Would you be a cop in todays America?

I split time between Santa Cruz County and Humboldt County. I would say that the Sheriff's Department is well respected.
Eureka and Santa Cruz city cops are much less respected. At the very bottom of the respect chain would be Highway Patrol. Nobody likes them.
If I could do it over I would be a cop...but not in a big city...especially one controlled by democrats....they will not support their police....their social policies create the drug gang problem....and then they won't hire enough police....and they will still get 97% support from those inner city, minority communities who will blame all of their problems on the police "occpying" their crime infested neighborhoods....as they kill each other and other innocents....
We'll have Robocops soon, and the question will be moot. You'll be doing something illegal and ubiquitous sensors will detect that and a drone will automatically be dispatched to taze you.
I wouldn't want to be a cop in a culture that is so over-reactive in regards to worries about racism that I could only perform my duties when the perpetrators are of my own skin color.

Identity politics have rendered us a country where the color of one's skin now provides them special licence for criminality.

Can you cite a few examples?
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.

So you were on the grand jury and heard all the testimony and saw the evidence?
Yeah, fair questions.

If you're a white cop, all it takes now to have your life ruined is for someone to make a racial accusation.

Just an accusation. Then the PC Police (ironic name, huh?) take it from there.

Your career, your life, you family's safety, all at grave risk every fucking day, all for their political gain.

Yeah, I mean, what's a dead kid on the ground? Come on, why would people make a big deal about some kid who got 8 holes blown into him and was left like garbage in the middle of the street.

Damned PC Police, actually demanding answers to that one.

Oddly, most cops do their jobs, and are never accused of abusing their authority. Imagine that.

When any story of a white cop and a black person comes up, you folks will always jump to the same conclusion.

While most of the rest of us will be waiting for information and evidence, you will be calling for the cop's head, making everything worse.

Deny it all you want, Joe, I don't care.

Joey has njo interest in evidence...he simply wants a lynching.
Yeah, fair questions.

If you're a white cop, all it takes now to have your life ruined is for someone to make a racial accusation.

Just an accusation. Then the PC Police (ironic name, huh?) take it from there.

Your career, your life, you family's safety, all at grave risk every fucking day, all for their political gain.

Yeah, I mean, what's a dead kid on the ground? Come on, why would people make a big deal about some kid who got 8 holes blown into him and was left like garbage in the middle of the street.

Damned PC Police, actually demanding answers to that one.

Oddly, most cops do their jobs, and are never accused of abusing their authority. Imagine that.

When any story of a white cop and a black person comes up, you folks will always jump to the same conclusion.

While most of the rest of us will be waiting for information and evidence, you will be calling for the cop's head, making everything worse.

Deny it all you want, Joe, I don't care.

Joey could give a shit about anybody but himself. He posts in these threads simply to antagonized..He's a miserable, hateful, person. He posts here to try to make it look like he give's a shit as he antagonizes normal people:cuckoo:

No, it's worse. Joey is a vile piece of filth. He is a statist for whom no act by the government is too egregious to defend (unless it's against the "wrong" people), and he is absolutely pure evil on the level of Stalin. Joe might be the purest, darkest example of evil posting here.

At the time he was shot, he was not in the car, not touching the gun and not any danger to Officer Fife.

He was a long distance away, with his hands up, on his knees yelling " I don't have a gun!"

Somebody put this yoyo ^^^^^^^^^^ back in his straight-jacket.
I believe Holder will indict Wilson for "violating Brown's civil rights". It doesn't seem likely he'd get a conviction since he's about to go into hiding facing his own contempt of Congress problems, but he'll try. Obozo is on a revenge binge for losing the Senate....he'll do everything in his power to hurt this nation any way he can. Therefore, he needs to be IMPEACHED...keep his ass busy knowing he could end up in the soup. And of course if Wilson is indicted, that's money that he doesn't have to defend himself, and another excuse for rioting...which neither Barry or Eric would mind.
Well for it to be a civil rights violation they have to prove Wilson singled out Gentle Giant bc he was black.

Which is hard to prove...since Wilson acted on a BOLO from dispatch saying a store was robbed by a black male wearing Gentle Giants clothing.

So...yeah. Holder will have to make some shit up.
Well for it to be a civil rights violation they have to prove Wilson singled out Gentle Giant bc he was black.

Which is hard to prove...since Wilson acted on a BOLO from dispatch saying a store was robbed by a black male wearing Gentle Giants clothing.

So...yeah. Holder will have to make some shit up.

Wilson needs to get out of the spotlight because Holder is looking for his media pals to find something Wilson said that can be construed as "racist"... Stephanopoulos interview was designed for that but Wilson was calm and collected when Stephie went there, You know they've talked to anybody who ever knew Wilson looking for anything that can be twisted into racism. As long as Holder is AG Wilson better keep his head on a swivel.
Well for it to be a civil rights violation they have to prove Wilson singled out Gentle Giant bc he was black.

Which is hard to prove...since Wilson acted on a BOLO from dispatch saying a store was robbed by a black male wearing Gentle Giants clothing.

So...yeah. Holder will have to make some shit up.

Wilson needs to get out of the spotlight because Holder is looking for his media pals to find something Wilson said that can be construed as "racist"... Stephanopoulos interview was designed for that but Wilson was calm and collected when Stephie went there, You know they've talked to anybody who ever knew Wilson looking for anything that can be twisted into racism. As long as Holder is AG Wilson better keep his head on a swivel.

Yep. I can guarantee hes had the NSA and FBI search Wilsons personal text messages and emails and internet postings looking for anything at all they can twist.

They could cause a revolt in the law enforcement community if they keep fucking with Wilson.
No, because I'd prefer to do something that benefits people in the market, rather than being a leech on their productive activity.

Fair enough. But without cops...that free market business of yours? 50 Michael Browns would come in, steal your product, kill you, and rape your female employees.

But its ok...keep trashing some of the people, along with the military, that makes your life of comfort possible.
Yes, because the police in Ferguson really stopped all those protestors from destroying people's property, right? Nobody had to turn to private security at all did they?

You just admitted my point. When police and national guard cracked down the violence ceased. When they back down...the town burned.
No, I made the point that the state police, the leeches living off the productive members of society, were standing around useless, and people were forced to turn to the market and private security firms, the productive sector, in other words, to protect their property.
Police officers are civil servants and unsung heroes. Every day in communities across the country they are assisting the citizenry, including helping to remove the criminal elements...this no doubt results in lives being saved. The lack of respect that some choose to exhibit for the occupation as a whole, based on a miniscule number of dishonorable people, is shameful. I would not want to see anyone who I love enter into the profession at this time.

yes, a lot of cops are honorable.

And a lot of cops should never have been made cops to start with.

You meant 97% are.
Who the fuck would do.this job anymore?

The line of folks a mile long waiting for positions.

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