Wow talk about biased and grossly dishonest Google!

Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
A "white Supremacist" .
A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.

This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.

Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out
that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!
What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213392
Looks about right to me.

Of course it would to you because you frequently hyperbolate. You frequently ASSUME! And above all you almost never substantiate your statements.

So of course your biased, racist perception would follow.."looks about right to me".

Once again people of your ilk go on how things look and not how things are. "Perception" of reality through unicorn/socialist glasses.

Hey dumbshit, all anyone on this board has is how things look, we do not know each other.

So, if you are really are not what you play on this forum in real life, we have no way of knowing.

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Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
A "white Supremacist" .
A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.

This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.

Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out
that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!
What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213392
Looks about right to me.

Of course it would to you because you frequently hyperbolate. You frequently ASSUME! And above all you almost never substantiate your statements.

So of course your biased, racist perception would follow.."looks about right to me".

Once again people of your ilk go on how things look and not how things are. "Perception" of reality through unicorn/socialist glasses.

Hey dumbshit, all anyone on this board has is how things look, we do not know each other.

So, if you are really are not what you play on this forum in real life, we have no way of knowing.

Sent from my iPhone using

So you MAKE assumptions! Rather than follow the links that I provide MOST of the time, you make assumptions that I'm racist. I'm white supremacist. That I like Trump!
And you make the assumptions based ONLY I what I put on the board which again... I prove my statements....YOU don't!
You think I like Trump because I point out the MSM totally ignorant lack of using the adjective "Illegal" when they say "Trump anti-immigrant"!
Yet you don't read closely enough. You form opinion based on headlines. 30 sec sound bites.

And that's the problem!
Scholarship. Discipline to form opinions based on facts is what is missing in America to a vast majority of people like you.

Trump married an illegal immigrant. So how could he be "ANTI-Immigrant" except the MSM says so.
Trump's daughter married a Jew! Yet how many people call Trump an Racist?

These are just two blatant examples of how people like you make assumptions based on MSM biased news presentations.
Why don't the MSM say Trump is "anti-illegal immigrants"? You know why but that's the point! BIASED MSM presenting THEIR point of view.
Which brings me back the start.
YOU and people of your ilk make assumptions about me simply based on threads, or comments BUT not the supporting material!
Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
A "white Supremacist" .
A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.

This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.

Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out
that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!
What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213392
Looks about right to me.

Of course it would to you because you frequently hyperbolate. You frequently ASSUME! And above all you almost never substantiate your statements.

So of course your biased, racist perception would follow.."looks about right to me".

Once again people of your ilk go on how things look and not how things are. "Perception" of reality through unicorn/socialist glasses.

Hey dumbshit, all anyone on this board has is how things look, we do not know each other.

So, if you are really are not what you play on this forum in real life, we have no way of knowing.

Sent from my iPhone using

So you MAKE assumptions! Rather than follow the links that I provide MOST of the time, you make assumptions that I'm racist. I'm white supremacist. That I like Trump!
And you make the assumptions based ONLY I what I put on the board which again... I prove my statements....YOU don't!
You think I like Trump because I point out the MSM totally ignorant lack of using the adjective "Illegal" when they say "Trump anti-immigrant"!
Yet you don't read closely enough. You form opinion based on headlines. 30 sec sound bites.

And that's the problem!
Scholarship. Discipline to form opinions based on facts is what is missing in America to a vast majority of people like you.

Trump married an illegal immigrant. So how could he be "ANTI-Immigrant" except the MSM says so.
Trump's daughter married a Jew! Yet how many people call Trump an Racist?

These are just two blatant examples of how people like you make assumptions based on MSM biased news presentations.
Why don't the MSM say Trump is "anti-illegal immigrants"? You know why but that's the point! BIASED MSM presenting THEIR point of view.
Which brings me back the start.
YOU and people of your ilk make assumptions about me simply based on threads, or comments BUT not the supporting material!
You have not told us which of the ads you received indicate you are a racist.

YOU made the claim Google thinks you are a racist. So which ad gave it away?

Man, you do a shitty job of parroting Trump. Trump whines about Google today and you jumped on the crazy train and really drank the Kool-Aid! :lol:

Have you EVER had an original thought in your head?

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