Would you be a cop in todays America?

Not as long as the dumbass liberals are in charge I wouldn't become a police officer.
Who the fuck would do.this job anymore?

The line of folks a mile long waiting for positions.

link to a pic or it doesn't exist.
A freaking picture of what? Puppies? It is a known fact there is waiting list for every department out there ranging from six months to two years. It has always been that way.

No, genius, of the mile long line, lol.

Look, I am on your side, and I just want to remind you that some actual supporting evidence would make your arbitrary opinions go further.
Darren Wilson did nothing wrong.
It's assholes like you whop come to irrational conclusions.
YOU people think you have the right to do whatever you wish with zero consequences.
When you are pulled over for a traffic stop, you don't blame yourself. You get mad at the cop. he or she should have "just looked the other way"...
You whine "why me?".....You protest.."well everyone else is speeding. Go after them!"
You make threats of lawsuits and all other kinds of nonsense. You use the tired old "I pay your salary" excuse.
Among friends you refer to cops in all sorts of vile manner.

Shooting an unarmed kid 8 times when he was trying to give up and yelling "I don't have a gun" is a little more serious than getting pulled over for a traffic violation.

But as long as we are on the subject, I"m White. The last time I was pulled over for a traffic violation was 2005. My problem with traffic enforcement is that it's really a highway tax, when you get down to it. Cops are expected to make a quota, and they are actually judged on how many tickets they write.

Of course, what I don't get is what is lovingly referred to as DWB (Driving While Black), which I see pretty much every day. Sneak a quick peek at the guy who just got pulled over. Yup, he's usually a person of color.
This DWB thing is crap..
Most traffic stops occur between the hours of 6 pm and midnight.
Meaning in half the country for at least half the year, it is DARK.
So unless the police are equipped with night vision goggles it is impossible to see the skin color of the driver.
You believe traffic laws are a tax?...Ok....
You were told to stop making up your own reality.
Have you noticed that you are the ONLY poster taking up this stand?...
Or have your stupid pills kicked in?

Yeah, I know, i'm really ruining your hate fest. Sorry, man.

Hey, maybe you should go over to Stormfront where you can say these kinds of things without challenge.
You haven't offered a single factual cogent post to this thread yet.
Nor have you offered a substantive rebuttal.
So you have to resort to the hate card.
Your posts are nothing but rhetoric and it never changes.
I have no clue what a storm front is...other than a weather term.
Now, if you dare, please submit an example of ant post I have made that is 'hateful'..
This I must see.
Speaking of reality- Here's a chart of the witnesses who testified.


16 of them said that Brown had his hands up when he was shot. Only two said he didn't. (And Officer Fife wasn't one of them.)

15 said that Wilson fired at Brown when he was running away. Only four said he didn't.

Only seven said that he charged Wilson.
We're not retrying the Grand Jury...It's over.
People in Ferguson should be damn glad they have police officers after this mess, they have plenty of black thugs as it is.
We arm police like soldiers and then wonder why they act like soldiers. By the way, the Pentagon has confirmed that some of the equipment used by police in Ferguson is from their stockpile.
Police departments are para military organizations.
Their duty is to protect citizens, enforce civilian laws. traffic control. investigate criminal activity. Solve crimes using investigatory skills.
In essence police are foot soldiers for civilians.
Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?
Yes, but I would be picky where I landed as a cop in what town. Yep. VERY picky.
It's pretty much a given that female patrol officers will drive past street corner hoodlums rather than stop and frisk. I know if I were a patrol officer I wouldn't want to partner with a female and have to worry that she'd have her weapon taken from her. I know that's "sexist" and "misogynist" and so on but soldiering and policing should be man's work and anybody who says different doesn't believe it in private. As the "thin blue line" continues to get thinner, and blonder, encounters with weight-lifting male thugs gets less likely to have good outcomes.
I do not think women should be patrol officers. Unless of course they have high martial arts skills.
Too often, female officers are beaten to a pulp by men. There was a case I think in Florida where a female state trooper made a routine traffic stop that resulted in her taking such a severe beating, she barely lived through it.
Yep, that may appear sexist to the politically correct, but the reality is a woman even with a middle level amount of martial arts training does not stand a chance in hand to hand combat with a man. The guy will win every time.
Would you like to bet whether or not Officer Wilson will be found guilty of civil rights violations? I mean I doubt it goes to trail ... But seriously doubt any charges will stick.

You can rant a rave about your perceived injustices ... But that doesn't mean they will ever meet the burden of proof.

As long as we economically bankrupt him and make sure he never, ever works as a cop again, I'm good with that.

But someone needs to point out this Grand Jury proceeding was a farce.
You are an evil vindctive individual.
BTW. I believe that in the eyes of the law, Wilson has done nothing wrong. So, if he wished, he could reinstate as a patrol officer.
In fact, he is STILL employed by the city of Ferguson.
And the fun part is, you will to live with it......While you are chewing nails and spitting fire. :fu:
"Would you be a cop in today's America?"

Well, I guess that answer is "yes", because I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. In fact, I put on a uniform, and patrol my community without any weapon, but a radio, and I do it for free. I have been doing it for about 4 years, and pretty soon, I will have served enough hours to be reimbursed for my uniform, In order to do this, I had to go to an academy, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, for 7 weeks, and pass a test every single day of the academy.

Of course, I could have just sat at home and bitched about the downfall of my country...which would have been a lot easier.
No, because I'd prefer to do something that benefits people in the market, rather than being a leech on their productive activity.

Fair enough. But without cops...that free market business of yours? 50 Michael Browns would come in, steal your product, kill you, and rape your female employees.

But its ok...keep trashing some of the people, along with the military, that makes your life of comfort possible.
Yes, because the police in Ferguson really stopped all those protestors from destroying people's property, right? Nobody had to turn to private security at all did they?
Umm. They did the opposite in August.
The media and the left wing politicians were all over them for "militarization".
So this time there was no choice but to take a "soft" approach.
And now you fucking libs are bitching about THAT...
The rioting and destruction is not due to the inaction of LEO's in Ferguson.....it is YOUR fault. You and all tyour lefty jagoffs that pissed and moaned about heavy handed law enforcement. So you got what you wanted. You wanted the inmates to take over the asylum..
Have a Coke and smile and shut the fuck up
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.
That's your uneducated opinion.
FYI. Any federal investigation will have a very tall mountain to climb.
The federal government must PROVE there was malice intent BEFORE the incident even took place. And that malice had to be part of a pattern of documented reports of racism on the part of Officer Wilson. Failing that, the feds have no case.
Of course Holder has shot off his mouth. so away we go, Oh, there will be a charge of some kind. Eventually it will get dismissed after a news cycle or two
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.
Like the Zimmerman case, aren't they about to arrest Zimmerman on federal civil rights charges?

Please keep me posted.

Until then we will continue to see you not recognizing the facts and you throwing an emotional hissy fit.
No.The only person here is emotional is you.
As evidenced by your insistence on dredging up this so called evidence and testimony that in the eyes of the law does not exist because it is hearsay.
Hearsay and conspiracy theory
I think women should NOT be working in mens prisons. Womens prisons, yes. MENS, um, no.
Ok. Now add Bigot to my growing list of Labels.
Well for it to be a civil rights violation they have to prove Wilson singled out Gentle Giant bc he was black.

Which is hard to prove...since Wilson acted on a BOLO from dispatch saying a store was robbed by a black male wearing Gentle Giants clothing.

So...yeah. Holder will have to make some shit up.

Wilson needs to get out of the spotlight because Holder is looking for his media pals to find something Wilson said that can be construed as "racist"... Stephanopoulos interview was designed for that but Wilson was calm and collected when Stephie went there, You know they've talked to anybody who ever knew Wilson looking for anything that can be twisted into racism. As long as Holder is AG Wilson better keep his head on a swivel.
Stephie lost any credibility he may have had a as journalist with that interview.
He went into that thing with the idea in mind of " If I get this guy to say anything I can twist into a racist comment, I will be the greatest reporter in the history of journalism."
And the reason I say so is...women do NOT need to be around men locked up. Nope. None.

I was watching Lockup Raw a few days ago. Woman guard doing a head count and reported a guy jacking off in his drawers WITH his pants UP..no penis showing but making the motion, and staring at her as she pressed her face to the glass door in his cell, checking on him. He got in trouble. WTF? They are LOCKED UP. Seeing a woman and then getting a stiffy, she probably would have reported him for sporting it if he stood up.

Women do NOT belong in mens prisons. Too dangerous and too tempting for the guys.

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