WOW! Bill Clinton slams the GOP in Benghazi.

What does Benghazi have to do with Reagan? Reagan was blindsided in Lebanon by a terrorist bomb and the Hussein administration created the scenario that led up to Benghazi and then they blamed a freaking you tube video. It's alleged (and never denied) that Barry Hussein ate pizza and watched the brave defenders get killed in real time. The former Navy Seals ran out of ammunition during the hours long battle and U.S. Military assistance was allegedly told to stand down. Hillary called in sick after the carnage and the liberal media circled the wagons around the administration. It should be noted that Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office.
Every time the news got hot with the skinny about Bill's mistreatment of women, he'd bomb something somewhere.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Reagan wasn't perfect and I'm sure you can point out a ton of mistakes he made. Did you know that he isn't running so those mistakes really ain't an issue because the person who did make those mistakes in Benghazi is now seeking to be president of the United States. When Reagan is resurrected and decides to run for president again you can point out all the mistakes he made and we can discuss them.

Sweet Baby Jesus--that is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. 240 U.S. Marines were killed at a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon in 1983 during Reagan's 1st term. That means he ran for a 2nd term, and I sure don't remember Mondale continually bringing it up. In fact, I don't remember Mondale ever bringing it up, much less being used by Democrats as attack campaign rhetoric.

Take off your rose colored partisan goggles, they make you look like a total idiot.

Here's a few more U.S. Embassies that were attacked and people died.
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
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Before we get to Benghazi let's first get the truth out about Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11 and then ask why we had one president kissing the Saudi king on the lips, holding hands and then the next president bowing to him.
Separate issue. And neither of those people are currently running for president.

The issues must be looked at in terms that serve the victims' families through releasing of the truth. It is sad that what has blinded most on these issues are the politicians and their supporters. We have cover-ups in both situations, one is 15 years old and involves thousands while the other is a decade later concerning 4. Both merit our concern, in one the facts are in but still justice hasn't been served. Shame on those folks blinded by partisanship.
Before we get to Benghazi let's first get the truth out about Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11 and then ask why we had one president kissing the Saudi king on the lips, holding hands and then the next president bowing to him.
Separate issue. And neither of those people are currently running for president.

The issues must be looked at in terms that serve the victims' families through releasing of the truth. It is sad that what has blinded most on these issues are the politicians and their supporters. We have cover-ups in both situations, one is 15 years old and involves thousands while the other is a decade later concerning 4. Both merit our concern, in one the facts are in but still justice hasn't been served. Shame on those folks blinded by partisanship.

Talking in platitudes isn't going to get you anywhere. What Justice are you talking about? Do you want to go back in history and investigate every single U.S. Embassy that has been attacked and distribute your justice equally and fairly, or do you seek justice just on one person who happens to be Hillary Clinton?
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
Talking in platitudes isn't going to get you anywhere. What Justice are you talking about? Do you want to go back in history and investigate every single U.S. Embassy that has been attacked and distribute your justice equally and fairly, or do you seek justice just on one person who happens to be Hillary Clinton?
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

I don't suggest going back and investigating any, I wouldn't even suggest wrapping up Hillary's if after the investigation you're going to cover up the results and refuse to release results to the families of the victims as has been done with the COMPLETED 9/11 investigation.
Talking in platitudes isn't going to get you anywhere. What Justice are you talking about? Do you want to go back in history and investigate every single U.S. Embassy that has been attacked and distribute your justice equally and fairly, or do you seek justice just on one person who happens to be Hillary Clinton?
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

I don't suggest going back and investigating any, I wouldn't even suggest wrapping up Hillary's if after the investigation you're going to cover up the results and refuse to release results to the families of the victims as has been done with the COMPLETED 9/11 investigation.

Of course then, you can provide a link to a cover up. I mean after 8 investigations, you're not ready to say that Benghazi has been investigated enough, and we do have all of the questions and answers at this time. Her last 12 hour congressional testimony, the 8th one I am certain answered all of the families questions.
Although despicable, his actions are nothing you would not expect from a pathelogically lying, career sexual assaulter / harasser, rapist, & adulerous pedophile who is trying to defend his wife who is currently under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Esponage Act after needlessly sacrificing 4 American lives to terrorists for the benefit of Barry's 2012 re-election.
Talking in platitudes isn't going to get you anywhere. What Justice are you talking about? Do you want to go back in history and investigate every single U.S. Embassy that has been attacked and distribute your justice equally and fairly, or do you seek justice just on one person who happens to be Hillary Clinton?
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

I don't suggest going back and investigating any, I wouldn't even suggest wrapping up Hillary's if after the investigation you're going to cover up the results and refuse to release results to the families of the victims as has been done with the COMPLETED 9/11 investigation.

Of course then, you can provide a link to a cover up. I mean after 8 investigations, you're not ready to say that Benghazi has been investigated enough, and we do have all of the questions and answers at this time. Her last 12 hour congressional testimony, the 8th one I am certain answered all of the families questions.
It was reported last week the State Dept, AFTER getting subpoenaed for specific documents pertaining to the Benghazi investigation, HID those documents instead in another department until they were discovered, a year later.

With that type of obstruction, and who knows how many more hidden personal servers, it is no wonder the investigation has dragged out.

F&F drug out for 5 years because Obama refused to comply with court orders and turn over official documents....good ol' 'transparent Barry.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.

First of all, instead of listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio--and if you put a little more effort into finding out for yourself what happened in Benghazi--like reading 13 hours, or watching the movie, which was written by CIA operatives on the ground, you would know a lot more than you do now, instead of all the bullshit you're fed.

1. Hillary Clinton did not even know Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi, he was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
2. Stevens showed up in Benghazi on the 10th of September, rented an unsecure villa and against the advice of CIA operatives on the ground there, and was killed the very next day on the 11th.

I am certain that Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD-D and those on FOX News have never informed you of these "tiny" insignificant details--LOL. Obviously, you didn't even listen to her last 12 hour congressional testimony--the 8th one, where this was all explained & verified in detail.

You need to venture beyong left wing propaganda of mainstream media. It was less relevant exactly which Americans were killed in Benghazi than the fact that this admin and its state Dept were recklessly unprepared on the most conspicuous of dates. Add to that an attempted cover-up of that abject failure.

Even in Canada, we heard news reports that all US embassies and outposts had been put on high alert for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, especially those in the Middle East and Africa.

So suggesting that nothing was done in preparation for that date is a lie.

The Administration did nothing wrong. Even the Republicans admit that. Apparently the posters here think that Republicans are covering up for Hillary.
All other nations pulled their people out after hearing an attack on 9/11/12 was coming...except Hillary refused to order Stevens, her employee, out.

Hillary hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard Stevens.

She denied HUNDREDS of his requests for additional security, EVEN AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. The last attack left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall.

Knowing, according to Hillary, that the military could not get there in time if there was trouble - AFTER these 2 attacks, she did not order him out, she did not JUST refuse his requests for additional security - she also TOOK AWAY 14 members of his security detail.

One of HER e-mails even showed Stevens warned that if he did not get more security & there was a 3rd, more organized attack, he would die....a warning, like all of his requests for aditional security, that was ignored.

The ONLY thing she did NOT do that directly led to Stevens' death was kill the man herself!

During the Benghazi hearings, discussing her e-mails and the hundreds of requests for additional security Stevens made which were rejected, this cold psychotic bitch LAUGHED and thought they were a JOKE, part of his sense of humor.


And she and Obama did nothing wrong?!

All of this has been proven, documented.

God only knows how liberals / Hillary supporters can defend her and Barry for this criminal, traiterous act.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.

First of all, instead of listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio--and if you put a little more effort into finding out for yourself what happened in Benghazi--like reading 13 hours, or watching the movie, which was written by CIA operatives on the ground, you would know a lot more than you do now, instead of all the bullshit you're fed.

1. Hillary Clinton did not even know Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi, he was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
2. Stevens showed up in Benghazi on the 10th of September, rented an unsecure villa and against the advice of CIA operatives on the ground there, and was killed the very next day on the 11th.

I am certain that Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD-D and those on FOX News have never informed you of these "tiny" insignificant details--LOL. Obviously, you didn't even listen to her last 12 hour congressional testimony--the 8th one, where this was all explained & verified in detail.

You need to venture beyong left wing propaganda of mainstream media. It was less relevant exactly which Americans were killed in Benghazi than the fact that this admin and its state Dept were recklessly unprepared on the most conspicuous of dates. Add to that an attempted cover-up of that abject failure.

Even in Canada, we heard news reports that all US embassies and outposts had been put on high alert for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, especially those in the Middle East and Africa.

So suggesting that nothing was done in preparation for that date is a lie.

The Administration did nothing wrong. Even the Republicans admit that. Apparently the posters here think that Republicans are covering up for Hillary.
9-11-12 was eleven years after 9-11 and was an election year.
Obama believed his own press clippings and was campaigning on having virtually defeated terrorism
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
Then let's give Webb Hubble's kid a break into politics.

Ambassador to Libya would be a start..

Do you think Hillary would take a 3 am phone call then??
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Benghazi like the emails are nothing more than a Republican dog and pony shows. Benghazi was investigated 8 times! If anyone read the book 13 hours or watched the movie 13 hours, which was written by CIA agents that were on the ground fighting this battle, it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton of any negligence as to what happened there. She also explained the video--as 3 other embassies were being raided at the same time, and the video was the reason which created a lot of confusion. This is all verifiable information.

There have been many U.S. Embassies that have been attacked under several different administrations on both sides of the isle where 100's of people died, but NONE have been investigated 8 times.

Emails: After all the huff and puff about emails, we find that Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the same email problems.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

This is what the Republican Party does. They incite anger, they fill their messages with half truths and misconceptions, for support and donations. It's just Politics 101

Oddly enough when Republicans are not campaigning against Hillary Clinton, they like her.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

The base is rebelling because the party has no policies and no ideas. The base is finally waking up. Only the bar is so low, they don't realize Trump doesn't have any policies either. Just slogans.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.
Reagan was able to sleep after hundreds died on his watch. He knew Republicans didn't care and after a while he simply forgot.

Bush never cared about those that died when he was president because he didn't have a conscience.

If Republicans don't care about millions of poor and uninsured Americans, why would they care about 4 people in Libya? They don't. It's all about politics and getting the most ignorant and retarded people in the world to follow them.
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.
gee, sounds familiar, doesn't it??!

Do you even remember Hillary's speech in front of the US Senate when SHE said we would have to stop Saddam's WMD program???

If I recall, she actually asked her fellow Democrats to join her in voting FOR the war...
You really don't think facts make a difference to the right, do you?
Of course they do. That's why I post them.

Go ahead. Feel free to prove otherwise. And if you can't, then you should apologize.
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.
gee, sounds familiar, doesn't it??!

Do you even remember Hillary's speech in front of the US Senate when SHE said we would have to stop Saddam's WMD program???

If I recall, she actually asked her fellow Democrats to join her in voting FOR the war...
I believed the president. I can't fault her for that when I also believed him.
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.
gee, sounds familiar, doesn't it??!

Do you even remember Hillary's speech in front of the US Senate when SHE said we would have to stop Saddam's WMD program???

If I recall, she actually asked her fellow Democrats to join her in voting FOR the war...
I believed the president. I can't fault her for that when I also believed him.
But she referred to her own experience as first c#nt. She insisted she knew the threat that saddam posed regardless of Bush.
Hillary screwed up, people died, then she lied about it, but its okay because decades ago somebody else screwed up? Seems like deflection and excuse making to me.

GW Bush screwed up......many more people died, and his defenders still lie about him...but it's okay because Republican/conservatives are in deinal when it comes to their failings.

Custer got wiped out at the battle of the Little Bighorn therefore its okay for Hillary to get people killed and lie about it? Liberals are either insane, retarded, or intentionally the most dishonest liars ever.

But it's okay with Republicans for Bush to lie about WMDs, have our soldiers killed to make up for his failure to protect us from 9/ about insane, retarded, dishonest and knee deep in denial when it comes to conservatives.
gee, sounds familiar, doesn't it??!

Do you even remember Hillary's speech in front of the US Senate when SHE said we would have to stop Saddam's WMD program???

If I recall, she actually asked her fellow Democrats to join her in voting FOR the war...

Many of us believed the President. How were we supposed to know that he was a lying scumbag?

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