WOW! Bill Clinton slams the GOP in Benghazi.

Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Yes Kennedy who ramped the war in Vietnam before he was assassinated.

Nixon ended the illegal war of Kennedy and LBJ.

Silly far left drones!
One of FOX's favorite "Benghazi experts" is going to jail for fraud.

Former Fox News Commentator Pleads Guilty to Fraud | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice

What's the point? That most Republicans have busted BS-meters, why is why it's so hilariously easy to sucker them with a fake story.
I remember him:

You really don't think facts make a difference to the right, do you?
Of course they do. That's why I state them.

So tell us. Who was responsible for the hundreds of US Marines who where set up without protection to die? And if they had protection, how did they die?

The marines were on a "peace keeping" mission and were unprepared for your islamofascist friends who attacked them. Those your kind the aftermath we didn't know who was responsible...So-called "Peace keeping missions" are for the U.N. let them do it...Hopefully the blue hats can stop raping and impregnating those they are supposed to protect
One of FOX's favorite "Benghazi experts" is going to jail for fraud.

Former Fox News Commentator Pleads Guilty to Fraud | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice

What's the point? That most Republicans have busted BS-meters, why is why it's so hilariously easy to sucker them with a fake story.
He was a guest commentator from Annapolis, MD who occasionally appeared on FNC. Don't make it seem he was equal to O'Reilly or Hannity.

Never saw him.

I dont' watch Fox or msnbc.

too partisan
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.

I doubt I can get through the 4 inches of neanderthal skull shielding your liberal brain but conservatives routinely disagreed with Bush and called him to task. RINO's on the other hand like liberals are lying lowlife worthless scum.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

You know that 19 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault...right? And you are cheering him on...I bet you still go to bill cosby comedy shows......

Accusations are not actualities. Republican/conservatives have accused many Hillary of many things and have not been able to prove any of them.....even with their on GOP what's your point?

They couldn't prove OJ did it..that doesn't mean he was innocent
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.

I doubt I can get through the 4 inches of neanderthal skull shielding your liberal brain but conservatives routinely disagreed with Bush and called him to task. RINO's on the other hand like liberals are lying lowlife worthless scum.

Immigration reform comes to mind...
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.

I doubt I can get through the 4 inches of neanderthal skull shielding your liberal brain but conservatives routinely disagreed with Bush and called him to task. RINO's on the other hand like liberals are lying lowlife worthless scum.

Immigration reform comes to mind...

Add deficit spending and Bush's ridiculous claim that the Iraq war would only cost $70 billion and Iraq would pay us back. Democrat leaders like Hillary were eager to join RINO's and sign onto the Iraq war. Typical of gutless lying scum liberals later they tried to pretend Bush had fooled them. Its funny, the lying filth left tells us Bush was a moron, and imbecile, yet he somehow outsmarted them all on Iraq. That has the rotted stench of liberals lying.
What does Benghazi have to do with Reagan? Reagan was blindsided in Lebanon by a terrorist bomb and the Hussein administration created the scenario that led up to Benghazi and then they blamed a freaking you tube video. It's alleged (and never denied) that Barry Hussein ate pizza and watched the brave defenders get killed in real time. The former Navy Seals ran out of ammunition during the hours long battle and U.S. Military assistance was allegedly told to stand down. Hillary called in sick after the carnage and the liberal media circled the wagons around the administration. It should be noted that Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office.
I freely admit I am scared of a Mrs. Tuzla Clinton presidency. I just hope and pray that the American people are not stupid enough to crown the liar.

How can anyone but rdean believe anything Bill or Mrs. Tuzla says? One lied under oath and the other has been proven beyond doubt to lie.

democrats, even you can do better than her.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
Yep......when you have no valid excuse for your own negligence.....bring up somebody else to deflect.
The Negligence belongs to the GOP.

How Republicans cut Benghazi security and blamed Hillary

In February 2011, over a year and a half before Benghazi, Hillary warned that the Tea Party’s continued refusal to adequately fund her State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection infrastructure was “detrimental to America’s national security.”

Republicans ignored her. Instead, conservatives cut an additional $331 million from embassy security for 2012, and then promptly proposed $216 million more cuts for fiscal year 2013. In fact, Paul Ryan’s budgets would have slashed $400 million from State Department security by 2014 while giving breaks to millionaires and billionaires.

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a close ally of Hillary, slammed the Republican diplomacy cuts at the time as “a disturbing example of the Republicans’ meat-ax approach to cutting every aspect of the government, no matter how essential.”
That has been the constant excuse by liberals in Washington, that the Tea Party cut funding, and that caused all of the crap that happened while liberals were in charge. Problem is, the Tea Party never ran the GOP. The GOP Establishment and Democrats ran it. The Sequester was Obamas idea. Any cutting that took place was his doing.

I saw a pattern with the way Clinton ran the government back in the 90s and during the Obama Administration. Hillary was the cause of most of the problems when her husband was president, and most of the problems in the Obama Administration. It was pretty much laid out during Watergate when she was fired. She is a disaster waiting to happen......and every time she fucks up....she tries to cover it up. The only reason she wasn't the focus in 93' after Blackhawk Down was because she was First Lady.


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Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
Yep......when you have no valid excuse for your own negligence.....bring up somebody else to deflect.
The Negligence belongs to the GOP.

How Republicans cut Benghazi security and blamed Hillary

In February 2011, over a year and a half before Benghazi, Hillary warned that the Tea Party’s continued refusal to adequately fund her State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection infrastructure was “detrimental to America’s national security.”

Republicans ignored her. Instead, conservatives cut an additional $331 million from embassy security for 2012, and then promptly proposed $216 million more cuts for fiscal year 2013. In fact, Paul Ryan’s budgets would have slashed $400 million from State Department security by 2014 while giving breaks to millionaires and billionaires.

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a close ally of Hillary, slammed the Republican diplomacy cuts at the time as “a disturbing example of the Republicans’ meat-ax approach to cutting every aspect of the government, no matter how essential.”
That has been to constant excuse by liberals in Washington, that the Tea Party cut funding, and that caused all of the crap that happened while liberals were in charge. Problem is, the Tea Party never ran the GOP. The GOP Establishment and Democrats ran it. The Sequester was Obamas idea. Any cutting that took place was his doing.

I saw a pattern with the way Clinton ran the government back in the 90s and during the Obama Administration. Hillary was the cause of most of the problems when her husband was president, and most of the problems in the Obama Administration. It was pretty much laid out during Watergate when she was fired. She is a disaster waiting to happen......and every time she fucks up....she tries to cover it up. The only reason she wasn't the focus in 93' after Blackhawk Down was because she was First Lady.



If it was your money and your company would you hire her to do anything given her resume of failures?
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

his defenders still lie about him

as do his detractors.

some call it politics
No one is promised tomorrow vh
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

You know that 19 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault...right? And you are cheering him on...I bet you still go to bill cosby comedy shows......

Accusations are not actualities. Republican/conservatives have accused many Hillary of many things and have not been able to prove any of them.....even with their on GOP what's your point?

Dodging sniper rounds comes immediately to mind.

How many died?
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

You know that 19 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault...right? And you are cheering him on...I bet you still go to bill cosby comedy shows......

Accusations are not actualities. Republican/conservatives have accused many Hillary of many things and have not been able to prove any of them.....even with their on GOP what's your point?

Dodging sniper rounds comes immediately to mind.

How many died?

Under Hillary? At least four that we know of.

I'm not interested in your relative comparisons, since Bush isn't running for office.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Yes Kennedy who ramped the war in Vietnam before he was assassinated.

Nixon ended the illegal war of Kennedy and LBJ.

Silly far left drones!

It was Eisenhower who first sent troops to Viet Nam. JFK and LBJ both increased that presence, and Nixon who went all in on it.

And Nixon didn't "end the war", he lost it. The last Americans left Viet Nam by helicopter as the North Vietnamese overran the capital.

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