WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

Are you EVER going to get the fact that CNN is lying to you? Ever? Even when they admit that is what they are doing, you still buy the bullshit. Sad for you. The second we see you quote CNN we just laugh and laugh.
I hope that is the reaction you were hoping for...

Ironic post for a poster simultaneously running a fake photoshop in her sigline. Let alone taking a masculine name while claiming to be a girl.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless. :rock:
By using the word "Asset" he falsely implies that Trump is WORKING for Putin.

Not necessarily. Trump is more of the useful idiot type of asset.

Try to read my words.

"he falsely implies that Trump is WORKING for Putin."

This was a hit piece, that guy is a piece of shit.

Yeah, what about those Russian sanctions?

What about them?

When are they going to be enacted?
I have read this and several other articles on this story. What the OP did not tell you is that several of the other articles MOCKS CLAPPER for his partisan bullshit.

Clapper partisanly claims the President is an 'asset' being worked by President Vladimir Putin, an ex-KGB operative / director who was trained to 'read people', how to 'manipulate people'.

One of the main examples of this happening Clapper and the propaganda-pushing fake news media cites is how Putin somehow 'manipulated' Trump into 'ordering' (?) the CIA to share information with Russia that prevented a terrorist attack in Russia.

ARE YOU $H!TT!NG ME? Ok, let's point some things out here that destroys this BS story:

1. Russia is currently a U.S. ALLY in the battle against terrorists / ISIS. (Remember how France and Russia retaliated against ISIS' attack on Paris...after Barry declared he had ISIS isolated in the Middle east?) We are SUPPOSED to be working together against terrorists. Such cooperation is actually a good thing.

2. I guess seditious hut-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes have forgotten how Putin / Russia reached out to Barry and warned him about Tsaranev, about how he had visited and trained at a terrorist training camp, and how he was going to conduct an attack on Americans at home. The only difference between Trump giving information to Putin and Putin giving information to Obama is that Putin used the information to actually THWART the attack against Russia. Barry failed to prevent the Tsarnaev's from conducting the Boston Marathon bombing that killed and maimed Americans. (After that attack was over the Obama administration showed the Tsarnaev brother's picture on TV and asked fro citizens to help ID them ... EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE. OBAMA AND THE FBI WERE TRYING TO HIDE THE FACT THAT THEY ALREADY KNEW, THEY HAD ALREADY BEEN WARNED, AND FAILED TO PREVENT THE ATTACK!)

So The Trump administration's CIA providing Russia with information that resulted in them being able to stop a terrorist attack against them is no f*ing sign of Trump 'being worked as an asset' by Putin! This is just more fake BS from the seditious butt-hurt left!

Clapper is f*ing Liberal criminal dirtbag who deserves to be in prison right now! He was caught committing Felony PERJURY when he testified he knew nothing about / no illegally spying on citizens by Obama was going on! When evidence came out showing Obama did illegally spy on Americans and Clapper knew about it, Obama criminal DOJ gave Clapper the opportunity to re-appear before Congress and alter his testimony rather than charge him with Perjury. He's a damn criminal and a liar who belongs in jail.
By using the word "Asset" he falsely implies that Trump is WORKING for Putin.

Not necessarily. Trump is more of the useful idiot type of asset.

Try to read my words.

"he falsely implies that Trump is WORKING for Putin."

This was a hit piece, that guy is a piece of shit.

Yeah, what about those Russian sanctions?

What about them?

When are they going to be enacted?

Hopefully never.

Why do you ask?
Before the Trump cultists begin their usual slamming of anyone who tells the TRUTH about their orange "hero"......bear in mind that Clapper was former Director of National Intelligence, was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position in 2010, was a Lt. General in the USAF, and Vietnam veteran.

Here's what Clapper stated about Trump:

Clapper was discussing calls between Trump and Putin in recent days, when the two discussed North Korea and a foiled terrorist plot in St. Petersburg.

“This past weekend is a great demonstration to me of what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is,” Clapper said on CNN. "He knows how to handle an asset and that's what he's doing with the president.

“You have to remember Putin’s background,” Clapper added. “He’s a KGB officer. That’s what they do.”

Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump like an "asset," former intelligence chief says


Let's finish this sentence accurately.
bear in mind that Clapper was former Director of National Intelligence,
who lied under oath, to congress and the American people about the NSAs collection of data on millions of Americans. Not exactly what you could call credible.

Before the Trump cultists begin their usual slamming of anyone who tells the TRUTH about their orange "hero"......bear in mind that Clapper was former Director of National Intelligence, was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position in 2010, was a Lt. General in the USAF, and Vietnam veteran.

Here's what Clapper stated about Trump:

Clapper was discussing calls between Trump and Putin in recent days, when the two discussed North Korea and a foiled terrorist plot in St. Petersburg.

“This past weekend is a great demonstration to me of what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is,” Clapper said on CNN. "He knows how to handle an asset and that's what he's doing with the president.

“You have to remember Putin’s background,” Clapper added. “He’s a KGB officer. That’s what they do.”

Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump like an "asset," former intelligence chief says

The Clapper is the same piece of garbage that ran hundreds of millions in weapons and billions in cash to terrorists, armed drug cartels, and then this latest bombshell.... maybe he is a coke head.

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
More and more Blacks are graduating college, entering the work force, and escaping the Democrat welfare plantation system.

And are fleeing to the safety of the Republican party.

Election 2016...........less than 6% of blacks voted for the orange buffoon...LOL
I made no such claim. Are you insane?

So, nitwit........when you wrote:

"You read how black unemployment is the lowest in 17 years? Pretty cool, huh?"

How should THAT be interpreted but not as one of your "everybody love Trump" delusions???
who lied under oath, to congress and the American people about the NSAs collection of data on millions of Americans. Not exactly what you could call credible.

Ahhhhh, thank you for praising Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) for asking the question of Clapper.........

So, how does Clapper's lie refute what he stated about Trump???
Are you concluding that a liar is always a liar and that Trump is NOT a Putin puppet?
Before the Trump cultists begin their usual slamming of anyone who tells the TRUTH about their orange "hero"......bear in mind that Clapper was former Director of National Intelligence, was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position in 2010, was a Lt. General in the USAF, and Vietnam veteran.

Here's what Clapper stated about Trump:

Clapper was discussing calls between Trump and Putin in recent days, when the two discussed North Korea and a foiled terrorist plot in St. Petersburg.

“This past weekend is a great demonstration to me of what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is,” Clapper said on CNN. "He knows how to handle an asset and that's what he's doing with the president.

“You have to remember Putin’s background,” Clapper added. “He’s a KGB officer. That’s what they do.”

Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump like an "asset," former intelligence chief says


clapper described his, and his buddy brenner, and the upper echelon of the fbi very well. But trump? Not even close. His actions over the last few months have shown without doubt that he is fighting for this country. clapper was fighting for iran it appears, and who the hell knows who brenner was screwing us over for.
He called the Comrade a Putin "asset." He may have spelled that wrong. I think he meant a Putin Ass.... I just think he is Tool to take down Democratic institutions... He is doing a great job for Vladimir.
He called the Comrade a Putin "asset." He may have spelled that wrong. I think he meant a Putin Ass.... I just think he is Tool to take down Democratic institutions... He is doing a great job for Vladimir.

It is real obvious who pootins putz in the WH was... and it ain't trump. It was your hero the obummer.

Did Putin administer a cyber program to elect Obama? Nope, he wanted his boy, the Comrade, in the WH.

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