Would you vote for a woman with a TERRORIST husband who burned 80 americans alive?

They had a search warrant, not an arrest warrant. You can't make an arrest without evidence. Why do you insist on being so obviously stupid?
They didnt need a search warrant as they had been invited to search the compound........but rejected it
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....
Burning innocent people alive is "right?"
So who started the fire?
And why were there kerosene soaked hay bails clogging up the corridors? How did President Clintom do that?
No, I wouldn't vote for that person. I won't vote for Hillary either.
Which deranged , psychotic & incompetent people among the republicans would you rather have as president?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What makes you think I would vote Republican? Making an assumption based on facts not in evidence? Keep it up, you'll fit right in around here.

As of this moment, I have made no decision as to where my vote will go, nor to what party.
I didn't assume anything. I just asked a question based on the fact that Clinton may be the only viable candidate n the Dem. side. If you don't vote for her, you are increasing the possibility that a Repb. will win. Who can you live with?
The one that got the people killed at the Branch Davidians was David Koresh...

He had the choice to surrender and save those people and did not.

The Ruby Ridge and Waco incident caused the OKC Bombing and the violence was enough for me to say society is just retarded...
Never hear about Philadelphia and the MOVE people, have you?

I've heard about that. Another incredible atrocity covered up by the press. Both it and waco happened pre-internet. Today the govt is assumed the likely perp every time something awful happens.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....

Did you really say that?? Clinton burned 80 americans alive and 25 were kids. You think that takes guts??

I still can't beleive Reno gave the orders.

Frankly I can't believe what I watched to this day. Ok. You know the movie Road Warrior and where they are holding those inside the compound prisoners? Torturing them with sound?

That's what our government did. And then they killed them. They killed those people in there. I pray RENO dies the worst death ever by flames for what she did. I'm still pissed off that the Bushes and yes that is plural embrace the mass murderers known as the Clintons.
Caption this.
The one that got the people killed at the Branch Davidians was David Koresh...

He had the choice to surrender and save those people and did not.

The Ruby Ridge and Waco incident caused the OKC Bombing and the violence was enough for me to say society is just retarded...

Ruby Ridge whoa geeze was nothing like Waco. I've watched and enjoyed your posts but whoa man you are off the mark to tie the two together.

We are talking about government serious overreach for both. AND the persons involved were not at fault whatsoever.

Fucking over the top sons of bitches of government assholes set these disasters into motion.
The one that got the people killed at the Branch Davidians was David Koresh...

He had the choice to surrender and save those people and did not.

The Ruby Ridge and Waco incident caused the OKC Bombing and the violence was enough for me to say society is just retarded...

Ruby Ridge whoa geeze was nothing like Waco. I've watched and enjoyed your posts but whoa man you are off the mark to tie the two together.

We are talking about government serious overreach for both. AND the persons involved were not at fault whatsoever.

Fucking over the top sons of bitches of government assholes set these disasters into motion.

Ruby Ridge was a massive mistake and they could have gotten the nutter from Waco when he was off the ranch, and did not.

My point to Ruby Ridge was the mistake there along with Waco mess caused someone to kill innocent people in OKC. I am not connecting Ruby Ridge to be like Waco at all and if i did then I apologize.
lol, when it's black people being killed by the government the standard RWnut reaction is...

...well if they hadn't resisted they'd be alive today.

Funny how color changes everything for the RWnuts.
^^ ironic post is ironic.

Coming from you
The one that got the people killed at the Branch Davidians was David Koresh...

He had the choice to surrender and save those people and did not.

The Ruby Ridge and Waco incident caused the OKC Bombing and the violence was enough for me to say society is just retarded...

Ruby Ridge whoa geeze was nothing like Waco. I've watched and enjoyed your posts but whoa man you are off the mark to tie the two together.

We are talking about government serious overreach for both. AND the persons involved were not at fault whatsoever.

Fucking over the top sons of bitches of government assholes set these disasters into motion.

Ruby Ridge was a massive mistake and they could have gotten the nutter from Waco when he was off the ranch, and did not.

My point to Ruby Ridge was the mistake there along with Waco mess caused someone to kill innocent people in OKC. I am not connecting Ruby Ridge to be like Waco at all and if i did then I apologize.

No problem and relieved. Glad you cleared that up. I've been watching you OMG that sounds so creepy but I like your posts and got sort of blind sided there.

I never understood Waco in the sense they could have gotten him off property so many times. When Bundy started my husband really did come out of the shower screaming they're going to pull another Waco and he's not the one that listens to Coast to Coast.

They should of obeyed the instructions of law enforcement, and they would of survived another day.

I bet you say that every time a cop shoots and kills a street thug who resists arrest. Especially if the thug's life matter.
Shows she has a man with the courage to do what is right..Just like Trump would have....

Did you really say that?? Clinton burned 80 americans alive and 25 were kids. You think that takes guts??

I still can't beleive Reno gave the orders.

Frankly I can't believe what I watched to this day. Ok. You know the movie Road Warrior and where they are holding those inside the compound prisoners? Torturing them with sound?

That's what our government did. And then they killed them. They killed those people in there. I pray RENO dies the worst death ever by flames for what she did. I'm still pissed off that the Bushes and yes that is plural embrace the mass murderers known as the Clintons.

I enjoy it when Conservatives defend a murdering pedophile like Koresh just because they hate Democrats so much

It shows their priorities
He almost died of an overdose of cocaine...

he also almost drowned but former Arizona Guvnor, Fife Symington saved his dumbass!!

when they were college students in the 1960s – Fife at Harvard, and Clinton at Georgetown – Symington saved Clinton at a beach party in Massachusetts, when young Bill was being pulled away by a strong tide.

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