Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

Sounds like he really likes to describe friend in glowing terms.

Wow. That was lame.

You push him to be blatant, and then you make fun of him for being blatant.

And you probably think that was clever...

We made fun of him for the original ludicrous thought, not his vocalizing of his stupid thought.

Your interest in my organ is noted, but will not be acted on. :uhoh3:
Your interest in talking in glowing terms about your little organ is noted. Brings a whole new meaning for your nic to light.

It would light you up and fill you up like never before, but you will never have that experience. Cajuns are loyal to their spouses.

There you have it folks.....Redminnow is all about his little penis.
Sounds like he really likes to describe friend in glowing terms.

Wow. That was lame.

You push him to be blatant, and then you make fun of him for being blatant.

And you probably think that was clever...

We made fun of him for the original ludicrous thought, not his vocalizing of his stupid thought.

Your interest in my organ is noted, but will not be acted on. :uhoh3:
Your interest in talking in glowing terms about your little organ is noted. Brings a whole new meaning for your nic to light.

It would light you up and fill you up like never before, but you will never have that experience. Cajuns are loyal to their spouses.
So...that's where you learned about strap-ons..........
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
Well, at least you admit it.
Listen you stupid dyke. It is YOU who I saw & confronted with your stupid post. Be a fucking grown up despite being a stupid liberal cvnt and admit your comment was stupid.
I didn't see NLT'S post and even if I had it wouldn't excuse YOURS.
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
Well, at least you admit it.
Listen you stupid dyke. It is YOU who I saw & confronted with your stupid post. Be a fucking grown up despite being a stupid liberal cvnt and admit your comment was stupid.
I didn't see NLT'S post and even if I had it wouldn't excuse YOURS.
Have another drink, Boozer....your argument is already over a day old.....
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
Well, at least you admit it.
Listen you stupid dyke. It is YOU who I saw & confronted with your stupid post. Be a fucking grown up despite being a stupid liberal cvnt and admit your comment was stupid.
I didn't see NLT'S post and even if I had it wouldn't excuse YOURS.
Have another drink, Boozer....your argument is already over a day old.....
I have had 0 booze since st patty day DYKE
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
Well, at least you admit it.
Listen you stupid dyke. It is YOU who I saw & confronted with your stupid post. Be a fucking grown up despite being a stupid liberal cvnt and admit your comment was stupid.
I didn't see NLT'S post and even if I had it wouldn't excuse YOURS.
Have another drink, Boozer....your argument is already over a day old.....
I have had 0 booze since st patty day DYKE
Oh we believe THAT.....:lol:
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.
So, how many men have you been with?

In what sense? In the "biblical" sense? One...had to try it just to was okay...nothing to write home about. There was an element missing.

Now, why did you ask the question? To what end?

I'm shocked. Most lesbians I know have been with many men.

Why do I ask the question? Isn't it obvious?

You claim that lesbians don't want dick, yet you admit to having sex with a man, and I'm sure you know that most lesbians have done so more than once, a lot more.

Yes they have...and yet they gave it up. Most lesbians have been with men because social constructs require us too. I dated guys in High School...not because I wanted to, I would have much preferred to be able to be open, but because I had to. Also, gays in general are more willing to embrace their sexual fluidity than straights...again because of those social constructs.

Chickenfish's premise was that all lesbians are ugly and want dick but can't get it. You claimed don't believe that and yet you're defending his premise and asking if I've had sex with men.

I was with my first woman in 1983...tried a guy in 84, stuck with chicks since then. I'm now married with children and faithful to my wife of 20 years. We have sex dicks needed.

I used to believe that when lesbians told me that. But I've seen to many of them change their minds.

Hell, one I knew in college ended up married to a man and had 4(?) kids.

Ask me how many men I have been with.

So fucking what? And I've known dozens of women that were married to men because that is what society demanded of them who came out later, hurting their husbands, children, parents, etc. Do you have a point? I believe that sexuality is more fluid than our puritanical roots allow us to be.

Why do I care how many men you've been with? I still can't figure out why you wanted to know how many I've been with. You apparently think being gay is a choice and gays can just "give it up anytime". That's your opinion, one not supported by facts or evidence.

Just speaking the truth, it's something I do.

You told REdfish that lesbians don't want his Dick.

Now you admit that lesbians are "fluid" with their sexuality.

And I've seen gays change back and forth "anytime". So, not sure what you want to do with that.

The one from college who ended up married with 4(?) kids? She eventually divorced him. I asked her if she ever saw herself in another relationship, would it be male or female.

She said probably male.

And back in college, she was spouting the lesbian party line, just like you are now.

Time and time again, i see their actions not match their words.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
It's still her father's fault for not being around
Wow, how counter culture and yet realistic. Gays are not only not biological parents, they are a unnecessary addendums to the pursuit of rights.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
It's still her father's fault for not being around

No. It's her mother's fault that they divorced, and we have NO information, except what came from the mother on why the dad isn't around.

Or do you think a 3 year old is in a position to judge what is going on in the divorce?
In what sense? In the "biblical" sense? One...had to try it just to was okay...nothing to write home about. There was an element missing.

Now, why did you ask the question? To what end?

I'm shocked. Most lesbians I know have been with many men.

Why do I ask the question? Isn't it obvious?

You claim that lesbians don't want dick, yet you admit to having sex with a man, and I'm sure you know that most lesbians have done so more than once, a lot more.

Yes they have...and yet they gave it up. Most lesbians have been with men because social constructs require us too. I dated guys in High School...not because I wanted to, I would have much preferred to be able to be open, but because I had to. Also, gays in general are more willing to embrace their sexual fluidity than straights...again because of those social constructs.

Chickenfish's premise was that all lesbians are ugly and want dick but can't get it. You claimed don't believe that and yet you're defending his premise and asking if I've had sex with men.

I was with my first woman in 1983...tried a guy in 84, stuck with chicks since then. I'm now married with children and faithful to my wife of 20 years. We have sex dicks needed.

I used to believe that when lesbians told me that. But I've seen to many of them change their minds.

Hell, one I knew in college ended up married to a man and had 4(?) kids.

Ask me how many men I have been with.

So fucking what? And I've known dozens of women that were married to men because that is what society demanded of them who came out later, hurting their husbands, children, parents, etc. Do you have a point? I believe that sexuality is more fluid than our puritanical roots allow us to be.

Why do I care how many men you've been with? I still can't figure out why you wanted to know how many I've been with. You apparently think being gay is a choice and gays can just "give it up anytime". That's your opinion, one not supported by facts or evidence.

Just speaking the truth, it's something I do.

You told REdfish that lesbians don't want his Dick.

Now you admit that lesbians are "fluid" with their sexuality.

And I've seen gays change back and forth "anytime". So, not sure what you want to do with that.

The one from college who ended up married with 4(?) kids? She eventually divorced him. I asked her if she ever saw herself in another relationship, would it be male or female.

She said probably male.

And back in college, she was spouting the lesbian party line, just like you are now.

Time and time again, i see their actions not match their words.

So you actually do prescribe to Chickenfish's bullshit notion, that lesbians are just ugly and really want dick all because you knew one person this one time that had sex with women in college? :lol:
Wow, how counter culture and yet realistic. Gays are not only not biological parents, they are a unnecessary addendums to the pursuit of rights.

Gays aren't biological parents? Tell that to my stretch marks. :rolleyes:
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
It's still her father's fault for not being around

No. It's her mother's fault that they divorced, and we have NO information, except what came from the mother on why the dad isn't around.

Or do you think a 3 year old is in a position to judge what is going on in the divorce?

Dear Heather Barwick, Don't Blame the Gay Community
In what sense? In the "biblical" sense? One...had to try it just to was okay...nothing to write home about. There was an element missing.

Now, why did you ask the question? To what end?

I'm shocked. Most lesbians I know have been with many men.

Why do I ask the question? Isn't it obvious?

You claim that lesbians don't want dick, yet you admit to having sex with a man, and I'm sure you know that most lesbians have done so more than once, a lot more.

Yes they have...and yet they gave it up. Most lesbians have been with men because social constructs require us too. I dated guys in High School...not because I wanted to, I would have much preferred to be able to be open, but because I had to. Also, gays in general are more willing to embrace their sexual fluidity than straights...again because of those social constructs.

Chickenfish's premise was that all lesbians are ugly and want dick but can't get it. You claimed don't believe that and yet you're defending his premise and asking if I've had sex with men.

I was with my first woman in 1983...tried a guy in 84, stuck with chicks since then. I'm now married with children and faithful to my wife of 20 years. We have sex dicks needed.

I used to believe that when lesbians told me that. But I've seen to many of them change their minds.

Hell, one I knew in college ended up married to a man and had 4(?) kids.

Ask me how many men I have been with.

So fucking what? And I've known dozens of women that were married to men because that is what society demanded of them who came out later, hurting their husbands, children, parents, etc. Do you have a point? I believe that sexuality is more fluid than our puritanical roots allow us to be.

Why do I care how many men you've been with? I still can't figure out why you wanted to know how many I've been with. You apparently think being gay is a choice and gays can just "give it up anytime". That's your opinion, one not supported by facts or evidence.

Just speaking the truth, it's something I do.

You told REdfish that lesbians don't want his Dick.

Now you admit that lesbians are "fluid" with their sexuality.

And I've seen gays change back and forth "anytime". So, not sure what you want to do with that.

The one from college who ended up married with 4(?) kids? She eventually divorced him. I asked her if she ever saw herself in another relationship, would it be male or female.

She said probably male.

And back in college, she was spouting the lesbian party line, just like you are now.

Time and time again, i see their actions not match their words.
Have you ever heard of a bisexual?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
Thus we see that it isn't good for gay people to try to live a hetero lie. It doesn't work. But that "poor guy" abandoned his daughter.
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
It's still her father's fault for not being around

No. It's her mother's fault that they divorced, and we have NO information, except what came from the mother on why the dad isn't around.

Or do you think a 3 year old is in a position to judge what is going on in the divorce?

Yes, it is the mother's fault that they divorced. She wasn't in love with him. Happens in heterosexual relationships all the time, often with the man cheating on his wife and leaving her for another woman...and yet those kids aren't trying to take away the right of heterosexual parents to marry.

Do you think she should have stayed in her loveless marriage?
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
You are fabricating information. You don't know that it was the mother that broke up the family.

Also if I had a child I'd do everything in my power to see that child. If I couldn't while she was a youth, I Damn sure would when she was an adult. Didn't seem like that happened.

Her mother stayed with her, her father ran away. The father is the dirt bag in this story. The mother made sacrifices for her child.

Where I think she is justified feeling that she was slighted for not having her father in her life, it's her father's fault.

I'm sorry she comes of as an angry little child blaming the parent that did by her.

From the article,

"In her essay, she explains that when she was 2 or 3, her mother, who already knew that she was gay, left Barwick’s father to have a relationship with a woman."

The lesbian mommy married some poor guy, got the child she wanted, then booted him to the curb.

THe mother "sacrificed" the child's family so that she could have what she wanted, not what anyone else wanted.
It's still her father's fault for not being around

No. It's her mother's fault that they divorced, and we have NO information, except what came from the mother on why the dad isn't around.

Or do you think a 3 year old is in a position to judge what is going on in the divorce?

Hi Correll and thanks for joining in.
Don't you think it is the mother/father's responsibility for resolving their own relationship with each other, and with their offspring, regardless of divorce? Don't both parents still have responsibility for their own children?

Don't you think it is the daughter's responsibility for resolving her own perceptions and relations?
Clearly she has issues with resolving things with a father who wasn't there.
I see this letter as part of her expressing where she is right now and reaching out to reconcile with others
questioning similar issues.

She was at a different place before, now she is here. Where will she be by the time she finishes the dialogue and comes to peace and understanding with all these things?

Aren't we all asking similar questions, and learning how much is OUR responsibility to resolve, and how much we cannot change but belongs to others. Aren't we all going through a similar process as this daughter is? Learning to correct and change what we can and forgive and accept what we can't?

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