Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

She's getting nailed all over the web. I hope she planned for that, the little dumbass.

You seem to be getting pleasure over this young lady being hurt by publicity. Why the anger and hatred towards her for simply sharing her narrative with the public?

What is it about hearing the truth of this woman's pain that has you so angry?

I've found in my few years alive that the truth only angers people when it hurts a closely held lie. So why lie is threatened in your life? Whatever it is just let it go.

The lie is the one she tells herself and now the public - becaus I have daddy issues gays shouldn't have equal rights. Lies at that level piss me off, and I'm not gay or alone in my condemnation. Society isn't screwed up on this case, she is.

If she is so screwed up, why hate her? Why not have compassion for her and help her?

I am helping her, because is she reads this she'll know she's a dumb bitch with daddy issues who wrote a piece of propaganda that the right-wingers will wave all other the damn place as if it came from Sigmund bloody Freud.

Yes...we are criticizing her out of love.
That's it. I'm throwing off the role shackles. On Sunday, I swifter the floors wearing nothing but underwear!

Nice selfie Kosher. You look like you're in love. Congrats!

Everybody knows that's you and bode.
Everybody? Apparently except for us.

Yes well you were drunk.

Wow Bod...she makes it sound like she's stalking you. Might be just in her head for now, but...
Well, she wouldn't be the first...but she'd have to stand in line behind Mal, NLT, et all....
Putting children with gay couples forces them to grow up in an immoral, unnatural home environment.

There is no "civil right" to be gay and to force a child to live with you and your gay partner.

There is a mountain of science on the fact that men and women's brains are wired differently and that one of the results of that natural difference is that there's certain nurturing that only a dad can provide and other nurturing that only a mom can provide. Anyone who is human and willing to be honest already knows this.
then why bother with marriage at all? just let everyone screw everyone, no limits, no rules. just one big screwfest.

Because the Christians took over.

nope, Christians, Jews, Muslims, hindus, shintos, wickens, druids, All religions support and condone man/woman marriage as the best way for humans to live and reproduce.

First off, it's Wiccans. Second off, you're flat wrong. You're talking out of your ass. In Paganism in general, there is no objection to homosexuality in any way. In Wicca, the Charge of the Goddess says:

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

Secondly, who says that our laws are supposed to dictate to other people how to live and reproduce? You decide that for yourself. I'll decide it for myself. It's called freedom. It's a really cool concept that our country kinda prides itself on. Maybe you'd like some place where the government forces itself on people's decision on how to live and reproduce. I hear ISIS is looking for a few stupid men.
Are you seriously holding Ellen and Portia up as a butch/fem couple? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think he's insecure because Ellen is more manly than him. So instead of admitting he's a pussy ass wuss, he has to blame Ellen for his inadequacies.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

So how did this woman turn out so badly?

In fact, since she happens now to take the RWnut position against same sex marriage, one could argue from the RWnut perspective that she got a good upbringing. lol

And btw, isn't one of the RWnut arguments that same sex couples are going to raise gay children? What happened to that idiocy?

why is it with all you leftists that is all or nothing

who the fuck said she turned out badly

god you fuckers are dumb
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