Would you vote for a woman with a TERRORIST husband who burned 80 americans alive?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

Bill may have been under the influence. He almost died of an overdose of cocaine and had to check himself into the Betty Ford Institute. He may have not been thinking correctly back then. Or now.
That Waco thing was disgusting. Corrupt Western Governments won't accept alternative lifestyles.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
So who started the fire?
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
So who started the fire?
Machts nichts
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
So who started the fire?
Machts nichts
It must...Since shit is being thrown...
Under Clinton's "leadership" the U.S. government used tanks and poison gas against it's own citizens. The media condoned it because they never saw a democrat they didn't like and the idiot lefties thought it was a pretty good idea because the liberal media liked it. I doubt if Hillary had any input on Waco but I'm sure she had a lot of input in hiring big dumb Janet Reno who supervised the atrocity.
The initial plan was not followed, true, but not all died from the fire, some were shot by those inside as a mercy killing perhaps...
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.



They should of obeyed the instructions of law enforcement, and they would of survived another day.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

When did we start voting for people based on their spouse, Dumbass?

Did you vote for or against Shrub because he's married to an automotive killer?
I mean considering your screen name and shit......... :eusa_whistle:
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

1. What Bill has done is independent of what Hillary has done.

Except what they both did, such as both endorse the DOMA/Defense of Marriage Act that was equally
as unconstitutional as the opposite agenda forcing definitions of marriage on the public through govt,
when marriage is clearly a private religious and spiritual matter.

2. Hillary has enough on her own reputation and record, and doesn't need to rely on Bill's record.
If they both push for votes based on name recognition, nothing bad is going to stop that.
Even bad press is good press in terms of name recognition, so they win either way.

What will be interesting to see is how the Bush battle plays out with the GOP.
I am guessing this will divide the vote enough to let the Clintons win the name game,
unless Trump and Cruz get smart and bypass the Clintons, team up with the
Greens Libertarians and even Democrats fed up with the game playing,
and fund the progressive Third Party platforms to get behind their leadership,
even if they have to recruit Sanders and Green Party leaders in their cabinets to promote real
Peace and Justice social reforms and environmental protections.

Trump could buy out the third party and workers groups if their leadership got together.
Pay for the business plans and workers cooperatives to bypass the Democrat politicians hijacking the Party.

I think that has a better chance of changing the game
than trying to dig up dirt on Bill or Hillary Clinton which just gives them more and more publicity.
They point to all the hateful rhetoric in the media and use THAT to get more campaign dollars and support.
So it only feeds their political machine.

The way to cut off the hydra's heads is to find where the Democrats
and progressives are divided against the status quo politicians like the Clintons.

Find out what these third party movements are trying to accomplish.
If Trump and Cruz get resources, leadership and especially money and media
around those goals and programs these groups are pushing for, they can buy out
the solutions right under the noses of Democrat politicians who already sold out their own constituents.

Fund the worker coop programs proposed by Sanders,
fund the labor pools, health care coops, and labor backed currency of the Greens,
and that will show how badly the Clintons have sold out the real progressives.

If it takes the independent business leaders to support those plans.
I'd like to see that in the media, a total political coup, but for the right reasons.
It would send the message that if you want these solutions, fund them yourself,
run them through locally owned and managed business networks, instead of relying on govt.

Either the Clintons would have to start backing sustainable plans the real progressives have been pushing.
Or they would look truly bad and stupid, if only the independent business leaders like Trump
can see the value of investing directly in worker owned and managed coops, including turning
prisons into schools and health care facilities, while the Clintons keep campaigning on name recognition
and corporate dollars.
The dirty little secret is that the initial search warrant was so faulty that the judge who signed it should have been fired right after the A.G. was fired. It was alleged (by the ATF) that the Davidians we converting old WW2 demilled rusty junk into fully automatic functional weapons. After the fire no such weapons were ever found.
So who started the fire?
It doesn't matter who physically started the fire. Whether the feds did it or whether they simply provoked a man known to be insane to do it, the fact remains they knew there were innocent children in that building -- yet they went about doing things they were repeatedly warned not to do -- and twenty-one children, some as young as two, innocent little tots, died horrible deaths.

I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
The adults at Waco hold their own deaths in their own hands.....
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
The children were the only innocent ones and their adults held them there to their deaths. I thought the RW believed in personal responsibility. I guess not.

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