select the loser as his VP. If they could just cooperate on some minor differences I think that they could be a powerful team.

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