Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
How did your "lesbian" sister have babies without a man? Most children today are not well rounded ---- unless you are speaking about a weight problem. Most kids todays seem preoccupied with cell phones, Japanese cartoons, and themselves....
monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Societal is not biological. You're defeating your own argument.

Society has also decided that puberty is too young for girls to start having babies. That goes against the biology you keep relying on for your argument.

Same sex marriage is consistent with 'societal' concerns because it adds another group within the membership of a societal in the institution of marriage which is a positive societal institution.

society sets the rules for how we humans deal with our biology. But society cannot change biology, only set rules for how we deal with it.

If society as a whole wants to condone gay marriage, thats just fine. But all members of the society should have a vote on it, it should not be dictated down from DC.
I don't remember us all having a vote on straight marriage in the form it is in. What's up with that?

straight marriage is normal. If you want to normalize the abnormal then all of society should have a voice in it.

are you afraid of a vote? your definition of normal doesn't require a vote? When did we vote on what is normal or not?

we do it every time we go to the polling place, every time our legislators vote on a bill. "normal" means acceptable to society as a whole. Interracial marriage was deemed normal by legislative/judicial actions.

the society decides what it considers acceptable and normal, and those views change over time.

a majority of society today MAY be ready to accept gay marriage as normal, or maybe not. But all of society should make the decision, not one or two (or 9) judges.

and if you win this one, you better be ready for all forms of multiple marriage, because it will be next.
just curious, are you the butch or the fem in your "partnership". Because every gay couple, male or femal has one member who acts male and one who acts female. So you are all play acting in your so-called marriages.

Bode to her partner: let me be Frank with you

Partner: no, you were Frank last night.
Role-playing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You really believe that lesbians take on "butch" "fem" roles?
Where ever did you "learn" that?
Tell us more about your lesbian expertise.........I could use some more laughs this could every other gay poster here. *chuckle*

I have known many gay couples, both male and female, and in every one of them there is a masculine one and a feminine one. Don't pretend that isn't true, because you know it is.

Look at Ellen and her partner. Martina Navratilova and her partner. Barney Frank and his partner. every case proves what I am saying.
Why do I suspect they are truly messing with your mind. :D

"Oh look dear! Here comes Redfish...which one of us plays Fem today for him? I forget."

have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?
Yes. Have you bothered to look?

Wait...............:lol: You think it's about CLOTHING? :rofl: :rofl:

yes, the way a person dresses, does their hair, walks, and talks shows which gender they identify with.

Are you going to honestly sit there at your keyboard and claim that in gay couples there isn't one who is more male acting and one that is more female acting?
have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?



I've seen a monkey in a dress but that didnt mean it wasnt a monkey any more and acted feminine

was that monkey having sex with another monkey of the same sex?
then why bother with marriage at all? just let everyone screw everyone, no limits, no rules. just one big screwfest.

Because the Christians took over.

nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.

I have seen it spelled both ways. But if you are a member we will use your spelling----wiccans.

Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote, so the majority DOES decide how all of us must live.

But if you want minority rule, apply for citizenship to North Korea or Iran.
then why bother with marriage at all? just let everyone screw everyone, no limits, no rules. just one big screwfest.

Because the Christians took over.

nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.

I have seen it spelled both ways. But if you are a member we will use your spelling----wiccans.

Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote, so the majority DOES decide how all of us must live.

But if you want minority rule, apply for citizenship to North Korea or Iran.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote

that is sort of true

we are a representative republic

we elect persons to bring up and vote on laws in our name

however because it is law does not mean it is Constitutional
then why bother with marriage at all? just let everyone screw everyone, no limits, no rules. just one big screwfest.

Because the Christians took over.

nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.

I have seen it spelled both ways. But if you are a member we will use your spelling----wiccans.

Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote, so the majority DOES decide how all of us must live.

But if you want minority rule, apply for citizenship to North Korea or Iran.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote

that is sort of true

we are a representative republic

we elect persons to bring up and vote on laws in our name

however because it is law does not mean it is Constitutional

all true. the constitution was ratified by a majority vote of the states. So, yes, everything that we live by was put in place by majority vote.

Majority is not a racist word, it is not a bad word. it is how a democracy, representative republic, works.
Because the Christians took over.

nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.

I have seen it spelled both ways. But if you are a member we will use your spelling----wiccans.

Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote, so the majority DOES decide how all of us must live.

But if you want minority rule, apply for citizenship to North Korea or Iran.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote

that is sort of true

we are a representative republic

we elect persons to bring up and vote on laws in our name

however because it is law does not mean it is Constitutional

all true. the constitution was ratified by a majority vote of the states. So, yes, everything that we live by was put in place by majority vote.

Majority is not a racist word, it is not a bad word. it is how a democracy, representative republic, works.

the leftists want to confuse us as a true democracy thankfully we are not
That's it. I'm throwing off the role shackles. On Sunday, I swifter the floors wearing nothing but underwear!

Underwear? Pussy.
*chuckle* You said "pussy".

I don't just say it [emoji6]

which one is seawytch?

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.
Underwear? Pussy.
*chuckle* You said "pussy".

I don't just say it [emoji6]

which one is seawytch?

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.
whatever flips your switch

good for you

And because something has been deemed Constitutional or not, doesn't make it moral, healthy, or uplifting. In fact, the Constitution (unlike the Bible) is not Divine and therefore is subject to the whims of man.
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Why is she a bitch cuz she missed having a father? And child rape in more than half of the cases, is proven false. Would she be a bitch then if she falsely accused her dad of rape?

Go paint a house.
nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.

I have seen it spelled both ways. But if you are a member we will use your spelling----wiccans.

Our laws do in fact dictate how other people live. You cannot steal another persons stuff, you cannot murder, you cannot refuse to pay your bills, you cannot go over the speed limit, you have to pay taxes, you cannot get legally married without a state license.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote, so the majority DOES decide how all of us must live.

But if you want minority rule, apply for citizenship to North Korea or Iran.

Our laws are put in place by majority vote

that is sort of true

we are a representative republic

we elect persons to bring up and vote on laws in our name

however because it is law does not mean it is Constitutional

all true. the constitution was ratified by a majority vote of the states. So, yes, everything that we live by was put in place by majority vote.

Majority is not a racist word, it is not a bad word. it is how a democracy, representative republic, works.

the leftists want to confuse us as a true democracy thankfully we are not

No, the leftists want a dictatorial monarchy.
Underwear? Pussy.
*chuckle* You said "pussy".

I don't just say it [emoji6]

which one is seawytch?

No Chickenfish, that's Kosher and her new G/F. You'll have to keep contending with your fantasies about me. I'll help you out...5'8" 140 lbs. Dark blonde with lighter highlights. I've been compared to Meryl Streep. I think it's the nose. My partner is 5'4" 120 lbs, black hair, brown eyes and an ass that would make a porn star jealous.

That's all you're gonna get.

Great, but gay women do not turn me on at all. But enjoy your imaginery life with your imaginery wife.
Societal is not biological. You're defeating your own argument.

Society has also decided that puberty is too young for girls to start having babies. That goes against the biology you keep relying on for your argument.

Same sex marriage is consistent with 'societal' concerns because it adds another group within the membership of a societal in the institution of marriage which is a positive societal institution.

society sets the rules for how we humans deal with our biology. But society cannot change biology, only set rules for how we deal with it.

If society as a whole wants to condone gay marriage, thats just fine. But all members of the society should have a vote on it, it should not be dictated down from DC.
I don't remember us all having a vote on straight marriage in the form it is in. What's up with that?

straight marriage is normal. If you want to normalize the abnormal then all of society should have a voice in it.

are you afraid of a vote? your definition of normal doesn't require a vote? When did we vote on what is normal or not?

we do it every time we go to the polling place, every time our legislators vote on a bill. "normal" means acceptable to society as a whole. Interracial marriage was deemed normal by legislative/judicial actions.

the society decides what it considers acceptable and normal, and those views change over time.

a majority of society today MAY be ready to accept gay marriage as normal, or maybe not. But all of society should make the decision, not one or two (or 9) judges.

and if you win this one, you better be ready for all forms of multiple marriage, because it will be next.
So, the polling public thought President Obama was "normal". Good to know.
Role-playing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You really believe that lesbians take on "butch" "fem" roles?
Where ever did you "learn" that?
Tell us more about your lesbian expertise.........I could use some more laughs this could every other gay poster here. *chuckle*

I have known many gay couples, both male and female, and in every one of them there is a masculine one and a feminine one. Don't pretend that isn't true, because you know it is.

Look at Ellen and her partner. Martina Navratilova and her partner. Barney Frank and his partner. every case proves what I am saying.
Why do I suspect they are truly messing with your mind. :D

"Oh look dear! Here comes Redfish...which one of us plays Fem today for him? I forget."

have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?
Yes. Have you bothered to look?

Wait...............:lol: You think it's about CLOTHING? :rofl: :rofl:

yes, the way a person dresses, does their hair, walks, and talks shows which gender they identify with.

Are you going to honestly sit there at your keyboard and claim that in gay couples there isn't one who is more male acting and one that is more female acting?
What a simple life you must lead..........

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