WOW! Bill Clinton slams the GOP in Benghazi.

Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Bill Clinton is just talking shit .. and democrats are as prowar as are republicans.

Absolutely Obama and Hillary Clinton got special treatment for the massacre and war crimes they committed in Libya .. AND, they were never investigated for making up the Viagra rape story to justify destroying the once prosperous nation of Libya.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Yes Kennedy who ramped the war in Vietnam before he was assassinated.

Nixon ended the illegal war of Kennedy and LBJ.

Silly far left drones!

It was Eisenhower who first sent troops to Viet Nam. JFK and LBJ both increased that presence, and Nixon who went all in on it.

And Nixon didn't "end the war", he lost it. The last Americans left Viet Nam by helicopter as the North Vietnamese overran the capital.
That's a warped way of looking at it.

The Japanese allowed Ho Chi Minh to take control of the region at the end of WWII. The Brits and the French started a war with Viet Minh forces. 1950 Truman sent the first American troops into Vietnam. Role of the United States in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There was no victory in Vietnam; everyone lost.

Corporations and the Military-Industrial Complex were clear winners in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

War is just business to Americans.

Should have listened to Eisenhower.
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

Yeah.....only in the minds of right-wingers.....but they haven't been able to prove any of it, so they decide to elect one that is all they claim Hillary to be....and there is definite evidence of it.
Trump's 4 bankruptcies....fake Trump University, won't make tax returns public, lies about being charitable....etc., etc.

I'm a Cruz supporter, but Hillary is an easy target for someone like Trump....The triviality of your thinking is noted:rolleyes:

Oh, you support Lucifer in the Flesh? Bwahahaha! Why am I not surprised. Cruz may be worse than Trump...but apparently not one to worry about, he's not making much headway.

You quote an Old drunk and spew talking points you're a non thinker..the left loves you clones:slap:
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

The billing records that suddenedly appeared after the stay of execution?

The immediate ransacking of Vince Foster's office?

Making 100,000 in cattle futures?

Capone was not found guilty of any crime other than tax evasion, does that mean he was innocent of other crimes?

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
Yeah.....only in the minds of right-wingers.....but they haven't been able to prove any of it, so they decide to elect one that is all they claim Hillary to be....and there is definite evidence of it.
Trump's 4 bankruptcies....fake Trump University, won't make tax returns public, lies about being charitable....etc., etc.
Could you tell me how many of these charges have been proved against Trump? And, btw, how scandalss has Trump been implicated, as sheer numbers I mean? Oh yeah, did Trump boast about dodging sniper fire or dismiss the murders of of Americans by saying : What difference does it make?"?

I know you already know this, but go ahead and play dumb.....that's what Republican/conservatives do when they don't want to admit the truth.

Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times

Donald Trump Sued for Running Scam University

Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World - News Examiner - Examine Your World
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

Our advisories laugh at Obama, and our friends have no trust in the man. Hillary Clinton is being investigated for corruption by the FBI, not Republicans. The Clinton foundation is a slush fund, supporting the Clinton's political allies and personal friends. Nobody can name any real accomplishment by her as Secretary of state, not even her. She is not liked, her negatives are about as high as Trump's. You're delusional..very delusional... It's sad really. I don't get into hero worship especially that of a politician
Last edited:
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

Yeah.....only in the minds of right-wingers.....but they haven't been able to prove any of it, so they decide to elect one that is all they claim Hillary to be....and there is definite evidence of it.
Trump's 4 bankruptcies....fake Trump University, won't make tax returns public, lies about being charitable....etc., etc.

I'm a Cruz supporter, but Hillary is an easy target for someone like Trump....The triviality of your thinking is noted:rolleyes:

Oh, you support Lucifer in the Flesh? Bwahahaha! Why am I not surprised. Cruz may be worse than Trump...but apparently not one to worry about, he's not making much headway.

You quote an Old drunk and spew talking points you're a non thinker..the left loves you clones:slap:

Oh, now Boehner's an old drunk.....not too long ago you were defending the that he speaks the truth, you call him a drunk. You're a fair-weather fan.

And Trump loves you uneducated hate-filled understand his message of "hate", and you're easily manipulated by hate speech.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, whose own speeches have been rated to match a 4th grade reading level, announced following his big win in Nevada that he just loves the “poorly educated.”
Donald Trump Declares Undying Love for Uneducated US Voters
As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

Yeah.....only in the minds of right-wingers.....but they haven't been able to prove any of it, so they decide to elect one that is all they claim Hillary to be....and there is definite evidence of it.
Trump's 4 bankruptcies....fake Trump University, won't make tax returns public, lies about being charitable....etc., etc.

I'm a Cruz supporter, but Hillary is an easy target for someone like Trump....The triviality of your thinking is noted:rolleyes:

Oh, you support Lucifer in the Flesh? Bwahahaha! Why am I not surprised. Cruz may be worse than Trump...but apparently not one to worry about, he's not making much headway.

You quote an Old drunk and spew talking points you're a non thinker..the left loves you clones:slap:

Oh, now Boehner's an old drunk.....not too long ago you were defending the that he speaks the truth, you call him a drunk. You're a fair-weather fan.

And Trump loves you uneducated hate-filled understand his message of "hate", and you're easily manipulated by hate speech.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, whose own speeches have been rated to match a 4th grade reading level, announced following his big win in Nevada that he just loves the “poorly educated.”
Donald Trump Declares Undying Love for Uneducated US Voters

I never could stand the man, so you don't know me girl. Bohner is a sniffling, crying, weak, little establishment, crony capitalist, scumbag.
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

Our advisories laugh at Obama, and our friends have no trust in the man.
Your friends? Which friend is that? Nut-and-yahoo? The longer Trump continues to talk...the more he is hated by other countries....on the other hand, Obama is liked by a lot of countries. You're just jealous because they don't feel the same about doofus Bush.

Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about President Barack Obama and his handling of major international issues. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama:

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Hillary Clinton is being investigated for corruption by the FBI, not Republicans.
Hillary Clinton is not being investigated by the FBI....that's a damn lie concocted by lying Republicans. Her e-mail server is being investigated....that's not the same. Republicans have been repeating that lie in the hopes that people are dumb enough to believe them, but so far they have failed, just like they have failed to make any of their accusations stick.

some republican candidates and conservative voters alike are still saying “Just wait for the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton to play out.” Here’s the catch: there is no FBI investigation of Clinton. In fact there never was one. And the FBI has publicly said as much.

The FBI is running a wide reaching investigation into whether the private email servers that were installed by Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were more secure than the official email server at the State Department.

Despite republican claims, there is no FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton

The Clinton foundation is a slush fund, supporting the Clinton's political allies and personal friends. Nobody can name any real accomplishment by her as Secretary of state, not even her. She is not liked, her negatives are about as high as Trump's. You're delusional..very delusional... It's a sad really. I don't get into hero worship especially that of a politician

Hillary has many accomplishments. I don't expect people like you, who think G W Bush was intelligent and a great President to admit that she is. Her unfavorable is not as high as Trump's but her favorables is higher than Trump. But go ahead and continue to're very good at it.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Favorable ratings for Trump, Bush, Clinton and Sanders - The Washington Post
We're tired of you bitch. You and your whole corrupt,money hungry, scumbag family...Fraud

Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

Our advisories laugh at Obama, and our friends have no trust in the man.
Your friends? Which friend is that? Nut-and-yahoo? The longer Trump continues to talk...the more he is hated by other countries....on the other hand, Obama is liked by a lot of countries. You're just jealous because they don't feel the same about doofus Bush.

Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about President Barack Obama and his handling of major international issues. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama:

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Hillary Clinton is being investigated for corruption by the FBI, not Republicans.
Hillary Clinton is not being investigated by the FBI....that's a damn lie concocted by lying Republicans. Her e-mail server is being investigated....that's not the same. Republicans have been repeating that lie in the hopes that people are dumb enough to believe them, but so far they have failed, just like they have failed to make any of their accusations stick.

some republican candidates and conservative voters alike are still saying “Just wait for the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton to play out.” Here’s the catch: there is no FBI investigation of Clinton. In fact there never was one. And the FBI has publicly said as much.

The FBI is running a wide reaching investigation into whether the private email servers that were installed by Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were more secure than the official email server at the State Department.

Despite republican claims, there is no FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton

The Clinton foundation is a slush fund, supporting the Clinton's political allies and personal friends. Nobody can name any real accomplishment by her as Secretary of state, not even her. She is not liked, her negatives are about as high as Trump's. You're delusional..very delusional... It's a sad really. I don't get into hero worship especially that of a politician

Hillary has many accomplishments. I don't expect people like you, who think G W Bush was intelligent and a great President to admit that she is. Her unfavorable is not as high as Trump's but her favorables is higher than Trump. But go ahead and continue to're very good at it.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Favorable ratings for Trump, Bush, Clinton and Sanders - The Washington Post

You're almost incoherent girl, which is why this country so screwed up, too many people like you actually vote..The islamofascist love you weak minded people. You'll be the first in line to have your head cut off, and you'll smile all the way there, because you'll be too stupid to realize whats happening:slap:
Apples and unicorn farts, which apparently rdean is snorting heavily today.

As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

Our advisories laugh at Obama, and our friends have no trust in the man.
Your friends? Which friend is that? Nut-and-yahoo? The longer Trump continues to talk...the more he is hated by other countries....on the other hand, Obama is liked by a lot of countries. You're just jealous because they don't feel the same about doofus Bush.

Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about President Barack Obama and his handling of major international issues. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama:

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Hillary Clinton is being investigated for corruption by the FBI, not Republicans.
Hillary Clinton is not being investigated by the FBI....that's a damn lie concocted by lying Republicans. Her e-mail server is being investigated....that's not the same. Republicans have been repeating that lie in the hopes that people are dumb enough to believe them, but so far they have failed, just like they have failed to make any of their accusations stick.

some republican candidates and conservative voters alike are still saying “Just wait for the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton to play out.” Here’s the catch: there is no FBI investigation of Clinton. In fact there never was one. And the FBI has publicly said as much.

The FBI is running a wide reaching investigation into whether the private email servers that were installed by Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were more secure than the official email server at the State Department.

Despite republican claims, there is no FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton

The Clinton foundation is a slush fund, supporting the Clinton's political allies and personal friends. Nobody can name any real accomplishment by her as Secretary of state, not even her. She is not liked, her negatives are about as high as Trump's. You're delusional..very delusional... It's a sad really. I don't get into hero worship especially that of a politician

Hillary has many accomplishments. I don't expect people like you, who think G W Bush was intelligent and a great President to admit that she is. Her unfavorable is not as high as Trump's but her favorables is higher than Trump. But go ahead and continue to're very good at it.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Favorable ratings for Trump, Bush, Clinton and Sanders - The Washington Post

You're almost incoherent girl, which is why this country so screwed up, too many people like you actually vote..The islamofascist love you weak minded people. You'll be the first in line to have your head cut off, and you'll smile all the way there, because you'll be too stupid to realize whats happening:slap:

The fact that you have problems comprehending doesn't make me incoherent. You're just not able to read past a 3rd grade. Maybe I should draw you a picture.

You're one of the Trump supporters....they're the ones that have been declared "uneducated" - but I don't expect someone as ignorant as you to understand reality.

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