WOW....Mueller [vehemently] calls for impeachment hearings

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he spelled out impeachment as the process, without using the ''I'' word.
Why wouldn't he use the "I" word?

These Moon Bats are delusional. They dream up the "I" word when it was never said. It is the TDS afflicted mental illness that is causing the delusion.

If Trump had been guilty of anything the Office of Special Counsel would have said so in the report. They didn't say jackshit except no collusion and no indictments.
No, Nat, he did not call for impeachment. If the was recommending impeachment, he would have recommended impeachment. You heard what you wanted to hear.

I couldn't disagree more.....Mueller CLEARLY stated that what his report states regarding obstruction could NOT have indicted a sitting president because of 3 issues
a. DOJ policy
b. Article I of the Constitution
c. It would be "unfair"to the accused because NO public trial to prove innocent or guilt could be held.

Only a complete moron would then conclude that the entire matter should be dropped when the CONSTITUTION outlines that a congressional trial (i.e. impeachment) should be then held.
You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Mueller didn't say a damn word about impeachment or anything else of note.

Well, had Mueller known the level of your (and your ilk's) "intelligence".....he would have brought pictures.

Stay tuned......LOL
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.

Guess you didn't here the nine minute statement that I did.

Nothing about impeachment in it at all.

You sure have a vivid imagination. LOL
No, Nat, he did not call for impeachment. If the was recommending impeachment, he would have recommended impeachment. You heard what you wanted to hear.

I couldn't disagree more.....Mueller CLEARLY stated that what his report states regarding obstruction could NOT have indicted a sitting president because of 3 issues
a. DOJ policy
b. Article I of the Constitution
c. It would be "unfair"to the accused because NO public trial to prove innocent or guilt could be held.

Only a complete moron would then conclude that the entire matter should be dropped when the CONSTITUTION outlines that a congressional trial (i.e. impeachment) should be then held.

WRONG NAT!! The Senate has the "sole power to try" and may decline to try an impeachment...please take note (your last sentence is as wrong as can be)
Can the Senate Decline to Try an Impeachment Case?
"The Constitution does not by its express terms direct the Senate to try an impeachment. In fact, it confers on the Senate "the sole power to try,” which is a conferral of exclusive constitutional authority and not a procedural command. The Constitution couches the power to impeach in the same terms: it is the House’s “sole power.” The House may choose to impeach or not, and one can imagine an argument that the Senate is just as free, in the exercise of its own “sole power,” to decline to try any impeachment that the House elects to vote."
Uhhhh, you're going to need to provide the transcript where he said what you think he said because he didn't say what you think he said. Not even a nice try. Fail.

Tune in to FOX........they may help you with your reading and listening comprehension
WRONG NAT!! The Senate has the "sole power to try" and may decline to try an impeachment...please take note

NO, dimwit..........Articles of Impeachment are drawn by the House (basically outlining the prosecutorial functions before a trial)......the Senate then calls witnesses and each senator MUST then stand up and rule on a verdict..
Bill Clinton was charged with Obstruction while in office ------ suborning of perjury.
Bill clinton was NOT criminally charged with obstruction or perjury by Starr... Kenneth Starr handed it over to Congress for impeachment, if congress chose to.... which they did.

Starr was going to charge Bill Clinton after he left office for it, but the day before Clinton left his office, he copped a deal with prosecutor Starr, so that he would not be charged and tried after he left office... gave up his law license for 5 years, could not argue any cases before the Supreme court, and other penalties they settled on in his plea bargain.
No, Nat, he did not call for impeachment. If the was recommending impeachment, he would have recommended impeachment. You heard what you wanted to hear.

I couldn't disagree more.....Mueller CLEARLY stated that what his report states regarding obstruction could NOT have indicted a sitting president because of 3 issues
a. DOJ policy
b. Article I of the Constitution
c. It would be "unfair"to the accused because NO public trial to prove innocent or guilt could be held.

Only a complete moron would then conclude that the entire matter should be dropped when the CONSTITUTION outlines that a congressional trial (i.e. impeachment) should be then held.

poor gnat, pathetic little creature whose fantasy world is being destroyed by the evil Donald Trump.

the job of a prosecutor is not to exonerate, his job is to investigate and either charge with a crime or not. His job is not to prove innocence.

what Heir Mewler actually said is " I think he committed a crime because I don't like him and wanted Hillary to win, but after 2 years and 35 million dollars I can't find any crimes that he committed, but I want to keep the witch hunt alive until the 2020 election, so take it away dems, I outta here."
What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come on Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?
Bill Clinton was charged with Obstruction while in office ------ suborning of perjury.
Bill clinton was NOT criminally charged with obstruction or perjury by Starr... Kenneth Starr handed it over to Congress for impeachment, if congress chose to.... which they did.

Starr was going to charge Bill Clinton after he left office for it, but the day before Clinton left his office, he copped a deal with prosecutor Starr, so that he would not be charged and tried after he left office... gave up his law license for 5 years, could not argue any cases before the Supreme court, and other penalties they settled on in his plea bargain.

true, but you left out one important point, Clinton's guilt was established. Mueller could not find or establish any guilt of Trump.
So, no new bombshells for you, no Mueller demanding Trump's head (much as you seem to hear it), no additional evidence for wrongdoing. Mueller is done, finished. The rest is Constitutional processes and political decisions.

No, eternal Trump ass kisser......

Mueller stated that he would not "elaborate" beyond what his report states......BUT, Mueller could be asked to read OUT LOUD the segments where he CLEARLY outlines how Trump obstructed justice....SINCE YOU TRUMP CULT MEMBERS REFUSE TO READ THE REPORT......maybe it would be helpful for you to HEAR segments of the report (not Trump and Barr's "versions",)

Besides, during an impeachment hearing testimony is openly heard under oath....and Mueller is now a private citizen who MUST comply to any subpoena.
We can’t clearly exonerate you from robbing the 7/11 in you neighborhood last week. So the local AG has no choice but to prosecute you.
Stupid, trump cultist pile of shit. There was no investigation into that, no evidence found of that, and the AG didn't lie about the investigation into that. What a retarded attempt on your part.
Bill Clinton was charged with Obstruction while in office ------ suborning of perjury.
Bill clinton was NOT criminally charged with obstruction or perjury by Starr... Kenneth Starr handed it over to Congress for impeachment, if congress chose to.... which they did.

Starr was going to charge Bill Clinton after he left office for it, but the day before Clinton left his office, he copped a deal with prosecutor Starr, so that he would not be charged and tried after he left office... gave up his law license for 5 years, could not argue any cases before the Supreme court, and other penalties they settled on in his plea bargain.
Starr did cite crimes Clinton Committed in his report though.

Zero Crimes cited that President Trump committed in The Moscow Mueller Report.

Sux to be you.
WRONG NAT!! The Senate has the "sole power to try" and may decline to try an impeachment...please take note

NO, dimwit..........Articles of Impeachment are drawn by the House (basically outlining the prosecutorial functions before a trial)......the Senate then calls witnesses and each senator MUST then stand up and rule on a verdict..

the senate will never impeach Trump, If the house dems persist in this, they will guarantee Trump a second term. Even old senile Pelosi knows this, but she is being overruled by the idiot faction in the dem party.
Interpret what Mueller just stated through partisan lenses all you wish, BUT what Mueller clearly stated is that given the evidence contained and outlined in his report, Congress MUST conduct impeachment investigations and hearings.

Further, Mueller clearly stated that IF his investigation could clearly exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, then his report would have stated such.........basically, throwing Barr's "summary" (and Barr, the Trump stooge, himself) under the proverbial bus.
You want to slide a few of those choice statements over here so we can read them?
We can’t clearly exonerate you from robbing the 7/11 in you neighborhood last week. So the local AG has no choice but to prosecute you.
Stupid, trump cultist pile of shit. There was no investigation into that, no evidence found of that, and the AG didn't lie about the investigation into that. What a retarded attempt on your part.
In both The Nixon and Clinton reports, crimes were cited that Nixon and Clinton could be indicted for.

None cited for Trump.

Now go fap fap fap while looking at your "I'm with Her" campaign poster.

Run along child.
We can’t clearly exonerate you from robbing the 7/11 in you neighborhood last week. So the local AG has no choice but to prosecute you.
Stupid, trump cultist pile of shit. There was no investigation into that, no evidence found of that, and the AG didn't lie about the investigation into that. What a retarded attempt on your part.

cellblock's analogy is accurate, sorry if the truth pisses you off.
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