Would you be a cop in todays America?

Stealing cigars, ignoring orders and attacking a police officer are indications that he was a "victim".

Wait, so he deserved to be shot because he "ignored orders"?

What the fuck do you think this is, East Germany?

Wow. I gave three separate examples of what happened, and you only "saw" one.

I'm convinced that the thought processes of partisan ideologues are literally distorted.

Stealing cigars, ignoring orders and attacking a police officer are indications that he was a "victim".

Wait, so he deserved to be shot because he "ignored orders"?

What the fuck do you think this is, East Germany?

Wow. I gave three separate examples of what happened, and you only "saw" one.

I'm convinced that the thought processes of partisan ideologues are literally distorted.


No, i just pointed out the most utterly ridiculous one as an excuse to blow six holes into a kid who was on his knees with his hands up in the air saying, "Don't shoot, I don't have a gun!"

The other two were pretty bad reasons, too.
Um...is the evidence gonna change?

Fact- Gentle Giant was a robbery suspect who Ofc Wilson was lawfully trying to stop
Fact- Gentle Giant attacked the cop IN the cops car
Fact- Gentle Giants hands were in contact with Wilsons gun- forensics proved it
Fact- Gentle Giant turned and came back for more

Those facts are indisputable. No way Wilson will be charged with any crime.


At the time he was shot, he was not in the car, not touching the gun

So you do acknowledge the fact that MB was previously attacking DW in his patrol car.

Good for you buddy!

and not any danger to Officer Fife

And how do you know that MB was no danger to Officer Wilson? The thug just attacked him in his car. Who are you to judge that DW wasn't in any danger?

He was a long distance away, with his hands up, on his knees yelling " I don't have a gun!"

Where's that hard proof that you have that MB was standing from from a safe distance with his hands up?

Also, why would MB feel the need to tell the cop that he was unarmed? It was quite obvious from the moment that he attacked DW that he was unarmed.

What you're claiming makes no sense.
All of this could have been prevented if MB didn't go for the cop's gun.

All of this could have been prevented if MB didn't initiate violence against the cop.

All of this could have been prevented if MB didn't walk down the middle of the street.

All of this could have been prevented if MB hadn't laid his hands on the clerk.

All of this could have been prevented if MB simply paid for his Swisher Sweets.
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Um...is the evidence gonna change?

Fact- Gentle Giant was a robbery suspect who Ofc Wilson was lawfully trying to stop
Fact- Gentle Giant attacked the cop IN the cops car
Fact- Gentle Giants hands were in contact with Wilsons gun- forensics proved it
Fact- Gentle Giant turned and came back for more

Those facts are indisputable. No way Wilson will be charged with any crime.


At the time he was shot, he was not in the car, not touching the gun

So you do acknowledge the fact that MB was previously attacking DW in his patrol car.

Good for you buddy!

and not any danger to Officer Fife

And how do you know that MB was no danger to Officer Wilson? The thug just attacked him in his car. Who are you to judge that DW wasn't in any danger?

He was a long distance away, with his hands up, on his knees yelling " I don't have a gun!"

Where's that hard proof that you have that MB was standing from from a safe distance with his hands up?

Also, why would MB feel the need to tell the cop that he was unarmed? It was quite obvious from the moment that he attacked DW that he was unarmed.

What you're claiming makes no sense.

He has no proof, no facts, no point other than Wilson was wrong and he makes things up to fit his story.
Stealing cigars, ignoring orders and attacking a police officer are indications that he was a "victim".

Wait, so he deserved to be shot because he "ignored orders"?

What the fuck do you think this is, East Germany?

Wow. I gave three separate examples of what happened, and you only "saw" one.

I'm convinced that the thought processes of partisan ideologues are literally distorted.


No, i just pointed out the most utterly ridiculous one as an excuse to blow six holes into a kid who was on his knees with his hands up in the air saying, "Don't shoot, I don't have a gun!"

The other two were pretty bad reasons, too.

I guess I don't understand why you refuse to believe Mr. Brown was charging at the officer.

I mean, you know he wasn't running away, and you know a lot of the witnesses were lying.

You also know that scared African-American witnesses corroborated the officer's story, right?
Is this some sort of mental illness where afflicted people can't absorb factual evidence as real?
Zimmerman will probably get killed by a concerned citizen or a cop before we get around to charging him.

So then that means you're okay with a cop gunning down George Zimmerman if he was just walking down the street not committing any crimes?
Guy, let's get realistic here, okay.

Blacks are convicted at a much higher rate than white folks are,

Study Black Defendants Are At Least 30 More Likely To Be Imprisoned Than White Defendants For The Same Crime ThinkProgress
So fuck whitey, beat him at his own game. Live a responsible life, no dealing, no assaultive behavior, no theiving, no excuse to lock a brother up.
they are more likely to be suspended from school. Even as preschoolers!

Black preschoolers more likely to face suspension - Yahoo News
So fuck whitey, beat him at his own game. Teach your children to use good manners, to behave properly, and be a good example for your kids.
Let the little wiggers be the ones to get into trouble.
Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?
I don't hate the police. You represent us as you arrest law breakers in our name.
So you do acknowledge the fact that MB was previously attacking DW in his patrol car.

Good for you buddy!

I never denied that there WAS a struggle. (Although Wilson's testimony has all sorts of stink on it. He "politely" asked them to get on the sidewalk? Come on!)

Here's the thing, if he hunted down Brown the next day and shot him six time because, "You touched my gun in a bad place yesterday", no one would argue that was murder.

It's still murder if it's a minute later, they are clear of the vehicle, and the kid has his hands up saying" Don't shoot".
Guy, let's get realistic here, okay.

Blacks are convicted at a much higher rate than white folks are,

Study Black Defendants Are At Least 30 More Likely To Be Imprisoned Than White Defendants For The Same Crime ThinkProgress
So fuck whitey, beat him at his own game. Live a responsible life, no dealing, no assaultive behavior, no theiving, no excuse to lock a brother up.
they are more likely to be suspended from school. Even as preschoolers!

Black preschoolers more likely to face suspension - Yahoo News
So fuck whitey, beat him at his own game. Teach your children to use good manners, to behave properly, and be a good example for your kids.
Let the little wiggers be the ones to get into trouble.

Hey, JW, I think I found this awesome product for you to try out.

I guess I don't understand why you refuse to believe Mr. Brown was charging at the officer.

I mean, you know he wasn't running away, and you know a lot of the witnesses were lying.

You also know that scared African-American witnesses corroborated the officer's story, right?

I find it very hard to believe anyone would charge at an officer who had already wounded him twice.

ANd I know that 16 witnesses all said that he had his hands up.

I don't know any AA witnesses corroborated his story.
Where's that hard proof that you have that MB was standing from from a safe distance with his hands up?

You mean only that 16 witnesses said so and his body was found 120 feet away from the car.

Again the 16 witnesses bull crap, were you in the Grand Jury room? Did you listen to all the "eyewitnesses"? Did you know if they were credible or not? We're you in the room when all the questions were asked and saw the demeanor?

Again a Grand Jury by just the preponderance of evidence could not indict and they saw more and know more about the case and events surrounding the case.

You are a partisan extremist that wants someone punished for no real reason other than the officers skin color and the victims skin color. That pretty much say you are a racial bigot.
Wilson didn't want to put his family or other cops at risk.

So he did what he had to do.

Hopefully white cops will stay away from such situations in the future, it's not worth it.

Is there a scenario where that was worth it? I mean, I know that you wingnuts have spent a lot of time demonizing Brown and such, but frankly, do you really think some stolen cheap cigars were worth instigating a fatal confrontation?

1) If you don't commit crimes, it's likely that you won't be confronted by the cops (regardless of race).
2) Don't bully store managers after you steal from them. Why? Because what goes around comes around.
3) Don't punch cops in the face and try to steal their gun unless you have a death wish. Wilson did what any good cop would do -- protect himself!
4) It's a cop's job to keep order in the neighborhoods that they patrol. It's what they are hired to do. I WANT cops in my neighborhood to go after criminals regardless of the magnitude of the crime. It's what I pay them to do with my tax money.
Stealing cigars, ignoring orders and attacking a police officer are indications that he was a "victim".

Wait, so he deserved to be shot because he "ignored orders"?

What the fuck do you think this is, East Germany?

Wow. I gave three separate examples of what happened, and you only "saw" one.

I'm convinced that the thought processes of partisan ideologues are literally distorted.


No, i just pointed out the most utterly ridiculous one as an excuse to blow six holes into a kid who was on his knees with his hands up in the air saying, "Don't shoot, I don't have a gun!"

The other two were pretty bad reasons, too.

I guess I don't understand why you refuse to believe Mr. Brown was charging at the officer.

I mean, you know he wasn't running away, and you know a lot of the witnesses were lying.

You also know that scared African-American witnesses corroborated the officer's story, right?

Joe is very selective on his information input.

If he doesn't like a fact, if information collides with his belief system, he immediately ignores it.


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