Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

Redfish better watch out, hes got two angy dykes gunning for him.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?


Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?

Gay Parents As Good As Straight Ones BU Today Boston University
no the science doesnt prove what you are saying.
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Ah yes...there it is. He said it first, I just agree with him, but no.......................................
Typical refusal to be held to account. I can only assume it is why Obama gets a free pass all the time as well. Someone else was a fuck up before him so it's okay
Well, at least you admit it.
She's getting nailed all over the web. I hope she planned for that, the little dumbass.

You seem to be getting pleasure over this young lady being hurt by publicity. Why the anger and hatred towards her for simply sharing her narrative with the public?

What is it about hearing the truth of this woman's pain that has you so angry?

I've found in my few years alive that the truth only angers people when it hurts a closely held lie. So why lie is threatened in your life? Whatever it is just let it go.

The lie is the one she tells herself and now the public - becaus I have daddy issues gays shouldn't have equal rights. Lies at that level piss me off, and I'm not gay or alone in my condemnation. Society isn't screwed up on this case, she is.

If she is so screwed up, why hate her? Why not have compassion for her and help her?

I am helping her, because if she reads this she'll know she's a dumb bitch with daddy issues who wrote a piece of propaganda that the right-wingers will wave all other the damn place as if it came from Sigmund bloody Freud.
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