Would you be a cop in todays America?

No, it's worse. Joey is a vile piece of filth. He is a statist for whom no act by the government is too egregious to defend (unless it's against the "wrong" people), and he is absolutely pure evil on the level of Stalin. Joe might be the purest, darkest example of evil posting here.

Oh, Ditchy, I htink it's hilarious that you scream about the state abusing you all day.

And here's a case where a police officer straight up and murdered an unarmed man, but it's okay, because he was a Darky!
Well for it to be a civil rights violation they have to prove Wilson singled out Gentle Giant bc he was black.

Which is hard to prove...since Wilson acted on a BOLO from dispatch saying a store was robbed by a black male wearing Gentle Giants clothing.

So...yeah. Holder will have to make some shit up.

Or just present the evidencce that 16 people saw that Brown had his hands up, and several of them said he screamed "I don't have a gun" before he was shot.
Guy, did you even look at the chart where 16 witnesses said Brown had his hands up?

At least one of those 16 is looking at possibly facing perjury charges for saying that.

Your buddy Dorian Johnson is the person who suggested Michael Brown's hands were "up" as in above his head surrendering. He is now being investigated on perjury charges as little to none of his testimony was backed up by other witnesses or physical evidence.

I would suggest you find a more credible witness than one already convicted of providing false information in the past ... And not facing perjury charges for his definition of "up"

Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?

Wouldn't become a cop 25 or so years ago despite my family having a rich law enforcement tradition. We don't reduce crime so much as manage it once it's happened. Better solution imo is learning about what causes criminality and focusing on that - prevention. Not management.
At least one of those 16 is looking at possibly facing perjury charges for saying that.

Your buddy Dorian Johnson is the person who suggested Michael Brown's hands were "up" as in above his head surrendering. He is now being investigated on perjury charges as little to none of his testimony was backed up by other witnesses or physical evidence.

I would suggest you find a more credible witness than one already convicted of providing false information in the past ... And not facing perjury charges for his definition of "up"

Do you have a link where Dorian is being 'investigated for perjury"? Because I just googled "Dorian Johnson Perjury", and the only thing that came up is some of Wilson's friends WANT him investigated, but even a corrupt tool like McCollough wouldn't try to make that one fly.

Incidentally, he is NOT one of the 16 listed.
I agree because they have nothing and will never charge him.

In fact Wilson has less of a chance because of all the eyewitnesses that agreed with the facts he presented.

Keep crying Joe, it doesn't change a thing.

Guy, did you even look at the chart where 16 witnesses said Brown had his hands up?
Yes, the "chart", is not substantiate evidence it is something made up. It has no real value.

I would take the word of the black eyewitnesses that in spite of the fact that they will see the wrath of their community, that we're feeling the pressure from a Presidential administration, agreed with Wilson. They had nothing to gain or profit and everything to lose by their testimony.

So toss the "chart", the "chart" fails to measure character, agenda or motive in the answers. I as a juror would put no weight in the "chart", that is why the "chart" was not entered as evidence. Only the ignorant, the superficial, the bigots, would put faith in that "chart" you so love.
Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?

Control freaks as usual, that's who. Cops around here seem to be living pretty good, nice houses in good neighborhoods, nice cars, all the government perks, but just like the teachers unions, the police unions always want more.

When one has lethal power, one mistake is two too many.
Police officers are civil servants and unsung heroes. Every day in communities across the country they are assisting the citizenry, including helping to remove the criminal elements...this no doubt results in lives being saved. The lack of respect that some choose to exhibit for the occupation as a whole, based on a miniscule number of dishonorable people, is shameful. I would not want to see anyone who I love enter into the profession at this time.

yes, a lot of cops are honorable.

And a lot of cops should never have been made cops to start with.

That is true of any occupation...but clearly many want to generalize the group in a negative light based on the actions of a few. There is a lot less corruption in the field than there was back in 70's, particularly in large cities...but the ones who make all the noise would like to leave a different impression.

When one cop is more than justifiably held accountable and the rest give the chief a no confidence vote over it, they share the dishonor in question. I guess they all need to wear an armband to indicate how they voted, then we could see how few good cops there really are.
Yes, the "chart", is not substantiate evidence it is something made up. It has no real value.

I would take the word of the black eyewitnesses that in spite of the fact that they will see the wrath of their community, that we're feeling the pressure from a Presidential administration, agreed with Wilson. They had nothing to gain or profit and everything to lose by their testimony.

So toss the "chart", the "chart" fails to measure character, agenda or motive in the answers. I as a juror would put no weight in the "chart", that is why the "chart" was not entered as evidence. Only the ignorant, the superficial, the bigots, would put faith in that "chart" you so love.

A few problems with that theory-

First, all those witnesses were kept confidential. So they really didn't have to worry about the "Wrath" of their community.

Essentially, I would put the word of 16 witnesses who had nothing to gain over one cop who was potentially looking at a life sentence. Especially since a lot of things in that Cop's testimony were stretching credulity.

So let's be really clear what happened here. The DA rigged the process as much as humanly possible in Wilson's favor.
Do you have a link where Dorian is being 'investigated for perjury"? Because I just googled "Dorian Johnson Perjury", and the only thing that came up is some of Wilson's friends WANT him investigated, but even a corrupt tool like McCollough wouldn't try to make that one fly.

Incidentally, he is NOT one of the 16 listed.

Did you find all that on Google next to the orbital fracture evidence?

Yes, the "chart", is not substantiate evidence it is something made up. It has no real value.

I would take the word of the black eyewitnesses that in spite of the fact that they will see the wrath of their community, that we're feeling the pressure from a Presidential administration, agreed with Wilson. They had nothing to gain or profit and everything to lose by their testimony.

So toss the "chart", the "chart" fails to measure character, agenda or motive in the answers. I as a juror would put no weight in the "chart", that is why the "chart" was not entered as evidence. Only the ignorant, the superficial, the bigots, would put faith in that "chart" you so love.

A few problems with that theory-

First, all those witnesses were kept confidential. So they really didn't have to worry about the "Wrath" of their community.

Essentially, I would put the word of 16 witnesses who had nothing to gain over one cop who was potentially looking at a life sentence. Especially since a lot of things in that Cop's testimony were stretching credulity.

So let's be really clear what happened here. The DA rigged the process as much as humanly possible in Wilson's favor.

Problem with your theory, what motive did the DA, a Democrat, have in rigging the process in Wilson's favor, when an indictment would have been a high profile case that would have made him and his department very famous and could potentially advance careers.

What motive did those witnesses have to side with Wilson? Absolutely none.

And fortunately the grand jury didn't have bigots like you on the panel.
At least one of those 16 is looking at possibly facing perjury charges for saying that.

Your buddy Dorian Johnson is the person who suggested Michael Brown's hands were "up" as in above his head surrendering. He is now being investigated on perjury charges as little to none of his testimony was backed up by other witnesses or physical evidence.

I would suggest you find a more credible witness than one already convicted of providing false information in the past ... And not facing perjury charges for his definition of "up"

Do you have a link where Dorian is being 'investigated for perjury"? Because I just googled "Dorian Johnson Perjury", and the only thing that came up is some of Wilson's friends WANT him investigated, but even a corrupt tool like McCollough wouldn't try to make that one fly.

Incidentally, he is NOT one of the 16 listed.

How do you know, I thought all witnesses and their testimony were confidential.
Problem with your theory, what motive did the DA, a Democrat, have in rigging the process in Wilson's favor, when an indictment would have been a high profile case that would have made him and his department very famous and could potentially advance careers.

What motive did those witnesses have to side with Wilson? Absolutely none.

And fortunately the grand jury didn't have bigots like you on the panel.

What motive did he have? McCollugh has a history of pro-Police Bias. He once gave a pass to two cops who had fired 21 rounds into a vehicle killing a suspect and his passenger. Despite the fact that only 3 of 13 police on the scene supported the police officer's account he gave them a pass.

In fact, reading this little thing on McCollugh, I think he needs to be in prison.

20 000 sign petitions seeking special prosecutor in Michael Brown shooting News

Most of the Witnesses didn't side with Wilson. BUt a white Grand Jury decided they'd believe this nice clean cut white cop over a bunch of shiftless Negroes.
Problem with your theory, what motive did the DA, a Democrat, have in rigging the process in Wilson's favor, when an indictment would have been a high profile case that would have made him and his department very famous and could potentially advance careers.

What motive did those witnesses have to side with Wilson? Absolutely none.

And fortunately the grand jury didn't have bigots like you on the panel.

What motive did he have? McCollugh has a history of pro-Police Bias. He once gave a pass to two cops who had fired 21 rounds into a vehicle killing a suspect and his passenger. Despite the fact that only 3 of 13 police on the scene supported the police officer's account he gave them a pass.

In fact, reading this little thing on McCollugh, I think he needs to be in prison.

20 000 sign petitions seeking special prosecutor in Michael Brown shooting News

Most of the Witnesses didn't side with Wilson. BUt a white Grand Jury decided they'd believe this nice clean cut white cop over a bunch of shiftless Negroes.

A petition means nothing, special prosecutors have proven for a long time that they are biased and no different than any other prosecutor.

Why did the witnesses lie in favor of Wilson? No reason to, so I assume they are telling the truth.

It also looks like the smarter people saw through all the BS and did not indict.
Problem with your theory, what motive did the DA, a Democrat, have in rigging the process in Wilson's favor, when an indictment would have been a high profile case that would have made him and his department very famous and could potentially advance careers.

What motive did those witnesses have to side with Wilson? Absolutely none.

And fortunately the grand jury didn't have bigots like you on the panel.
20 000 sign petitions seeking special prosecutor in Michael Brown shooting News .

More than 20,000 people have claimed to have been abducted by space aliens.


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