WOW! Bill Clinton slams the GOP in Benghazi.

We're tired of you bitch. You and your whole corrupt,money hungry, scumbag family...Fraud

You spelled "jealous" wrong. No surprise.

In some ways you can almost understand Bill Clinton. To haft to listen to that cackling old witch would drive anybody nuts

What the hell is "haft"? Is that how you spell "have" using phonics? Bwahahaha!
As conservatives, Hillary is the best we could possibly hope for as an opponent. Corruption, cronyism, incompetence, all in one package:cool:

There is no evidence that Hillary is corrupt. None. Even the conservatives who accuse her of corruption admit they have no evidence.

Cronyism is rampant in both business and politics, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, especially considering Hillary's incredible list of connections.

Hillary's resume is impressive and she is both competent and thorough. Committee members she worked with in the Senate praised her abilities to work with others. Aside from Republicans, the rest of the World consider her the best Secretary of State in recent memory.

And although conservatives won't believe it, Hillary had a large part in helping Obama to restore world wide respect for the US and the office of President, which W had destroyed.

Our advisories laugh at Obama, and our friends have no trust in the man.
Your friends? Which friend is that? Nut-and-yahoo? The longer Trump continues to talk...the more he is hated by other countries....on the other hand, Obama is liked by a lot of countries. You're just jealous because they don't feel the same about doofus Bush.

Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about President Barack Obama and his handling of major international issues. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama:

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Hillary Clinton is being investigated for corruption by the FBI, not Republicans.
Hillary Clinton is not being investigated by the FBI....that's a damn lie concocted by lying Republicans. Her e-mail server is being investigated....that's not the same. Republicans have been repeating that lie in the hopes that people are dumb enough to believe them, but so far they have failed, just like they have failed to make any of their accusations stick.

some republican candidates and conservative voters alike are still saying “Just wait for the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton to play out.” Here’s the catch: there is no FBI investigation of Clinton. In fact there never was one. And the FBI has publicly said as much.

The FBI is running a wide reaching investigation into whether the private email servers that were installed by Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were more secure than the official email server at the State Department.

Despite republican claims, there is no FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton

The Clinton foundation is a slush fund, supporting the Clinton's political allies and personal friends. Nobody can name any real accomplishment by her as Secretary of state, not even her. She is not liked, her negatives are about as high as Trump's. You're delusional..very delusional... It's a sad really. I don't get into hero worship especially that of a politician

Hillary has many accomplishments. I don't expect people like you, who think G W Bush was intelligent and a great President to admit that she is. Her unfavorable is not as high as Trump's but her favorables is higher than Trump. But go ahead and continue to're very good at it.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Favorable ratings for Trump, Bush, Clinton and Sanders - The Washington Post

You're almost incoherent girl, which is why this country so screwed up, too many people like you actually vote..The islamofascist love you weak minded people. You'll be the first in line to have your head cut off, and you'll smile all the way there, because you'll be too stupid to realize whats happening:slap:

The fact that you have problems comprehending doesn't make me incoherent. You're just not able to read past a 3rd grade. Maybe I should draw you a picture.

You're one of the Trump supporters....they're the ones that have been declared "uneducated" - but I don't expect someone as ignorant as you to understand reality.

I'm not a Trump supporter little girl..I do however prefer him over the witch
We're tired of you bitch. You and your whole corrupt,money hungry, scumbag family...Fraud

You spelled "jealous" wrong. No surprise.

In some ways you can almost understand Bill Clinton. To haft to listen to that cackling old witch would drive anybody nuts

What the hell is "haft"? Is that how you spell "have" using phonics? Bwahahaha!

"Have to" keep your stupidity for the flame room you'll fit right in there
Remember when Reagan denied repeated calls for additional security, issued a stand down order to rescue the ambassador once he learned about the attacked, then ordered his staff to blame it on a video despite sending an email to his daughter saying it was an attack, not about a videos and then said nobody died there?

Yeah, smells like Benghazi
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
You can be sure the Clinton's count on people as stupid and blindly biased as the OP in order to promote and excuse themselves.
I don't recall Reagan having 366 days notice to prepare for a Beirut bombing the way the Obama administration and HR Haldeman Clinton did before Benghazi was attacked and I don't recall Reagan creating a cover-up story aided by a dishonest lefty media.
Clinton's need this OP and others as stupid as he is.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
You can be sure the Clinton's count on people as stupid and blindly biased as the OP in order to promote and excuse themselves.
I don't recall Reagan having 366 days notice to prepare for a Beirut bombing the way the Obama administration and HR Haldeman Clinton did before Benghazi was attacked and I don't recall Reagan creating a cover-up story aided by a dishonest lefty media.
Clinton's need this OP and others as stupid as he is.
Reagan sent hundreds of Americans to Lebanon and left them undefended. Fuck how many days he had to prepare. They died.
OK...I'll bite. How many hearings on Benghazi?
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Secretary Clinton was fully transparent: Secretary Clinton fully and publicly answered questions before Congress. The report of the Accountability Review Board is just the second to be made public, making it one of the most transparent internal reviews in State Department history. The investigations haveincluded ten different congressional committees and over 30 hearings dealing with the tragedy, more than 50 senior level staff briefings, more than 20 transcribed interviews, multiple independent/bipartisan reports and the disclosure of at least 40,000 pages of documents. Past investigations of the tragedy have cost taxpayers millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours. The newest committee has already cost taxpayers more than $2.5 million to date, and has been on course to cost more than $6 million before all is said and done, while the committee chairman presents false information to the press.
1128: Number of days since the beginning of the ongoing investigations into the tragedy in Benghazi, and there is no end yet in sight. [As of 9/30/15]
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Benghazi like the emails are nothing more than a Republican dog and pony shows. Benghazi was investigated 8 times! If anyone read the book 13 hours or watched the movie 13 hours, which was written by CIA agents that were on the ground fighting this battle, it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton of any negligence as to what happened there. She also explained the video--as 3 other embassies were being raided at the same time, and the video was the reason which created a lot of confusion. This is all verifiable information.

There have been many U.S. Embassies that have been attacked under several different administrations on both sides of the isle where 100's of people died, but NONE have been investigated 8 times.

Emails: After all the huff and puff about emails, we find that Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the same email problems.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

This is what the Republican Party does. They incite anger, they fill their messages with half truths and misconceptions, for support and donations. It's just Politics 101

Oddly enough when Republicans are not campaigning against Hillary Clinton, they like her.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

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Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

Reagan wasn't perfect and I'm sure you can point out a ton of mistakes he made. Did you know that he isn't running so those mistakes really ain't an issue because the person who did make those mistakes in Benghazi is now seeking to be president of the United States. When Reagan is resurrected and decides to run for president again you can point out all the mistakes he made and we can discuss them.
OK...I'll bite. How many hearings on Benghazi?
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Secretary Clinton was fully transparent: Secretary Clinton fully and publicly answered questions before Congress. The report of the Accountability Review Board is just the second to be made public, making it one of the most transparent internal reviews in State Department history. The investigations haveincluded ten different congressional committees and over 30 hearings dealing with the tragedy, more than 50 senior level staff briefings, more than 20 transcribed interviews, multiple independent/bipartisan reports and the disclosure of at least 40,000 pages of documents. Past investigations of the tragedy have cost taxpayers millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours. The newest committee has already cost taxpayers more than $2.5 million to date, and has been on course to cost more than $6 million before all is said and done, while the committee chairman presents false information to the press.
1128: Number of days since the beginning of the ongoing investigations into the tragedy in Benghazi, and there is no end yet in sight. [As of 9/30/15]

ONLY 30? You got off easy. What if the Ambassador was a woman getting an abortion when the attacks happened? The libs obviously got off with a slap on the wrist.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
You can be sure the Clinton's count on people as stupid and blindly biased as the OP in order to promote and excuse themselves.
I don't recall Reagan having 366 days notice to prepare for a Beirut bombing the way the Obama administration and HR Haldeman Clinton did before Benghazi was attacked and I don't recall Reagan creating a cover-up story aided by a dishonest lefty media.
Clinton's need this OP and others as stupid as he is.
Reagan sent hundreds of Americans to Lebanon and left them undefended. Fuck how many days he had to prepare. They died.

Q. When did you care about that?
A. When thought you can make political points about it
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.

First of all, instead of listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio--and if you put a little more effort into finding out for yourself what happened in Benghazi--like reading 13 hours, or watching the movie, which was written by CIA operatives on the ground, you would know a lot more than you do now, instead of all the bullshit you're fed.

1. Hillary Clinton did not even know Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi, he was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
2. Stevens showed up in Benghazi on the 10th of September, rented an unsecure villa and against the advice of CIA operatives on the ground there, and was killed the very next day on the 11th.

I am certain that Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD-D and those on FOX News have never informed you of these "tiny" insignificant details--LOL. Obviously, you didn't even listen to her last 12 hour congressional testimony--the 8th one, where this was all explained & verified in detail.

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Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.

First of all, instead of listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio--and if you put a little more effort into finding out for yourself what happened in Benghazi--like reading 13 hours, or watching the movie, which was written by CIA operatives on the ground, you would know a lot more than you do now, instead of all the bullshit you're fed.

1. Hillary Clinton did not even know Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi, he was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
2. Stevens showed up in Benghazi on the 10th of September, rented an unsecure villa and against the advice of CIA operatives on the ground there, and was killed the very next day on the 11th.

I am certain that Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD-D and those on FOX News have never informed you of these "tiny" insignificant details--LOL. Obviously, you didn't even listen to her last 12 hour congressional testimony--the 8th one, where this was all explained & verified in detail.


No talk radio at all. Hillary tried a stunt to boost her political career, and she got those men killed, and then lied to their families. If she did not lie to them the other rats on obammys ship did. She is a moron who screwed that up so bad and at a minimum is an incompetent twit who was given a job beyond her comprehension or ability. I agree with Trump here. Crooked Hillary.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.
You can be sure the Clinton's count on people as stupid and blindly biased as the OP in order to promote and excuse themselves.
I don't recall Reagan having 366 days notice to prepare for a Beirut bombing the way the Obama administration and HR Haldeman Clinton did before Benghazi was attacked and I don't recall Reagan creating a cover-up story aided by a dishonest lefty media.
Clinton's need this OP and others as stupid as he is.
Reagan sent hundreds of Americans to Lebanon and left them undefended. Fuck how many days he had to prepare. They died.
You still don't get it, which underscores my point about the Clinton's relying on supporters with arrested intellect.
Before we get to Benghazi let's first get the truth out about Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11 and then ask why we had one president kissing the Saudi king on the lips, holding hands and then the next president bowing to him.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night knowing she let a US Ambassador die like he did? Wonder if she spends any thought on how she let those men die, then looked their families in the eye and lied to them? Likely not. She is scum. The kind even a cocaroach would pass on because it's to disgusting. That's one Trump promise I hope he wasn't lying about or just saying because he "was just playing a part" and that one was that he would prosecute Hillary if he wins. Yeah, it was for the email thing, but it would be nice to see that wich perp-walked.

First of all, instead of listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio--and if you put a little more effort into finding out for yourself what happened in Benghazi--like reading 13 hours, or watching the movie, which was written by CIA operatives on the ground, you would know a lot more than you do now, instead of all the bullshit you're fed.

1. Hillary Clinton did not even know Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi, he was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
2. Stevens showed up in Benghazi on the 10th of September, rented an unsecure villa and against the advice of CIA operatives on the ground there, and was killed the very next day on the 11th.

I am certain that Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD-D and those on FOX News have never informed you of these "tiny" insignificant details--LOL. Obviously, you didn't even listen to her last 12 hour congressional testimony--the 8th one, where this was all explained & verified in detail.

You need to venture beyong left wing propaganda of mainstream media. It was less relevant exactly which Americans were killed in Benghazi than the fact that this admin and its state Dept were recklessly unprepared on the most conspicuous of dates. Add to that an attempted cover-up of that abject failure.
Watching Bill Clinton in Indiana talking about Benghazi was amazing. He pointed out the hundreds of Americans under Reagan that died in Lebanon for no apparent reason.

We all know that Reagan quickly cut and ran after he let all those Americans die.

And how many hearings did the GOP house have on why all those young Americans died and why they weren't protected after Reagan sent them there?


Give up?


One measly hearing. And Republicans complain Democrats are given "special" treatment. I guess they are. Democrats are mis-treated. Unlike Republicans. Who protect their own. No matter how many Americans die for no apparent reason.

You know that 19 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault...right? And you are cheering him on...I bet you still go to bill cosby comedy shows......
19 women...and Hillary tried to protect them all...err, no, I forgot...she tried to discredit and destroy them all. After all, she is for women's rights!

What a goddamned JOKE Bitchillary is!

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