Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

Oh...and what would that be?

Hmmmmm, might be time to take another look at your biology 101 textbook. maybe add in an anatomy 101 as well.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.

That might be your fantasy, but it's not mine. Tongues and fingers have been more than sufficient to date.
Oh...and what would that be?

Hmmmmm, might be time to take another look at your biology 101 textbook. maybe add in an anatomy 101 as well.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
You sound like one of those morons who thinks the way to fix a lesbian is to rape her. Do the world a favor, shut the hell up, about that at the very least.
Oh...and what would that be?

Hmmmmm, might be time to take another look at your biology 101 textbook. maybe add in an anatomy 101 as well.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
:lol: Let me guess....because no woman can live without a man's dick? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: penile-centric of you.
Hmmmmm, might be time to take another look at your biology 101 textbook. maybe add in an anatomy 101 as well.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
:lol: Let me guess....because no woman can live without a man's dick? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: penile-centric of you.
If he was a man gays and lesbians wouldn't be a threat to him.
Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

So now gay marriage is comparable to theft and murder? :lmao: I guess next you'll tell me it's comparable to Chipotle not selling pork.

But at least you're finally admitting that opposition to gay marriage is nothing more than a big government statist policy.
Are you seriously holding Ellen and Portia up as a butch/fem couple? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think he's insecure because Ellen is more manly than him. So instead of admitting he's a pussy ass wuss, he has to blame Ellen for his inadequacies.


Betraying your hidden homosexual fantasies there.
Lesbian fantasies, now we're talking. With two girls there must be room for at least one guy eh?
Hmmmmm, might be time to take another look at your biology 101 textbook. maybe add in an anatomy 101 as well.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
You sound like one of those morons who thinks the way to fix a lesbian is to rape her. Do the world a favor, shut the hell up, about that at the very least.
Sounds like he really likes to describe friend in glowing terms.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

It really proves that Redfish is actually gay, because every straight man knows that no man knows what women want. I'm not sure most women even know. :dunno:
[QUOTE="Seawytch, post: 11012463, member: 24452

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.[/QUOTE]
sure we believe you.

Last edited:
[QUOTE="Seawytch, post: 11012463, member: 24452

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.[/QUOTE]
sure we believe you.


Of course you don' have to believe that lesbians are fat and ugly. I mean why else wouldn't a woman want what you have to offer, right?

Poor insecure little boys.
[QUOTE="Seawytch, post: 11012463, member: 24452

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.
sure we believe you.


Of course you don' have to believe that lesbians are fat and ugly. I mean why else wouldn't a woman want what you have to offer, right?

Poor insecure little boys.[/QUOTE]
I think NLT just hinted that he likes musicals.
[QUOTE="Seawytch, post: 11012463, member: 24452

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.
sure we believe you.


Of course you don' have to believe that lesbians are fat and ugly. I mean why else wouldn't a woman want what you have to offer, right?

Poor insecure little boys.[/QUOTE]
I think NLT just hinted that he likes musicals.[/QUOTE]

Oh who doesn't. He's still a "real" man.
So, you don't know. Or else you would say. :D Color me surprised.

Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
You sound like one of those morons who thinks the way to fix a lesbian is to rape her. Do the world a favor, shut the hell up, about that at the very least.
Sounds like he really likes to describe friend in glowing terms.

Wow. That was lame.

You push him to be blatant, and then you make fun of him for being blatant.

And you probably think that was clever...
Give it a rest, bode. you are making a fool of youself.
You made a claim that "we know what you and 'wytchey' really want"....and yet, you can't articulate what that might be. Who's making a fool of themself? :badgrin:

OK, since you insist. What you really crave is a throbbing erect penis shoved into your wet hot vagina. You know it, we all know it.
You sound like one of those morons who thinks the way to fix a lesbian is to rape her. Do the world a favor, shut the hell up, about that at the very least.
Sounds like he really likes to describe friend in glowing terms.

Wow. That was lame.

You push him to be blatant, and then you make fun of him for being blatant.

And you probably think that was clever...

We made fun of him for the original ludicrous thought, not his vocalizing of his stupid thought.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

So how did this woman turn out so badly?

In fact, since she happens now to take the RWnut position against same sex marriage, one could argue from the RWnut perspective that she got a good upbringing. lol

And btw, isn't one of the RWnut arguments that same sex couples are going to raise gay children? What happened to that idiocy?

why is it with all you leftists that is all or nothing

who the fuck said she turned out badly

god you fuckers are dumb
She claims she turned out badly.
Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

So how did this woman turn out so badly?

In fact, since she happens now to take the RWnut position against same sex marriage, one could argue from the RWnut perspective that she got a good upbringing. lol

And btw, isn't one of the RWnut arguments that same sex couples are going to raise gay children? What happened to that idiocy?

why is it with all you leftists that is all or nothing

who the fuck said she turned out badly

god you fuckers are dumb
She claims she turned out badly.

Isn't she the one to make that determination and its cause?

she never made that claim
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I feel bad for her mother. No doubt she made sacrifices being a single parent. She stood by her child and did her best. And her daughter berates good mother's that give their children the best and places her father's companionship above a step parent that took up the mantel he was too much of a dead beat to carry himself.

She seems like she is angry with the world and not the only person she should be angry with.

What a way to honor her mother.

Her mother married a man, had a child and then broke up the family.

The only information that we have on the father comes from his ex-wife, though her daughter, who was 2 and 3 at the time in question.
Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

So now gay marriage is comparable to theft and murder? :lmao: I guess next you'll tell me it's comparable to Chipotle not selling pork.

But at least you're finally admitting that opposition to gay marriage is nothing more than a big government statist policy.

LOL, I was merely trying to explain to you gay liberals that every society decides what it considers right and wrong, and they do it my majority vote.

So, lets vote on gay marriage. I will accept the will of the majority, will you?

then lets vote on multiple marriage, because the polygamists are making exactly the same arguments that you are making. EXACTLY THE SAME.

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