Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way

I think it's too early to be predicting who will even be in the primaries, much less what will happen. As for mocked statements vindicated, Sarah Palin leads Romney there, so why not Palin? If we're going to recruit someone to run, how about Dr. Ben Carson?

I'll predict this... IF the 2016 election is Romney vs. Any Democrat, we'll have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House. He can't energize the base, he hasn't and he won't. If you look at any Republican president of our lifetime, the one thing they have in common is, regardless of how they governed or what they did after elected, they all energized the base.

Yes, and sadly, thats why we have a second obozo term. Why do some conservatives shit in their hat and then put it on?
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way

I think it's too early to be predicting who will even be in the primaries, much less what will happen. As for mocked statements vindicated, Sarah Palin leads Romney there, so why not Palin? If we're going to recruit someone to run, how about Dr. Ben Carson?

I'll predict this... IF the 2016 election is Romney vs. Any Democrat, we'll have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House. He can't energize the base, he hasn't and he won't. If you look at any Republican president of our lifetime, the one thing they have in common is, regardless of how they governed or what they did after elected, they all energized the base.

Yes, and sadly, thats why we have a second obozo term. Why do some conservatives shit in their hat and then put it on?

You're confusing conservatives with republicans.
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way

I think it's too early to be predicting who will even be in the primaries, much less what will happen. As for mocked statements vindicated, Sarah Palin leads Romney there, so why not Palin? If we're going to recruit someone to run, how about Dr. Ben Carson?

I'll predict this... IF the 2016 election is Romney vs. Any Democrat, we'll have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House. He can't energize the base, he hasn't and he won't. If you look at any Republican president of our lifetime, the one thing they have in common is, regardless of how they governed or what they did after elected, they all energized the base.

Yes, and sadly, thats why we have a second obozo term. Why do some conservatives shit in their hat and then put it on?

You're confusing conservatives with republicans.

NO, I am not. The conservatives who stayed home or voted third party in Nov 2012 gave obama his second term. I am not happy with the old line assholes who control the GOP, but electing liberal democrats is the not the way to fix that problem.
The conservatives who stayed home or voted third party in Nov 2012 gave obama his second term.

I know how you feel. I am not happy with the sellouts that compromise their principles just to vote for "the lesser of two evils" when there are more than 2 candidates.

But hey, what can ya do?
NO, I am not. The conservatives who stayed home or voted third party in Nov 2012 gave obama his second term. I am not happy with the old line assholes who control the GOP, but electing liberal democrats is the not the way to fix that problem.

Well I am not happy about an Obama second term and I also don't believe electing liberal democrats will fix the GOP.... but why is it the fault of conservatives when the party elite backed a moderate nominee? Seems to me the people who shat in their hats were the GOP establishment elite, who continue to try and push moderate candidates instead of backing a true conservative. 2012 was the second election in a row where they did that, will 2016 be a repeat? If so, expect the same results.
I would just like to go back to the actual OP for a second and remind of a couple of things worth mulling about.

It's just one poll. One poll alone doesn't say much, but the aggregate of many polls, especially from very disparate pollsters, says alot.

If it's a poll from a rock-solid bastion state for either team red or team blue, we can still learn a lot, because of the principle of "a rising tide lifts all boats".

NY is most of the time a +20 to +30 state for Democrats in national elections in which the Democrat wins both the state and nationally (at least in the NPV).


1964: LBJ +37.25 in NY (+22.58 nationally) - 14.67 over the national average
1992: Clinton +15.85 in a three man race (+5.56 nationally) - 10.29 over the national average
1996: Clinton +28.86 in a more like two man race (+8.52 nationally) - 20.34 over the national average
2000: Gore +25.00 (Gore +0.52 in the NPV, Bush 43 of course won in the EC) - 24.48 over the national average
2008: Obama +26.86 (+7.26 nationally) - 19.60 over the national average
2012: Obama +28.18 (+3.86 nationally) - 24.32 over the national average

The only elections in the last 54, soon to be, last 56 years, where a Democrat won nationally but won NY by single digits, were 1960 and 1976:

1960: Kennedy +5.26 (+0.16 nationally) +5.10 over the national aveage
1976: Carter +4.42 (+2.06 nationally) +2.36 over the national average

Elections since 1960 where the Democrat won NY but lost the election to a Republican:

1968: Humphrey +5.46 (Nixon won by +0.70 nationally) - 6.16 over the national average, to the left
1988: Dukakis +4.10 (Bush 41 won by +7.73 nationally) - 11.83 over the national average,to the left
2004: Kerry +18.29 (Bush 43 won by +2.46 nationally) - 20.75 over the national average, to the left

And the three elections in the last 64 years where a Republican won NY state and also the national election:

1972: Nixon +17.34 (+23.15 nationally) - -5.81 under the national average, or 5.81 to the left.
1980: Reagan +2.67 (+9.74 nationally) - -7.07 under the national average, or 7.07 to the left.
1984: Reagaon +8.01 (+18.22 nationally) - -10.21 under the national average, or 10.21 to the left.

In every single case of a Democratic win in NY state and nationally 1960 to present, the NY margin was to the left of the national margin.

In every single case of a Democratic win in NY state but a Republican win nationally 1960 to present, the NY margin was to the left of the national margin.

In every single case of a Republican win in NY state and also a Republican win nationally 1960 to present, the NY margin was to the left of the national margin.

But it is the SIZE of the NY margin that is important, once again, according to the principle of "a rising tide lifts all boats".

With Clinton between +20 and +31 in this one poll, that puts here in the "normal" NY zone for a Democratic win nationally. And in other new York polls, she has climbed well over +30.

This is why is never ignore polls from rock solid states for either team. The information from those polls often tells us more than we realize.

This is why in 2008, as polling was showing a real horserace in, of all places, Indiana, I knew that Obama was heading for a substantial win nationally.
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If you had a dozen polls done this far out they could all be wrong.
Statistheilhitler is an ignoramus. Period.
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is more conservative than Romney and he would win due to working class appeal, although he's now a lobbyist. He appeals to blue collar people.
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is more conservative than Romney and he would win due to working class appeal, although he's now a lobbyist. He appeals to blue collar people.
Tim Pawlenty is a big government has-been. He hasnt done anything since the last round to improve his standing. The opposite. Becoming a lobbyist is selling his soul.
If you had a dozen polls done this far out they could all be wrong.
Statistheilhitler is an ignoramus. Period.

The posting above yours to which you are referring, was accidentally posted in the wrong thread, I have asked @flacaltenn to move it for me as I am not at home and cant do it with tapatalk. Sorry that your tender sensibilities were so offended.

Von meinem Base Lutea II über das Tapatalk-App gesendet.
I predict there will be another significant mocked statement Romney made that will be vindicated, farther solidifying his judgment and leadership ability, and near the middle of the primary Romney will be drafted in as a sort of dark horse candidate

I think Rand and Cruz and everyone else will bloody each other significantly in the beginning of the primary and there won't be a strong leading candidate. Due to frustration and pressure from the party I think they will turn to Mitt and ask him to step in. If the GOP primary is looking scary, he's being asked to step in, and his image across the country keeps improving, I think he will step in.

I'm not expecting him to run if not asked to and definitely not expecting him to announce a run before the primary is well under way

I think it's too early to be predicting who will even be in the primaries, much less what will happen. As for mocked statements vindicated, Sarah Palin leads Romney there, so why not Palin? If we're going to recruit someone to run, how about Dr. Ben Carson?

I'll predict this... IF the 2016 election is Romney vs. Any Democrat, we'll have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House. He can't energize the base, he hasn't and he won't. If you look at any Republican president of our lifetime, the one thing they have in common is, regardless of how they governed or what they did after elected, they all energized the base.

Yes, and sadly, thats why we have a second obozo term. Why do some conservatives shit in their hat and then put it on?

You're confusing conservatives with republicans.

NO, I am not. The conservatives who stayed home or voted third party in Nov 2012 gave obama his second term. I am not happy with the old line assholes who control the GOP, but electing liberal democrats is the not the way to fix that problem.

No matter how vigorously I pinched my nose, I could not bring myself to vote for Romney. He was a democrat-lite at best as governor of Massachusetts (mandatory HI, gun control, increased taxes, etc), so it was my belief that things had to get a whole lot worse before they even had a chance to get better. So, I'm "glad" BO won. He's delivered wonderfully.

I'm not sure if we're ready to start real recovery. I suspect not, though things might be different in two years. If Cruz or Paul run for the pubs, I'll work non-stop to get them elected. If the pubs go with Romney again or Christie, I'll know it's still too early for hope. If Hillary wins, then the swirling around the drain will be just that much closer and perhaps by 2020 or 2024, hope will again have a hope.
Don't care about Romney's religion, don't care about Romney's wealth, don't even care that he was governor of the most liberal state in America. He seems like a really nice man, I am sure his heart is golden, I am sure he loves his country and wants to genuinely serve the public.

My problem with Romney is, I don't think he truly understands core conservative principles.I think he understands business principles, perhaps better than anyone ever considered for president. In that regard, he would certainly have been a better president than business-illiterate Obama. I think he has a very strong work ethic and sense of obligation, and we wouldn't see him daily on the golf course while the world goes up in flames. And he may even have a part of him that truly wants to be a conservative and connect with the conservative base, but he is simply not that person and he can't fake it.

Whenever I hear Romney speak on core conservative values, it's as if he is apologizing for himself. He is trying to sell a product he doesn't totally believe in. Contrasting Romney with Reagan, we see Reagan was a true believer in what he was selling and was proud to tell you about the product. Reagan made you proud to be a conservative, Romney makes you hide your face in your hands and shake your head.
Very well said. That is exactly what it felt like to me as well... like he was selling me a car that he would not drive. By contrast when he was selling Romney Care he was animated, excited about it, as if that socialist bus was the best thing since sliced bread. Bush was the same way about no child left behind and CHIPS. These guys want to help everyone by distributing income from the unlucky few who are targeted for providing said redistribution. For example, in the case of no child left behind, the class leading children get to wait for the least of the class to catch up.
When did Romney do that? Or is this another fabrication by the Left you've bought into?

OK so it was a fabrication by the Left. The man asked Romney his opinion an Romney gave it in a very straightforward way. The guy didnt like it, fuck him.
And by the way Obama's opinion at the time was the EXACT SAME THING.

Fabrication? What part of my linked video was a fabrication? Why should I give a shit what Obama's opinion is on this issue? For me the election was between Romney & Gary Johnson. Romney would have been my second choice based on his support for tyranny of the majority.
When did Romney do that? Or is this another fabrication by the Left you've bought into?

OK so it was a fabrication by the Left. The man asked Romney his opinion an Romney gave it in a very straightforward way. The guy didnt like it, fuck him.
And by the way Obama's opinion at the time was the EXACT SAME THING.

Why should I give a shit what Obama's opinion is on this issue? For me the election was between Romney & Gary Johnson. Romney would have been my second choice based on his support for tyranny of the majority.

Let's see... Among the reasons you dont like Romney is:
. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
When I challenged you you posted that video. In the video Romney says nothing like what you say. So either you are lying or too stupid to tell the difference.
Which is it?
. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
When I challenged you you posted that video. In the video Romney says nothing like what you say. So either you are lying or too stupid to tell the difference.
Which is it?

This is what the left specializes in... You see, even though Obama ran on the same beliefs in traditional marriage, not a bit of difference... they've "fundamentally transformed" things since then, now it's suddenly akin to segregation if you are opposed to same sex marriage. There is no more debating the issue, it's settled as a matter of civil rights... and anyone who disagrees is simply standing in the schoolhouse door.

The most hilarious bit is about Romney "losing all pretense" of getting their vote! Was there some fantasy unicorn-filled universe where this was an actual pretense?
When did Romney do that? Or is this another fabrication by the Left you've bought into?

OK so it was a fabrication by the Left. The man asked Romney his opinion an Romney gave it in a very straightforward way. The guy didnt like it, fuck him.
And by the way Obama's opinion at the time was the EXACT SAME THING.

Why should I give a shit what Obama's opinion is on this issue? For me the election was between Romney & Gary Johnson. Romney would have been my second choice based on his support for tyranny of the majority.

Let's see... Among the reasons you dont like Romney is:
. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
When I challenged you you posted that video. In the video Romney says nothing like what you say. So either you are lying or too stupid to tell the difference.
Which is it?

When someone says one sub-group of humans in this country is not allowed to get married, a privilege that should be afforded to all humans, as far as I'm concerned that is the equivalent of calling that sub-group sub-human. This is the same as when blacks were formerly considered as sub-human via Jim Crow laws. The same as white males are considered as sub-human in Affirmative Action laws against white males. That's how I see it.

If I wanted to quote Romney instead of paraphrasing how I heard it, I would have used Quotes.

You are familiar with the concept of quotes right? Or are you to stupid to tell the difference?
. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
When I challenged you you posted that video. In the video Romney says nothing like what you say. So either you are lying or too stupid to tell the difference.
Which is it?

This is what the left specializes in... You see, even though Obama ran on the same beliefs in traditional marriage, not a bit of difference... they've "fundamentally transformed" things since then, now it's suddenly akin to segregation if you are opposed to same sex marriage. There is no more debating the issue, it's settled as a matter of civil rights... and anyone who disagrees is simply standing in the schoolhouse door.

The most hilarious bit is about Romney "losing all pretense" of getting their vote! Was there some fantasy unicorn-filled universe where this was an actual pretense?
Being gay does not mean one is democrat or republican. At least it wasn't prior to the last election.

And yes taking people's liberties away is taking their civil rights away from them. What fantasy unicorn universe do you live in where you can shit on people's civil rights take their liberties away from them, then turn around and say hey well their just gay, so it doesn't apply to most of us anyway.
When did Romney do that? Or is this another fabrication by the Left you've bought into?

OK so it was a fabrication by the Left. The man asked Romney his opinion an Romney gave it in a very straightforward way. The guy didnt like it, fuck him.
And by the way Obama's opinion at the time was the EXACT SAME THING.

Why should I give a shit what Obama's opinion is on this issue? For me the election was between Romney & Gary Johnson. Romney would have been my second choice based on his support for tyranny of the majority.

Let's see... Among the reasons you dont like Romney is:
. Additionally he's homophobic, when he insulted that veteran by telling him he was sub-human and thus not good enough to get married in out country... he lost all pretense of getting my vote.
When I challenged you you posted that video. In the video Romney says nothing like what you say. So either you are lying or too stupid to tell the difference.
Which is it?

When someone says one sub-group of humans in this country is not allowed to get married, a privilege that should be afforded to all humans, as far as I'm concerned that is the equivalent of calling that sub-group sub-human. This is the same as when blacks were formerly considered as sub-human via Jim Crow laws. The same as white males are considered as sub-human in Affirmative Action laws against white males. That's how I see it.

If I wanted to quote Romney instead of paraphrasing how I heard it, I would have used Quotes.

You are familiar with the concept of quotes right? Or are you to stupid to tell the difference?

So you are just making up shit. Romney never said anything like that. You simply attributed your own views to what he was saying.
I guess the answer to my question is, You are too stupid to tell the difference.

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