WOW....Mueller [vehemently] calls for impeachment hearings

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Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Mueller didn't say a damn word about impeachment or anything else of note.

All he really said was "I'm outta here".

he spelled out impeachment as the process, without using the ''I'' word.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday morning that in any testimony before Congress he would not provide information beyond what is already public about Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election or accusations of obstruction into his investigation by President Donald Trump. But in what could be a roadmap forward for Democrats, he noted that there is another procedure for charging a president of a crime.

That procedure is impeachment by Congress.

“The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,
" he said, without using the word "impeachment."

His comment came as part of his explanation about why charging the president with a crime was "not an option we could consider."

watch the full video of his comments at this link:

Mueller Points to How to Accuse a President of Wrongdoing
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

WOW....Mueller [vehemently] calls for impeachment hearings

This is the closest you get:

And second, the [OLC] opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.​

You interpret that as you wish, but the threshold of "vehemently" this does not reach. Nowhere near that.

You may also consider the closing remark indicating where, according to Mueller, the main focus should lie:

I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election.

That allegation deserves the attention of every American.​

Also, as I told you weeks ago, you'll be disappointed by Mueller's testimony (if there will be any):

The report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress.

In addition, access to our underlying work product is being decided in a process that does not involve our office.

So beyond what I have said here today and what is contained in our written work, I do not believe it is appropriate for me to speak further about the investigation or to comment on the actions of the Justice Department or Congress.​

So, no new bombshells for you, no Mueller demanding Trump's head (much as you seem to hear it), no additional evidence for wrongdoing. Mueller is done, finished. The rest is Constitutional processes and political decisions.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

Yes, Mueller dipped Trump in batter and dropped him into the fryer.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Mueller didn't say a damn word about impeachment or anything else of note.

All he really said was "I'm outta here".

he spelled out impeachment as the process, without using the ''I'' word.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday morning that in any testimony before Congress he would not provide information beyond what is already public about Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election or accusations of obstruction into his investigation by President Donald Trump. But in what could be a roadmap forward for Democrats, he noted that there is another procedure for charging a president of a crime.

That procedure is impeachment by Congress.

“The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,
" he said, without using the word "impeachment."

His comment came as part of his explanation about why charging the president with a crime was "not an option we could consider."

watch the full video of his comments at this link:

Mueller Points to How to Accuse a President of Wrongdoing
Exactly. He is not going to "recommend impeachment" explicitly. But he really can't spell it out anymore clearly.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

As usual, the gnat must have been listening to a different station than everybody else------ Bill Clinton was charged with Obstruction while in office ------ suborning of perjury. Trump was NOT charged with obstruction. The rest was so much tongue wagging. Like Mueller said, the report speaks for itself. The report says insufficient grounds to prove collusion or obstruction. No charges made, no charges filed. No double jeopardy. Trump's a free man, another 35 million wasted. Trump will NEVER be charged much less be found guilty of anything. Get used to it. If anything, he should be praised for trying to save the nation a lot of wasted money.
Everyone knows that Trump is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice. There isn't a single audiotape. Not one video tape. No notes, memos or phone transcripts. There isn't a witness. There is nothing that supports a finding of guilty. But its common knowledge.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

gasp. He also refused to testify under oath. Typical libtard.
I want to know which republicans were in on this. I want Muller to testing and answer directly to that question. I’m thinking John McTumors name will come up allot.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.
/—-/ We can’t clearly exonerate you from robbing the 7/11 in you neighborhood last week. So the local AG has no choice but to prosecute you.
Impeach Trump, please. Why beat around the bush? I double-dare Nancy to IMPEACH Trump. That would be the topper, especially before the Barr, Durham, Huber, and Horowitz reports come out calling the Mueller Investigation the biggest scandal in US history.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Mueller didn't say a damn word about impeachment or anything else of note.

All he really said was "I'm outta here".

he spelled out impeachment as the process, without using the ''I'' word.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday morning that in any testimony before Congress he would not provide information beyond what is already public about Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election or accusations of obstruction into his investigation by President Donald Trump. But in what could be a roadmap forward for Democrats, he noted that there is another procedure for charging a president of a crime.

That procedure is impeachment by Congress.

“The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,
" he said, without using the word "impeachment."

His comment came as part of his explanation about why charging the president with a crime was "not an option we could consider."

watch the full video of his comments at this link:

Mueller Points to How to Accuse a President of Wrongdoing

You are confused Moon Bat. It must be the TDS mental illness.

He didn't say jackshit about impeachment. He didn't use the word because he was not advocating it. If you think so then you are simply confused ot haven't taken your TDS medication today.

He simply stated the facts of his investigation.

There is no obstruction because there was no underlying crime. You can't obstruct something that never happen.

Of course the stupid TDS Moon Bats that you idiot Libtards elected to the House last year will attempt an impeachment. They think that is a winning strategy because their TDS mental ilness is overriding their judgement.

They can vote a Bill of Impeachment along party lines in the House and it will fail in a partisan vote in the Senate. In the meantime things will not go the way you stupid Libtards think it will. Trump will cram it up your Moon Bat asses. He will get more votes because of the silliness of you Moon Bat assholes than he would have got without it.

Also. in the meantime Trump will use the Justice Department to indict the corrupt shitheads from the Obama administration that started this whole mess in the first place.

It will be scorched earth partisan politics and Trump will come ahead but the country will suffer.

This filthy ass Democrat controlled Congress will not have done anything of substance for this country.
I have the idiot and 72 other moronic liberals on ignore, so have to use your post to answer. These liberals have been lied to over and over
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
You can keep your doctor.
You will save $2,500
At this point what difference does it make.
Wipe a hard drive with a cloth.
10,000 other lies I am not going to list.

Finally they get a president that is open and honest and the liberals have no clue what to do with him, except to yell "impeachment". The reason why I have most of them on ignore? Like Joe "the Groper" Biden was referred to by the "rocket man" Little Kim, low IQ(70 or below)..

Joe Biden's campaign responds to North Korea insults using Trump's words

Pathetic whataboutism
Truth hurts the stupid left.
Rudy said that nothing changed from before. No charges possible, innocent until proven otherwise. No collusion, no obstruction, case closed.

Gee, you took your head out of Trump's ass to write the above......You and Sarah HICKabee Sanders have a lot of comprehension issues.......LOL
Everyone knows that Trump is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice. There isn't a single audiotape. Not one video tape. No notes, memos or phone transcripts. There isn't a witness. There is nothing that supports a finding of guilty. But its common knowledge.

You are confused Moon Bat. Only you idiot TDS afflicted Moon Bats think Trump obstructed anything.

What obstruction? What are the facts? Mueller didn't find any. In fact Muller didn't even find an underlying crime for Trump to obstruct. Go read the report.

Your mental illness is causing you go dream up things that never happen.
Rudy said that nothing changed from before. No charges possible, innocent until proven otherwise. No collusion, no obstruction, case closed.

Gee, you took your head out of Trump's ass to write the above......You and Sarah HICKabee Sanders have a lot of comprehension issues.......LOL

The dems don't know whether to shit or go blind. Impeach and Trump wins. Don't impeach and the dems lose all hope. What's a mother to do???
I'm enjoying this more than you can imagine, and the best is yet to come when the Barr, Durham, Huber, and Horowitz investigations into the deep state origin of the Mueller investigation for the indictments to start coming.....soon
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