Wow.....100,000 off the voter rolls and this is just the beginning and just one state!

Gonna be a very interesting mid term season I think.


And a Republican wants it done.
So where's your voter fraud now?
My, my, my, how your tune has changed. Five months ago you were cheering him on when he certified the phony, stolen election. Now he's a republican crook, eh? You're a bald-faced hypocrite.
I have no problem with purging voter rolls as long as it is done well ahead of Election Day and a concerted effort is made to notify the voter.
A voter on the purge list who shows up to vote should be allowed to vote provisionally based on proving legal residency.
That would defeat the purpose.

Republicans are trying to remove people they don't want voting and not let them know it

Gonna be a very interesting mid term season I think.


And a Republican wants it done.
So where's your voter fraud now?
My, my, my, how your tune has changed. Five months ago you were cheering him on when he certified the phony, stolen election. Now he's a republican crook, eh? You're a bald-faced hypocrite.
He's still a republican
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.

I like it!
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
Yeah, like the dead and the homeless pay a lot in Taxes.

Then passing a law to that effect wouldn't cause any harm, now would it? Unless they also purge actual living people from the rolls as well.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
How is allowing welfare hos the right to vote allowed then...they don't pay taxes, just take what others pay in, but are allowed to vote no matter how inept and incompetent that they are nullifying votes of those that do pay taxes.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
Yeah, like the dead and the homeless pay a lot in Taxes.

Then passing a law to that effect wouldn't cause any harm, now would it? Unless they also purge actual living people from the rolls as well.
Simply being alive is not a qualifying factor for suffrage. What is wrong with you?
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
Yeah, like the dead and the homeless pay a lot in Taxes.

Then passing a law to that effect wouldn't cause any harm, now would it? Unless they also purge actual living people from the rolls as well.
Simply being alive is not a qualifying factor for suffrage. What is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me. I was simply replying to your comment "Yeah, like the dead and the homeless pay a lot in taxes".
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
You can see the logic of having laws and rules for voters. The responsible men and women versus men and women who abuse every law known and do not care except for themselves. Pure socialism is a beautiful diamond that needs to be on all cylinders to work. how do you explain all of the media and entertainers who live like royalty to the peasants giving their judging decisions on people they do not like? Are any of them going to live in the same sized home or apartment as the menial laborer. Of course they are not. They can protest or make statements all they want. Even get arrested in their march for justice. They then go home to their secure homes with all of the comforts and over the top living that breaks many of the deadly sins. Castro has the perfect system. And none of those frauds will go there to live.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
How is allowing welfare hos the right to vote allowed then...they don't pay taxes, just take what others pay in, but are allowed to vote no matter how inept and incompetent that they are nullifying votes of those that do pay taxes.

If you want to deny people the right to vote because they are on welfare or don't pay taxes, you need to pass a constitutional amendment to nullify the 24th amendment.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
You can see the logic of having laws and rules for voters. The responsible men and women versus men and women who abuse every law known and do not care except for themselves. Pure socialism is a beautiful diamond that needs to be on all cylinders to work. how do you explain all of the media and entertainers who live like royalty to the peasants giving their judging decisions on people they do not like? Are any of them going to live in the same sized home or apartment as the menial laborer. Of course they are not. They can protest or make statements all they want. Even get arrested in their march for justice. They then go home to their secure homes with all of the comforts and over the top living that breaks many of the deadly sins. Castro has the perfect system. And none of those frauds will go there to live.

I have no problem with laws and rules for voters. Things like requiring you live in the district in which you vote or that you have not lost your right to vote by committing a felony ect ect.
I have no problem with purging voter rolls as long as it is done well ahead of Election Day and a concerted effort is made to notify the voter.
A voter on the purge list who shows up to vote should be allowed to vote provisionally based on proving legal residency.
That would defeat the purpose.

Republicans are trying to remove people they don't want voting and not let them know it
A tactic I see that is disconcerting is purging inactive voters weeks before the election with minimal notice.

That is voter suppression
So who are you going to accuse of cheating if all the "election reform" and voter purges fails to suppress enough votes to get the republican to win?
This has been going on for decades. local areas have intensive corrupted voter fraud cells of people. Not one of the beneficiaries of this in office has an answer but to increase taxes more and more but nothing changes enough to spout it a success and then more is needed. The city rioters do not even know who their daddy is. Unless they are playing the "system" for checks and benefits. An economic collapse will make the nation look like the infected zombies of the movie World War Z. Total destruction from the infected area that are the worst fanning out to all areas.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
How is allowing welfare hos the right to vote allowed then...they don't pay taxes, just take what others pay in, but are allowed to vote no matter how inept and incompetent that they are nullifying votes of those that do pay taxes.
How about wealthy tax cheats?
I have no problem with purging voter rolls as long as it is done well ahead of Election Day and a concerted effort is made to notify the voter.
A voter on the purge list who shows up to vote should be allowed to vote provisionally based on proving legal residency.
That would defeat the purpose.

Republicans are trying to remove people they don't want voting and not let them know it
A tactic I see that is disconcerting is purging inactive voters weeks before the election with minimal notice.

That is voter suppression
Yup. and not making people aware they have been removed...even years prior.

Gonna be a very interesting mid term season I think.

It’s a good move but it won’t stop Democrats from registering thousands of fake voters at bogus addresses and using mail in ballots to rig an election.
I saw something that I thought was a great idea.

If the state removes your name from the voter rolls, and you are unable to vote due to no error on your part, you should not be required to pay taxes until you are next allowed to vote. Otherwise, how is that not taxation without representation.
Not a bad idea.

What about the thousands of voters that were told "you've already voted" when they went to vote, in various states. If caught, I'm good with the criminal that stole that vote getting 30 years. Let's send the right message.

I have no problem with prosecuting the criminal that stole the vote.

I think 30 years is way more than it should be. People convicted of murder typically spend 15 to 18 years in prison.
There should be a mandatory death penalty for voter fraud.

And the executions should be done in public at the polls the next election day.
How is allowing welfare hos the right to vote allowed then...they don't pay taxes, just take what others pay in, but are allowed to vote no matter how inept and incompetent that they are nullifying votes of those that do pay taxes.
So you would prevent "them" from voting...even though they are legal voters

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