Would you vote for a woman with a TERRORIST husband who burned 80 americans alive?

lol, when it's black people being killed by the government the standard RWnut reaction is...

...well if they hadn't resisted they'd be alive today.

Funny how color changes everything for the RWnuts.
I haven't heard about the U.S raiding an all black compound and burning them to death, how has this been kept secret?

In 1985, another standoff was ended when the police dropped a bomb on their compound. This resulted in the deaths of 11 MOVE members, including the leader John Africa and 5 children, the destruction of 65 houses and widespread news coverage. [1]

MOVE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where is the respect for law enforcement?
It sure wasn't there at the Philadelphia City Hall. Guess who was found at fault?
lol, when it's black people being killed by the government the standard RWnut reaction is...

...well if they hadn't resisted they'd be alive today.

Funny how color changes everything for the RWnuts.
I haven't heard about the U.S raiding an all black compound and burning them to death, how has this been kept secret?
Never hear about Philadelphia and the MOVE people, have you?
why dont you provide a link to that slaughter of people that were not acting violently prior to their government sanctioned murder.
So, you are too lazy to look up the MOVE house in Philadelphia and what happened. :lol: You must be one of those lazy welfare mooches from a Red state.

You know me Bod. I backed the original Panthers from the get go. Not the new ones. And if you've seen my posting on the new ones you will understand why.

Philly was a slaughter. One does not excuse another but people are just out and out ignorant Bod. They just don't get it. Look I'm on dial up these days and I still know more in my head than half the souls who post here.

And we are dealing with posters who are OMG so younger than us that they were playing with lego and barbies while we have been duking it out.

What happened in Philly was beyond disgusting. I will back the original Panthers till the day I die.

Problem is the ones we post with don't know the history of it all.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
First of all, it's sexist and idiotic to claim that Hillary Clinton should be accountable for anything that Bill may have done. She is her own person. Secondly, I have to ask, did Bill give the order to attack?. Did anyone even run it by him. ? This is just another one of your dumb ass threads!
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Bill was reelected after Waco and Hillary was elected twice to the US Senate, in case your dumb question was supposed to get an answer.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
So who started the fire?
Machts nichts
It must...Since shit is being thrown...

Which brings Hossfly circling.....
You see how those 80 people 20 of them children are told they should have OBEYED Billy and his murderous accomplice Janet Reno.

but all these criminals being killed by police officers because they didn't obey, and we are told that's different and so these thugs called the BLM have a right to cause riots and lootings over it.

which is it? they just twist and blow in the wind

They should have accepted service and not shot the officers delivering......once they realized their "mistake", they should have answered to the law.......being 2nd amendment absurdist child molesters doesn't give them a pass...
No, I wouldn't vote for that person. I won't vote for Hillary either.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

Why didn't you get your racist fuckstick ass on the pyre in protest?
Under Clinton's "leadership" the U.S. government used tanks and poison gas against it's own citizens. The media condoned it because they never saw a democrat they didn't like and the idiot lefties thought it was a pretty good idea because the liberal media liked it. I doubt if Hillary had any input on Waco but I'm sure she had a lot of input in hiring big dumb Janet Reno who supervised the atrocity.

Tanks that never fired a round, but were basically used as armored bulldozers.

Poison gas? Nope!

Why is it impossible for people to tell the truth?
The initial plan was not followed, true, but not all died from the fire, some were shot by those inside as a mercy killing perhaps...
I wonder if Obama will bring in tanks to get those pesky ranchers in line.

No sir.

The Constitution prevent the Federales from getting their hands dirty,

They will use drones, but of course.

Due process of law have changed a tad.

I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
The children were the only innocent ones and their adults held them there to their deaths. I thought the RW believed in personal responsibility. I guess not.



So who started the fire?
It doesn't matter who physically started the fire. Whether the feds did it or whether they simply provoked a man known to be insane to do it, the fact remains they knew there were innocent children in that building -- yet they went about doing things they were repeatedly warned not to do -- and twenty-one children, some as young as two, innocent little tots, died horrible deaths.






No, I wouldn't vote for that person. I won't vote for Hillary either.
Which deranged , psychotic & incompetent people among the republicans would you rather have as president?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What makes you think I would vote Republican? Making an assumption based on facts not in evidence? Keep it up, you'll fit right in around here.

As of this moment, I have made no decision as to where my vote will go, nor to what party.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
It's impossible to say which is more pathetic – the thread premise or those who agree with it.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

Bill may have been under the influence. He almost died of an overdose of cocaine and had to check himself into the Betty Ford Institute. He may have not been thinking correctly back then. Or now.
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.

Would you vote for a man who is almost certain to cause WW3?
I don't understand why Republicans love child molesters. Anyone?

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