Would You Actually Give A $hit?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
This question is for the resident Leftists, and Democrats. And the question is this... If Evidence were to emerge, that was convincing to you, as a constituent of the opposition party; that the election was indeed "stolen", or the results otherwise fraudulent... Would you "care".? Would it change your mind on the "process" in any way? Or would you just flat out not give a fuck regardless because the ledger checked a win box for your "team"?
Serious question...
This question is for the resident Leftists, and Democrats. And the question is this... If Evidence were to emerge, that was convincing to you, as a constituent of the opposition party; that the election was indeed "stolen", or the results otherwise fraudulent... Would you "care".? Would it change your mind on the "process" in any way? Or would you just flat out not give a fuck regardless because the ledger checked a win box for your "team"?
Serious question...
Considering fraud happens in every election, no. I wouldn’t give a shit.
May I add a stipulation?

The election was not "stolen" by the production of tens of thousands of fraudulent votes. It was stolen by hundreds of Democrat operatives, paid for by Leftist billionaires, who canvassed the ghettos, nursing homes, homeless encampments, where brain Democrats are known to be - Democrats who basically never vote - and induced (or helped) them to fill out mail-in ballots, in sufficient quantity to carry the well-known swing states.

Because that is exactly what happened.

Indeed, had the SAME RULES applied in 2020 as applied in 2016, President Trump would have won in a landslide.

But don't expect any Leftists here to volunteer to change what they optimistically refer to as their "minds."
May I add a stipulation?

The election was not "stolen" by the production of tens of thousands of fraudulent votes. It was stolen by hundreds of Democrat operatives, paid for by Leftist billionaires, who canvassed the ghettos, nursing homes, homeless encampments, where brain Democrats are known to be - Democrats who basically never vote - and induced (or helped) them to fill out mail-in ballots, in sufficient quantity to carry the well-known swing states.

Because that is exactly what happened.

Indeed, had the SAME RULES applied in 2020 as applied in 2016, President Trump would have won in a landslide.

But don't expect any Leftists here to volunteer to change what they optimistically refer to as their "minds."
You're Canadian. No one gives a shit. Go back to Tim Hortons...
This question is for the resident Leftists, and Democrats. And the question is this... If Evidence were to emerge, that was convincing to you, as a constituent of the opposition party; that the election was indeed "stolen", or the results otherwise fraudulent... Would you "care".? Would it change your mind on the "process" in any way? Or would you just flat out not give a fuck regardless because the ledger checked a win box for your "team"?
Serious question...
I would have to experience it actually happen first.
People don't care even though there has been evidence after evidence, lawsuit after lawsuit, audit after audit showing that cheating did not affect the elections.
Awkward, that only an irrelevant foreigner had the stones to actually address the OP in its strict form...
So you have no evidence of cheating or an election being "stolen", but that will not change your mind that it was stolen never the less. Apparently, the last election is a lot like religion, you don't need any evidence, you need faith, and you are a born again true believer.
Burger King owns it. Largely American. Who Owns Tim Hortons? - Crazy For Business.
Restaurant Brands International is the owner of Tim Horton's, Burger King and Popeyes. RBI is a multinational company based in Toronto.
According to this Jollibee does not own RBI, but the majority stockholder of RBI is 3G Capital, a hedgefund.
This question is for the resident Leftists, and Democrats. And the question is this... If Evidence were to emerge, that was convincing to you, as a constituent of the opposition party; that the election was indeed "stolen", or the results otherwise fraudulent... Would you "care".? Would it change your mind on the "process" in any way? Or would you just flat out not give a fuck regardless because the ledger checked a win box for your "team"?
Serious question...
We already all know the answer to that.

None of the democrats here follow any political principles. All any of them know in the entire world is what team they are on.

As the Democrat party gets more and more authoritarian, drifts farther and farther left and gets more and more downright wacky, they just all go along with it.

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