Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

I don't think she should get hammered. Everyone might be better off having Ozzie and Harriett for parents, but that just isn't reality. Imo, you have to get past issues stemming from who your parents were, and nobody's perfect, but you don't have to agree with the choices your parents made. Gender and orientation are not choices. Alcoholism is not really all about choice. Promiscuity and being shite faced by noon are choices, though. Her dad made the wrong choice. She's just a bit "wrong" about what caused that choice. She's young.

Personally I think all people should be forced to use some contraception until at least thirty. (-:

PS, and it's not written in stone you have to forgive your parents for their choices in order to get on with life.

Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
Maybe the mother made it difficult for the father to see her, or maybe the father could not stand to see his wife with a women. Either way it is fucked up that he was not involved in her life. I know that I would not let anything come in between me and my children.
The girl is now an adult...and being against gay marriage, you'd think she'd strengthen her argument against it if there was any evidence that her evil lesbian parents kept her from her loving, devoted dad.
I don't think she should get hammered. Everyone might be better off having Ozzie and Harriett for parents, but that just isn't reality. Imo, you have to get past issues stemming from who your parents were, and nobody's perfect, but you don't have to agree with the choices your parents made. Gender and orientation are not choices. Alcoholism is not really all about choice. Promiscuity and being shite faced by noon are choices, though. Her dad made the wrong choice. She's just a bit "wrong" about what caused that choice. She's young.

Personally I think all people should be forced to use some contraception until at least thirty. (-:

PS, and it's not written in stone you have to forgive your parents for their choices in order to get on with life.

Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

Link where I said that. nice try tho.
Post #137
Wow Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I did post your link, I did not say this

"dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter."

you did.
So...explain to us the major philosophical differences between what I said and what you said.
heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.

monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Societal is not biological. You're defeating your own argument.

Society has also decided that puberty is too young for girls to start having babies. That goes against the biology you keep relying on for your argument.

Same sex marriage is consistent with 'societal' concerns because it adds another group within the membership of a societal in the institution of marriage which is a positive societal institution.

society sets the rules for how we humans deal with our biology. But society cannot change biology, only set rules for how we deal with it.

If society as a whole wants to condone gay marriage, thats just fine. But all members of the society should have a vote on it, it should not be dictated down from DC.
I don't remember us all having a vote on straight marriage in the form it is in. What's up with that?

straight marriage is normal. If you want to normalize the abnormal then all of society should have a voice in it.

are you afraid of a vote?
Apparently this woman's life was such a living hell and she's so tragically damaged that all gay marriages should be outlawed.

just curious, are you the butch or the fem in your "partnership". Because every gay couple, male or femal has one member who acts male and one who acts female. So you are all play acting in your so-called marriages.

Bode to her partner: let me be Frank with you

Partner: no, you were Frank last night.
Role-playing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You really believe that lesbians take on "butch" "fem" roles?
Where ever did you "learn" that?
Tell us more about your lesbian expertise.........I could use some more laughs this could every other gay poster here. *chuckle*

I have known many gay couples, both male and female, and in every one of them there is a masculine one and a feminine one. Don't pretend that isn't true, because you know it is.

Look at Ellen and her partner. Martina Navratilova and her partner. Barney Frank and his partner. every case proves what I am saying.
Why do I suspect they are truly messing with your mind. :D

"Oh look dear! Here comes Redfish...which one of us plays Fem today for him? I forget."

have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?
Or we could just stop paying attention to what gays and lesbians are doing, let them do whatever they want, and get back to watching the NCAA tourney, drinking beer and hoping our wives will fix us sandwiches.
She's getting nailed all over the web. I hope she planned for that, the little dumbass.

You seem to be getting pleasure over this young lady being hurt by publicity. Why the anger and hatred towards her for simply sharing her narrative with the public?

What is it about hearing the truth of this woman's pain that has you so angry?

I've found in my few years alive that the truth only angers people when it hurts a closely held lie. So why lie is threatened in your life? Whatever it is just let it go.

The lie is the one she tells herself and now the public - becaus I have daddy issues gays shouldn't have equal rights. Lies at that level piss me off, and I'm not gay or alone in my condemnation. Society isn't screwed up on this case, she is.

I don't think she should get hammered. Everyone might be better off having Ozzie and Harriett for parents, but that just isn't reality. Imo, you have to get past issues stemming from who your parents were, and nobody's perfect, but you don't have to agree with the choices your parents made. Gender and orientation are not choices. Alcoholism is not really all about choice. Promiscuity and being shite faced by noon are choices, though. Her dad made the wrong choice. She's just a bit "wrong" about what caused that choice. She's young.

Personally I think all people should be forced to use some contraception until at least thirty. (-:

PS, and it's not written in stone you have to forgive your parents for their choices in order to get on with life.

Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.

The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

"Rush to condemn"? LOL, She is THIRTY!

She was 2 or 3 years old. She doesn't know anything about what happened other than what her mother, who is the one who ended their marriage, told her.

We have no reason to believe her father did anything wrong. Your assumption that he had a "crushed ego" because of his wife leaving him for another woman, is just that, nothing but your assumption.

It serves YOUR purpose to imagine him as the bad guy, when it is the woman who married him under false pretenses and then demanded a divorce.

We have no knowledge of whether or not he tried to be a part of her life.
Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

Link where I said that. nice try tho.
Post #137
Wow Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I did post your link, I did not say this

"dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter."

you did.
So...explain to us the major philosophical differences between what I said and what you said.

See the bolded

dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

The words in black I agree with.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
I wouldn't make ASSumptions about someone else's relationships.

Isn't that what you queers constantly preach?
I'm wondering when you are going to take NLT to task for making that exact same assumption first. Or did you already and I missed it?
I read 3 posts. I never got beyond that. Besides NLT'S attitude or position is no excuse for yours is it? Are you not a grown adult
Actually I was trolling bodey on that post. But she already knows this.
You seem to be getting pleasure over this young lady being hurt by publicity. Why the anger and hatred towards her for simply sharing her narrative with the public?

What is it about hearing the truth of this woman's pain that has you so angry?

I've found in my few years alive that the truth only angers people when it hurts a closely held lie. So why lie is threatened in your life? Whatever it is just let it go.
The lie is the one she tells herself and now the public - becaus I have daddy issues gays shouldn't have equal rights. Lies at that level piss me off, and I'm not gay or alone in my condemnation. Society isn't screwed up on this case, she is.
I don't think she should get hammered. Everyone might be better off having Ozzie and Harriett for parents, but that just isn't reality. Imo, you have to get past issues stemming from who your parents were, and nobody's perfect, but you don't have to agree with the choices your parents made. Gender and orientation are not choices. Alcoholism is not really all about choice. Promiscuity and being shite faced by noon are choices, though. Her dad made the wrong choice. She's just a bit "wrong" about what caused that choice. She's young.

Personally I think all people should be forced to use some contraception until at least thirty. (-:

PS, and it's not written in stone you have to forgive your parents for their choices in order to get on with life.

Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

Or he just found a convenient way to bail on his financial and parental obligations. And that happens all the time without anything to do with the parent left with the kid to raise. Poor child. She's too naïve to even grasp she's lucky to have had two adults who loved her and cared to raise her.

Happens all the time the other way too. The mom kicks out the dad and refuses to let him see his kid, despite what the courts say.

I wonder if she got child support...

We have no information on the matter.
I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

Link where I said that. nice try tho.
Post #137
Wow Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I did post your link, I did not say this

"dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter."

you did.
So...explain to us the major philosophical differences between what I said and what you said.

See the bolded

dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

The words in black I agree with.

Nothing but speculation. For all we know the dad tried and tried but the mom shut him out.

The courts are weak on protecting a fathers rights NOW, 30 years ago, they were even worse.
Nicely said.

Just wanted to point out, that other than the words of the mom, there is no reason to believe the dad had any choice in what happened.
The woman is now an adult. Don't you think, in her rush to condemn gay marriage, she would have thrown out that her lesbian mom kept her from her dad..........if it were even remotely true?

I go with NLT on was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.
Of course you would condemn the father ya stupid twit. You just reinforced Matthews stereotype.

Liberal, gay & stupid. That's 3 strikes
I should have said that was my opinion....where I agree with NLT where he stated that the father left because his ex-wife was a lesbian. Just abandoned his daughter. Period. How would YOU take it?
Maybe the mother made it difficult for the father to see her, or maybe the father could not stand to see his wife with a women. Either way it is fucked up that he was not involved in her life. I know that I would not let anything come in between me and my children.
The girl is now an adult...and being against gay marriage, you'd think she'd strengthen her argument against it if there was any evidence that her evil lesbian parents kept her from her loving, devoted dad.

Except that's not the point. The point is she needed a mother and a father. No same sex couple can do that, no matter how much they love her. They cannot give her what she needs.

You can pretend as though it doesn't matter if children have their mother and father in their lives all you want but it will never change the fact that thousands, possibly millions growing up with out the nurturing they need because a parent is missing for some reason or another. And it's having a negative impact on children.
Or we could just stop paying attention to what gays and lesbians are doing, let them do whatever they want, and get back to watching the NCAA tourney, drinking beer and hoping our wives will fix us sandwiches.

Or you could get up off your ass, kiss your wife, make your own sandwich and do something with your life.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

Apparently this woman's life was such a living hell and she's so tragically damaged that all gay marriages should be outlawed.

just curious, are you the butch or the fem in your "partnership". Because every gay couple, male or femal has one member who acts male and one who acts female. So you are all play acting in your so-called marriages.

Bode to her partner: let me be Frank with you

Partner: no, you were Frank last night.

No Fishy they don't. Get out and meet some instead of getting your ideas about gays from bad pulp fiction.


Seriously Chickenfish, your obsession with the lives of lesbians is creepy.
Or we could just stop paying attention to what gays and lesbians are doing, let them do whatever they want, and get back to watching the NCAA tourney, drinking beer and hoping our wives will fix us sandwiches.

Or you could get up off your ass, kiss your wife, make your own sandwich and do something with your life.
fock no. Like you I believe in God's purpose for both sexes.
I did post your link, I did not say this

"dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter."

you did.
So...explain to us the major philosophical differences between what I said and what you said.

See the bolded

dad was a coward who couldn't handle his wife being a lesbian and loving another woman over him....and in his crushed little ego, abandoned his daughter.

The words in black I agree with.

Nothing but speculation. For all we know the dad tried and tried but the mom shut him out.

The courts are weak on protecting a fathers rights NOW, 30 years ago, they were even worse.

So the despite the daughters own words

My dad wasn’t a great guy, and after she left him he didn’t bother coming around anymore.

You want to believe it was all the fault of the evil dyke.

:lol: You bigots crack me up.
Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.

monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Societal is not biological. You're defeating your own argument.

Society has also decided that puberty is too young for girls to start having babies. That goes against the biology you keep relying on for your argument.

Same sex marriage is consistent with 'societal' concerns because it adds another group within the membership of a societal in the institution of marriage which is a positive societal institution.

society sets the rules for how we humans deal with our biology. But society cannot change biology, only set rules for how we deal with it.

If society as a whole wants to condone gay marriage, thats just fine. But all members of the society should have a vote on it, it should not be dictated down from DC.
I don't remember us all having a vote on straight marriage in the form it is in. What's up with that?

straight marriage is normal. If you want to normalize the abnormal then all of society should have a voice in it.

are you afraid of a vote? your definition of normal doesn't require a vote? When did we vote on what is normal or not?
Apparently this woman's life was such a living hell and she's so tragically damaged that all gay marriages should be outlawed.

just curious, are you the butch or the fem in your "partnership". Because every gay couple, male or femal has one member who acts male and one who acts female. So you are all play acting in your so-called marriages.

Bode to her partner: let me be Frank with you

Partner: no, you were Frank last night.
Role-playing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You really believe that lesbians take on "butch" "fem" roles?
Where ever did you "learn" that?
Tell us more about your lesbian expertise.........I could use some more laughs this could every other gay poster here. *chuckle*

I have known many gay couples, both male and female, and in every one of them there is a masculine one and a feminine one. Don't pretend that isn't true, because you know it is.

Look at Ellen and her partner. Martina Navratilova and her partner. Barney Frank and his partner. every case proves what I am saying.
Why do I suspect they are truly messing with your mind. :D

"Oh look dear! Here comes Redfish...which one of us plays Fem today for him? I forget."

have you ever seen Ellen in a dress or female clothes?
Yes. Have you bothered to look?

Wait...............:lol: You think it's about CLOTHING? :rofl: :rofl:

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