Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters

We are facing an avalanche of dangerous progressivism, Statism, whatever you want to call it. And a good man steps into the arena, and fails. And you call him a shitclown. That is why I made the obvious psychological reference. Let me remind you of something:

You continue to make assumptions about me.

His failure is not even my primary motivator, let alone my sole motivator, for calling him a shitclown.

I made my opinion of the man known in previous posts, so I see no need to rehash them for someone who is too lazy to read but obviously not too busy to bloviate.

Not assumptions, conclusions.

Correct the record. Amend your posts.

I'm not trying to making enemies here, just keeping it real.

I have another bullet in chamber.......wanna keep pushing the penis issue? LOL

We are facing an avalanche of dangerous progressivism, Statism, whatever you want to call it. And a good man steps into the arena, and fails. And you call him a shitclown. That is why I made the obvious psychological reference. Let me remind you of something:

You continue to make assumptions about me.

His failure is not even my primary motivator, let alone my sole motivator, for calling him a shitclown.

I made my opinion of the man known in previous posts, so I see no need to rehash them for someone who is too lazy to read but obviously not too busy to bloviate.

Did you, or did you not, call him a shitclown?

Everything else is a distraction.....

Motive is never a distraction. Unseen intent often means more than the visible action.

But in this case, my motive and intent are both visible.

Enough playing for now. Daddy has work to do.

I'll be back in... well.. whenever the job is done.


I wasn't playing.

I welcome your rebuttal......
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.

Well Said!!!!!!
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.

Agreed. Romney is NOT a conservative and as such, is incapable of promoting conservative policies.

He is a neocon and a moderate progressive...just as both Bushes were and they were total failures.
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.

Agreed. Romney is NOT a conservative and as such, is incapable of promoting conservative policies.

He is a neocon and a moderate progressive...just as both Bushes were and they were total failures.
That is exactly what he is. He is a northeastern big government Rockefeller Republican. And I would take him over anyone the Democrats are likely to nominate any day of the week.
Romney - fewer police, firemen and teachers.

Yea, just what this country needs.
That's a great way to run conservatives to the independents.

I'm pretty sure the American public made their opinion of that shitclown known time & again.

People who speak like that have small penises. Psych 101...

What, am I supposed to vehemently deny your unfounded claim based on a course you most likely never even heard of, let alone passed?

(hint: Psych 101 focuses on the brain's physiological makeup. Not psychology, and certainly not Freud)

... nah.

Nice try.

People who ridicule the success of others are driven by compensation. We all compensate, of course; that being a defense mechanism, a coping skill. But to diminish the accomplishments of others reeks of a small penis. You can "vehemently" do as you wish. I simply read your words.

Oh, and you underscore my point, in spades, by referring to my education without knowing a monkey's rectum about it. Why is that, if not for a small penis? Some other envy?

Say something smart! You would rather have another liberal in the White House?

I love the hypocritical ad hominem, insinuating that I have a narcissistic disorder (my narcissism is quite orderly, thank you very much) and at the same time jumping to conclusions on my opinion of the man simply because I say he is unfit to lead the country.

You don't know as much as you think you know.
Yeah I'm with Youch on this one. You can disagree with Romney's policies. You can say he isn't a conservative and will govern more or less like Bush did. You can say you wont vote for him. That's fine and I might agreee with a lot of that.
But to say he's unqualified is simply stupid. He is very qualified. His pronouncements on foreign policy were absolutely correct, and his more recent on the subject is spot on.

I never said he was unqualified. Please stop reading into my posts sentiments that aren't there.

I said the Job Exporter in Chief is a shitclown. There's a world of difference.
Sorry, you said he was unfit (post 260). That is an absurd assessment. He is very fit to lead the country. The Job Exporter in Chief crap is merely mouthing the most ignorant liberal talking points. Find something realistic to disagree with him about. You're just making an idiot out of yourself.

I know you want to suck his cock and all, but it doesn't change the fact that he helped China 100x more than he ever helped the US.
That's a great way to run conservatives to the independents.

I'm pretty sure the American public made their opinion of that shitclown known time & again.

People who speak like that have small penises. Psych 101...

What, am I supposed to vehemently deny your unfounded claim based on a course you most likely never even heard of, let alone passed?

(hint: Psych 101 focuses on the brain's physiological makeup. Not psychology, and certainly not Freud)

... nah.

Nice try.

People who ridicule the success of others are driven by compensation. We all compensate, of course; that being a defense mechanism, a coping skill. But to diminish the accomplishments of others reeks of a small penis. You can "vehemently" do as you wish. I simply read your words.

Oh, and you underscore my point, in spades, by referring to my education without knowing a monkey's rectum about it. Why is that, if not for a small penis? Some other envy?

Say something smart! You would rather have another liberal in the White House?

I love the hypocritical ad hominem, insinuating that I have a narcissistic disorder (my narcissism is quite orderly, thank you very much) and at the same time jumping to conclusions on my opinion of the man simply because I say he is unfit to lead the country.

You don't know as much as you think you know.
Yeah I'm with Youch on this one. You can disagree with Romney's policies. You can say he isn't a conservative and will govern more or less like Bush did. You can say you wont vote for him. That's fine and I might agreee with a lot of that.
But to say he's unqualified is simply stupid. He is very qualified. His pronouncements on foreign policy were absolutely correct, and his more recent on the subject is spot on.

I never said he was unqualified. Please stop reading into my posts sentiments that aren't there.

I said the Job Exporter in Chief is a shitclown. There's a world of difference.
Sorry, you said he was unfit (post 260). That is an absurd assessment. He is very fit to lead the country. The Job Exporter in Chief crap is merely mouthing the most ignorant liberal talking points. Find something realistic to disagree with him about. You're just making an idiot out of yourself.

I know you want to suck his cock and all, but it doesn't change the fact that he helped China 100x more than he ever helped the US.
Wow I had no idea you were a liberal. You sure talk like one. Irrelevant crap, ad hom arguments, unsubstantiated talking points. Aren't you at all embarassed?

We are facing an avalanche of dangerous progressivism, Statism, whatever you want to call it. And a good man steps into the arena, and fails. And you call him a shitclown. That is why I made the obvious psychological reference. Let me remind you of something:

You continue to make assumptions about me.

His failure is not even my primary motivator, let alone my sole motivator, for calling him a shitclown.

I made my opinion of the man known in previous posts, so I see no need to rehash them for someone who is too lazy to read but obviously not too busy to bloviate.
Romney, to me, is more like a car salesman than a shit clown. I don't like him because he's to much of a socialist/democrat for me. Way to far to the left for my liking. Plus he's ancient, he'll be 69 in 2016. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
depends on who the candidates are but more than likely not a chance I would vote for a person that believes in magic underwear.
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way
Romney - fewer police, firemen and teachers.

Yea, just what this country needs.

What part of our Constitution delegates this responsibility to Federal government?

As far as I know, teachers are hired by the state, police and firemen are hired by city, county and local government.
Romney - fewer police, firemen and teachers.

Yea, just what this country needs.

What part of our Constitution delegates this responsibility to Federal government?

As far as I know, teachers are hired by the state, police and firemen are hired by city, county and local government.

Of course, but you know the facts. rdean only knows what the Left tells him.

His namesake Howard Dean, probably told him that Romney would cause fewer police, firemen and teachers...so in rdean's mind, it must be true.

Leftism and logic are polar opposites...
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way

I think it's too early to be predicting who will even be in the primaries, much less what will happen. As for mocked statements vindicated, Sarah Palin leads Romney there, so why not Palin? If we're going to recruit someone to run, how about Dr. Ben Carson?

I'll predict this... IF the 2016 election is Romney vs. Any Democrat, we'll have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House. He can't energize the base, he hasn't and he won't. If you look at any Republican president of our lifetime, the one thing they have in common is, regardless of how they governed or what they did after elected, they all energized the base.
Romney - fewer police, firemen and teachers.

Yea, just what this country needs.

What part of our Constitution delegates this responsibility to Federal government?

As far as I know, teachers are hired by the state, police and firemen are hired by city, county and local government.

Of course, but you know the facts. rdean only knows what the Left tells him.

His namesake Howard Dean, probably told him that Romney would cause fewer police, firemen and teachers...so in rdean's mind, it must be true.

Leftism and logic are polar opposites...

LOL.. well, that is true... But hey, I want a clarification on this, because IF the "general welfare" clause means the Feds are responsible for teachers, police and fire, as well as roads and bridges... then I want to file a class action lawsuit against the Feds for the amount my state has spent over the last 200 years on these things. Many others and myself have been faithfully paying our taxes here with the understanding they were for this purpose, but if this is supposed to be the responsibility of the Fed, then we are owed a massive refund.
Romney - fewer police, firemen and teachers.

Yea, just what this country needs.

What part of our Constitution delegates this responsibility to Federal government?

As far as I know, teachers are hired by the state, police and firemen are hired by city, county and local government.

Of course, but you know the facts. rdean only knows what the Left tells him.

His namesake Howard Dean, probably told him that Romney would cause fewer police, firemen and teachers...so in rdean's mind, it must be true.

Leftism and logic are polar opposites...

LOL.. well, that is true... But hey, I want a clarification on this, because IF the "general welfare" clause means the Feds are responsible for teachers, police and fire, as well as roads and bridges... then I want to file a class action lawsuit against the Feds for the amount my state has spent over the last 200 years on these things. Many others and myself have been faithfully paying our taxes here with the understanding they were for this purpose, but if this is supposed to be the responsibility of the Fed, then we are owed a massive refund.

You'll never see a penny of it, because the IRS will audit you and gank that money & charge interest.
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.

The significant part of your post is highlighted in red. The rest is meaningless.

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