Would you support a presidential candidate who held that biblical law superceded the Constitution?

You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
We were taught this in school in the 50's before the Supreme Court ruled out God in schools. That took out much of the teaching our History .
The Big Lie
Liberal secular humanists will claim the U.S. Constitution, with its indirect references to the Holy Scriptures, purposely omitted God, while conveniently avoiding what it's author James Madison declared. Over 15,000 writings of America's founders were examined to determine the primary sources for establishing our government. The number one source was the Bible. From these writings it has been determined that Jeremiah 17:9 and Isaiah 33:22 were the basis for separation of powers and America's three branches of Government. Ezra 7:24 was the premise for tax exemptions. Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution was derived from Exodus 18:21 which formed the basis of a Republic form of Government. The judicial branch of government in Article III Section 3, was derived from Deuteronomy 17:6 and Ezekiel 18:20.

They are now trying to stop religious songs in schools, that also will wipe the most of the classic composers being taught.
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You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.

So you posted the supposed quote before you found out the actual facts behind it?

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse, rhetorically speaking?

Just give me a little time to read and research it.

That's fair. I'll put a pin in this issue and wait to see what your research comes up with. I wasn't able to find anything to back it. But maybe you have better sources than I do.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.
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You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings.

He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.
Hey Fakey...how you doin today? Here is a poem I wrote just for you...I hope you like it.

You do not like a theocratic state...
You do not like a limited state...
You do not like a libertarian state...
You do not like a conservative state...
You like an authoritarian state...

Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like a theocratic state...
I do not like a limited state...
I do not like a libertarian state...
I do not like a conservative state...
I do like a social market state...

And I do like green eggs and ham!
I do not like a theocratic state...
I do not like a limited state...
I do not like a libertarian state...
I do not like a conservative state...
I do like a social market state...

And I do like green eggs and ham!
I guess you liked my poem, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You could have merely posted 'thank you.'
I do not like a theocratic state...
I do not like a limited state...
I do not like a libertarian state...
I do not like a conservative state...
I do like a social market state...

And I do like green eggs and ham!
I guess you liked my poem, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You could have merely posted 'thank you.'
I liked most of it.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.

I also know them and I agree that he never wanted a theocratic state or established state religion.
None of our Founders did.
That is not what I am saying.
I said that the Bible helped him as well as our other founders form some of their ideas for writing the Constitution.
One being from Isaiah 33:22 which was influenced by Christian ideas.
You don't need to have God, Jesus or any actual Christian Bible quotes from the Bible to help in forming the Constitution.
We were meant to be a moral nation with Christian foundations but not for us to be a Theocracy.
We never were, nor will we ever be a theocracy. That is totally contrary to freedom.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.

So you posted the supposed quote before you found out the actual facts behind it?

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse, rhetorically speaking?

Just give me a little time to read and research it.

That's fair. I'll put a pin in this issue and wait to see what your research comes up with. I wasn't able to find anything to back it. But maybe you have better sources than I do.

No we were taught that in our Public Schools in the late 1950's and early 60's before they got God out of our schools.
Many were not, Peach, and if you can find that idea about Madison, that would be neat.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.

So you posted the supposed quote before you found out the actual facts behind it?

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse, rhetorically speaking?

Just give me a little time to read and research it.

That's fair. I'll put a pin in this issue and wait to see what your research comes up with. I wasn't able to find anything to back it. But maybe you have better sources than I do.

No we were taught that in our Public Schools in the late 1950's and early 60's before they got God out of our schools.

If it was taught to you in a classroom, you should be able to find the source. Everything Madison wrote or said IS on the Internet.
Found the Book in my library finally and got the title in order to find it on line.
It explains why we are a Christian nation & how it influenced our Founders, and why it should be taught in schools.
The position of Christianity in the United States, in its relations with our political institutions,and specially with reference to religious instruction ...
The Position of Christianity in the United States in it's relations with our Political Institutions.
Published in 1854.
Take notice of where it says
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1854.
Good. Now find where Madison says he used that scripture for the Virginia Plan.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.

I also know them and I agree that he never wanted a theocratic state or established state religion.
None of our Founders did.
That is not what I am saying.
I said that the Bible helped him as well as our other founders form some of their ideas for writing the Constitution.
One being from Isaiah 33:22 which was influenced by Christian ideas.
You don't need to have God, Jesus or any actual Christian Bible quotes from the Bible to help in forming the Constitution.
We were meant to be a moral nation with Christian foundations but not for us to be a Theocracy.
We never were, nor will we ever be a theocracy. That is totally contrary to freedom.
Nope...Madison brought lots of books from Enlightenment philosophers to Philadelphia to help in writing the Constitution....show where he brought a bible for that purpose.
I probably should have included a poll.

I'm asking for direct answers, would you support a candidate for president, or any office, who held that biblical law supercedes the Constitution? There is another thread about sharia and you can start one on Hinduism if you like. This one is about biblical law.
Anybody who says that has about 6 supporters, so your question is moot. It is like giving citizenship to refugees from alpha Venturi or Beetlgues.

There's certainly more people in America by many, many multitudes who would believe that than who believe the same for sharia law.
The way he posed the question is dishonest and dumb. Sure, there are lots of folks who believe the constitution is secondary to their view of the holy writ. But they also know there are 25,000 versions of what holy writ means in america. That is among the christians. There are 6 million jews, so there are 10 million views among them. So we get along and go along.

There is no monolithic view that is remotely a hazard.
Except for all of them! Religion is one of the main ways the control manipulate and divide us.
You really should read his notes because that is where it is as well as the Avalon Project Madison Debates.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.

I also know them and I agree that he never wanted a theocratic state or established state religion.
None of our Founders did.
That is not what I am saying.
I said that the Bible helped him as well as our other founders form some of their ideas for writing the Constitution.
One being from Isaiah 33:22 which was influenced by Christian ideas.
You don't need to have God, Jesus or any actual Christian Bible quotes from the Bible to help in forming the Constitution.
We were meant to be a moral nation with Christian foundations but not for us to be a Theocracy.
We never were, nor will we ever be a theocracy. That is totally contrary to freedom.
Nope...Madison brought lots of books from Enlightenment philosophers to Philadelphia to help in writing the Constitution....show where he brought a bible for that purpose.

He did not have to.
He knew the Bible very well. He was raised as a Christian, like many or our Founders.
Show your link to all of the enlightenment books that he brought to Philadelphia.
Re another thread here regarding a presidential candidate that held a particular religion superceded the Constitution. My own view is there is no religion that supercedes the Constitution.
I agree.

Of course, many Christian religious mores are matched by language of the Constitution. Don't murder, don't steal, don't lie etc. It turns out that people who adhere to Christian religions, are already more than halfway to supporting the Constitution - a far better proportion than is found in adherents to Sharia law.

How about people who believe that the religion of Modern Liberalism should supersede the Constitution? They support taxation to transfer funds directly to various special interest groups (forbidden by the Const), and govt getting involved in workplace conditions, land zoning, local environmental conditions, medical insurance, retirement funding, unemployment compensation in various forms, and even the size of our toilets and the kinds of light bulbs we can buy - all functions forbidden to the Fed govt by the Constitution, and reserved instead to the States and the People.

Modern liberalism is a religion, of course: There is no proof that it works (and plenty of evidence to show it doesn't), it is perceived as different things by different people in different places, it requires absolute faith and devotion to its ideals without question, and seeks to destroy anyone who doesn't unquestioningly obey and proselytize it requirements. Its devotees dare not mention its name, and regularly castigate anyone who applied ANY spoken name to it ("We're NOT socialists! We're NOT communists! Don't you DARE call us that! We're NOT....", etc.). And they can tolerate no other religion except Modern Liberalism. They regard anyone who disagrees, as not only wrong but evil.

Does your view that "there is no religion that supercedes[sic] the Constitution", include the religion of Modern Liberalism? What do you propose we should to with the people already in office, who are clearly fanatical devotees to that religion and regularly violate the Constitution to make laws implementing their religion in its place?
Except for the general welfare clause.
No, it is not. You are now trying to imply that was the source for Madison's idea without any actual writing by Madison about it. That lacks integrity.

No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.

I also know them and I agree that he never wanted a theocratic state or established state religion.
None of our Founders did.
That is not what I am saying.
I said that the Bible helped him as well as our other founders form some of their ideas for writing the Constitution.
One being from Isaiah 33:22 which was influenced by Christian ideas.
You don't need to have God, Jesus or any actual Christian Bible quotes from the Bible to help in forming the Constitution.
We were meant to be a moral nation with Christian foundations but not for us to be a Theocracy.
We never were, nor will we ever be a theocracy. That is totally contrary to freedom.
Nope...Madison brought lots of books from Enlightenment philosophers to Philadelphia to help in writing the Constitution....show where he brought a bible for that purpose.

He did not have to.
He knew the Bible very well. He was raised as a Christian, like many or our Founders.
Show your link to all of the enlightenment books that he brought to Philadelphia.
Stop it. You said that Isaiah 33:22 inspired the Virginia Plan yet you cannot point to where Madison said or wrote that it did. Fail.
No I am trying to find the actual facts based on it.
It is hard to find because it has been buried in liberal lies of the US being Secular for over 50 years.
It seems that it is not on the Internet of course.
I just need some time to research it in my history books of which there are hundreds of and find it for everyone to see and read.
I will find it and then post it.
Just give me a little time to read and research it.
By all means do so.

I know Madison and his writings. He would never countenance a theocratic state, or even Virginia having an established religion.

I also know them and I agree that he never wanted a theocratic state or established state religion.
None of our Founders did.
That is not what I am saying.
I said that the Bible helped him as well as our other founders form some of their ideas for writing the Constitution.
One being from Isaiah 33:22 which was influenced by Christian ideas.
You don't need to have God, Jesus or any actual Christian Bible quotes from the Bible to help in forming the Constitution.
We were meant to be a moral nation with Christian foundations but not for us to be a Theocracy.
We never were, nor will we ever be a theocracy. That is totally contrary to freedom.
Nope...Madison brought lots of books from Enlightenment philosophers to Philadelphia to help in writing the Constitution....show where he brought a bible for that purpose.

He did not have to.
He knew the Bible very well. He was raised as a Christian, like many or our Founders.
Show your link to all of the enlightenment books that he brought to Philadelphia.
Stop it. You said that Isaiah 33:22 inspired the Virginia Plan yet you cannot point to where Madison said or wrote that it did. Fail.

You are the one who failed to put them altogether for the inspiration of writing some of the Constitution.
I bet you will refuse to read the 170 page book that I posted also, that explains their Christian influence.

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